"You also know that Wemewood is not easy to deal with, I just helped you talk about love, I was blamed by the Queen, and now I have to take him, I have to take a lot of risks, but I have to pay a lot. Therefore, the chips must also be aggravated. ! "

I heard the words of Louis, the heart of Blue Qian Yu was chaotic. I didn't expect Louis Earl to make such a request. If you can't be with the night, what is the use of this base industry?

"I know that you are hard to make a decision now, it doesn't matter, you can slowly think about it." Louis Boju stressed, "I will return to France at 8 o'clock in the evening, and I have a few hours waiting for your news."

Blue Qianyu did not speak, she did need to consider, such a big thing, she can't make a decision.

"What does something need to be taken into account?" A kindness came downstairs.

Blue Qianyu looked back, Daniea wore a champagne long dress, although in the rain, but did not wet her beautiful long skirt, natural micro-rolls of long-haired scattered, obviously elegant and beautiful .

Today, she seems to have dressed up, more beautiful than the first time I meet.

"Is it coming? Zhenjun." Louis Earl smiled slightly to Danya, "How? How? Are you planning to stay with dinner, or go to the company first, come over again, come over?"

Blue Qian Yu looked back at Denney: "Mrs. ..."

"Apoget." Danija stepped first, straightforward, "I know, I will show me today, but I really love Mo I don't help, my business, I have never asked. More than one, now develop so I can't change anything. "

"Okay." Blue Qian Yu lost his head. In fact, she knows that things can be made, Denne is not able to help her, just not dead, I want to test the test, I didn't expect Denneia. Direct. .

"I have heard that I have heard that I am very regrettable." Danny looked at her, "I met a good doctor, perhaps I can help."

"Thank you, but you don't have to use it forever, I will go back to see the situation." Blue Qian Yu hook the lips.

"Good." Deni Naote, "In addition to business, if there is anything else needed to help, please feel free to contact me."

"Thank you." Blue Qian Yu is sorry, "I am really reporting about lunch with you, but now I suddenly suddenly, I have to go to see him."

"Okay, it doesn't matter, you are slow." Deni is polite.

Blue Qianyu nodded, and then said to Louis Earl: "I will go back to the night, contact you later."

"I will send you." Louis Bot did a gesture.

When the two came to the door, Zhao Jun was still not going. It has been waiting for Blue Qianyu at the door. I saw Blue Qian Yu. He likes it. At this time, his mobile phone rang, immediately answer the phone, listened to it, Holding her, "Young Mrs., the owner's phone."

"Flame?" Blue Qian Yu is very unexpected, "Is he not coma?"

"He just woke up and called me ..." Zhao Jun handed her mobile phone.

Blue Qian Yu immediately answers the phone: "Flame ..."

"Qian Yu!" The voice of the night flame is very weak, and the blue thousand feathers can even see his heavy breath, and the eyes are red, and the tears will be out, "the flame!"

"Don't be me ... sacrifice ... yourself ..." The night flames said this sentence, the sound is unscrupulous, "if ... lose you, even if ... get ... all over the world, no ... any ... meaning. "


"I just as long as you !!!" The night flame has smashed, and the tears of Blue Qian Yu immediately fell, crying, nodded, "Good, good, good! As long as we are together, as long as we are together, Others, we don't have anything ... "

"Yes." Night flames should be gratified, "Go home!"

"Well, I will go home soon." Blue Qian Yu cried and hanged the phone, then looked at the Earl of Louis, "Sorry, Louis Earl, my husband said, in addition to me, did nothing, so, I don't change it. "

Louis Earl brow wrinkled, eager to persuade: "You want to clearly, now you are fighting at Wenhai, if this time you can't solve the problem, the night is really unfold."

"The night home will not be ignorant." Blue Qian Yu wiped tears, smiling and shaking his head, "even if the night is alive, the night is not alive, because our family is together."

She said so simple, but expresses the most profound meaning. If the business can't get up in Dongshan, the family is scattered, I can't look back, even if the night flame is not very rich, he is still her favorite. Men is my father's father.

Even if they don't have business, they can live well.

"Yes, young ladies, you are too right." Zhao Jun nodded.

"I got on the bus, let's go home." Blue Qian Yu shot.

Louis Calt looked at her left, and the heart was like a five-sea tumbling, it was not a taste ...

"How? I have already said that their husband and wife feel good, it will never be destroyed by you." Daniya walked to the Route Earl, laughing at the blushing of Blue Qian Yu, "I believe it. Let's have true love in this world. "

"Things have just begun." Louis else said coldly, "I don't believe they can get it."

"How do we make a bet?" Dennea clam smiles, "If there is a born in the night flame, the Blue Qianyu leaves him, whether it is with you, or with other men, you win; if they Can not leave, stick to the end, even if I win !!! "

"Good!" Louis is interested, "What ??"

"What do you want?" Denne looked at him deeply.

Louis Co looked at the distance in the distance, and the eyes were full of confused.

"In fact, there is no need to bet." Denney laughed, "You can recognize the true meaning of love, this is the biggest gain !!!"

"Yes ..." Louis March smiled, "Love, what is it? I don't understand now. After you leave me, I don't believe in love."

I heard this sentence, Dennea is inevitable: "Louis ..."

"Forget it, don't mention these unhappy things." Louis Earl interrupted her words, turned into the villa, "Together with me a few cups."

"Well." Daniea came in with him, looked at him, and her eyes were full of deep affection, as in the same year, never changed ...

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