On the way back, Blue Qianyu received a lot of calls, Boke, Qiao Qing, Qin Xiya, Xiao Han, and even Lei Zhen Ting. Everyone knows that the night flames are very shocking, and even dare not confidence, but this is a bias. Really ...

Blue Qian Yu's reply is a matter of almost the answer: "The condition is relapsed, but there is no media report, the doctor has arranged surgery, saying that the success rate of surgery is very high, there will be no matter what, you don't have to worry. "

When you say these words, Blue Qian Yu is smiling. She really wants everything as simple as she says, then how good, but the facts often have a violation.

But she is not pessimistic. The night flame has just been touched. He said that as long as she, she is what he is in this attitude, encounter difficulties, couples, and work together, not to push away One party, I am born alone, that is not great, it is ignorant.

People have to experience a lot of things in their lives, and they don't regret it at the moment, do not leave regrets, such life is perfect ...


Go back to the night, there are several cars outside the door.

Dr. Jiang's medical car, the military off-road vehicle of Lei Zhen Ting, and the White Ferrari of Xiao Han.

They are all coming, although the explanation of Blue Qian Yu seems to be optimistic, they still don't worry, come over to visit the night flames, understand the situation.

Blue Qian Yu walks into the villa and see people who are full of living room sofas. Everyone is anxiously looking at the door of the medical room, and that care is true.

Blue Thousands can't finish the nose, the eyes are red.

"Qian Yu!" Cold if the ice first saw her, excited question, "What happened, why don't you tell me?"

"Mom ..." Blue Qian Yu wants to say something, but a little sour is in the throat, she can't say a word.

"If you don't look at the news, I am still in the drum now." Cold, if the ice is tears, annoyance, "this time you accompany me every day, dry the night flames, pity him People are so painful, how is your wife? "

The low head of Blue Qianyu, did not say a word.

"Ah ..." Sitting in the wheelchair, the night, too grand, rising stiff hand, do gesturing to the cold, indicating that she don't want to scold the blue thousand feathers.

Bo Wei also advised: "Shen Jia, you don't want to scold the young lady, she should not know before she."

"This is what it has created. How can it make this?" Cold, fruity, sorrow, "Sanhai didn't have an accident, the night flames also have an accident, the life of thousands of feathers How to be as bitter as me. "

"If you don't have this, you don't have such a serious extent, he will be able to cure it." Lei Zhen Ting hurried comfort, "You should be optimistic, don't affect everyone's mood."

"Uncle Lei said, don't cry." Qiao Qing wiped tears for cold.

Cold, if the ice is deeply sucking, saying: "Sorry, I have been too weak, can't control my emotions."

In fact, if the cold is very strong and very optimistic, she has become very depressed since she died in Shenzhanghai. Every day, she has spent the sadness of depression, and now he heard the Night flames, but also sad.

"Mom, don't blame you, I don't take care of the night flames." Blue Qian Yu walked over the cold of the cold, "But I won't let the night flames have something, he will be better, will be."

"Yes, everyone is optimistic, everything will be fine." Qin Xia comforted.

"Thank you, Xia, pregnant so hard, but also specially rushed to comfort me." Blue Qianyu looked at her, and looked at Xiao Han. "Don't be pushed again, do it earlier."

Xiao Han, slightly, the lips, did not speak, he has some heart, always vying, very silent.

At this time, Dr. Jiang came out of the medical room, Zhao Jun, Bo Wei, and Qiao Qing is busy to welcome: "How?"

"The condition is temporarily stable." Jiang doctor wrinkled, and the dignity, "Young master now spreads quickly, really can no longer be dragged, you can accept surgery, in addition, he can no longer be stimulated, you must keep calm The mood, otherwise there will be a big impact on the condition. "

"Do you have a surgery before? Are you arranged?" Blue Qianyu asked quickly.

"The previous arrangement is the seventeenth, but I still see the current situation of the young master, I can't push it again, I have been told three days, I will do surgery, can I?" Jiang did not ask.

Blue Qianyu turned to look at the night old woman, the night old woman did his hand, Bo Wei quickly conveyed what he meant: "The old man's meaning is asking, how much is the success of the surgery? Do you have any effect in advance?"

"It is just to better solve the problem in advance, and there will be no subpasical impact. As for the success of the operation ..." Dr. Jiang's brow is more tight, "it is 30%, now there is only two men."

"How can this be?" Everyone in the living room stood up, everyone was excited, especially the night, the whole wheelchair was moving.

"Don't be excited, listen to me." Dr. Jiang said anxiously, "The young master's cancer cell spread is too fast, and today is stimulated, we ..."

"Don't you do it? If you don't work, let's find another doctor again." Lei Zhen Ting is moving directly.

"This, I ..." Jiang did not panic at once, and a sentence could not say it.

Lei Zhen Ting's official position is also big, a pair of eyes is like a shard, can kill.

"Don't scare people." Cold, if you can't drink.

Lei Zhen Ting quickly closed his mouth, did not speak again.

Cold, if the ice and gas: "Dr. Jiang, you have a private doctor in the night home, your medical family is obvious, we are not doubting your medical skills, but such a big thing, we hope to have a bigger Safe, you will tell us, do you have any other doctor? If you change your doctor, will their winning? "

"I can't say this, maybe some doctors are better than our medical skills, but at least I know, but you can find it, if there is a suitable doctor, you can jointly see the doctor, I hope Young master can pass the difficulties. "Jiang Dr. said.

Everyone will look to the night, the old man, such a big thing, can only wait for him to take my mind, he is silent for a few seconds, and it has a vaguely said that Bergao explained: "The old woman means saying that he believes in Dr. Jiang. Let Jiang doctor do surgery, it is a blessing, it is a disaster. "

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