"That's this." Blue Qianyu said, "Dr. Jiang, you can arrange surgery as soon as possible, we fully cooperate."

"Yes." Jiang did not nodded again.

"When can the night flame can wake up?" Xiao Han asked.

"He is not very good now, it may be wake up at night." Jiang did not say softly, "everyone's concern, I can understand, but now, I suggest you still bother him here, I want to visit him. If you wait, wait until there is a good state of his mental state. In this two days, he may have been disconnected. "

"Okay." Xiao Han said to Blue Qian Yu, "Then let's go first, and then watch the night flames for two days."

"Well." Blue Qianfeng nodded, "Take care of Xiaa, don't worry about us."

"Know it." Xiao Han should have a bit, and some want to say.

"What else?" Blue Qian Yu asked.

"Nothing." Xiao Han did not say anything, slamming Qin Xia turned away, Qin Xia looked back at Blue Qian Yu, pity, "Qian Yu, don't worry, have something to call me."

"Well." Blue Qianfeng sent her to leave.


I got on the car, Qin Xia said: "You have nothing to do with you, you don't blame it."

Qin Jia knows that Xiao Han feels blamed because of the warm sea to deal with the nightmare, before, he heard that Wemeworheon is afraid of the yacht banquet. Fortunately, the blue thousands of feathers arrive in time, solve the problem, Xiao Han learned about this, Specially give the warm sea, quarrel with Wenhai, in short, it is to let the Wemewater don't go up.

Wenhai was screaming in the phone, and the two were not happy. After a long time, the Wemewood did not have any action, Xiao Han thought he had converged.

Until I saw today's news, Xiao Han knew the seriousness of things, it is not as simple as he imagined ...

"Hey ..." Xiao Han sighed, didn't know what to say, in fact, from the beginning, he didn't want to participate in the battle between the two nights, he once said that the Night flames said, he Keep neutral, no one, no matter who, the night flames can understand him.

Although in those years, he and the Night flames have been changing the righteousness of the Blue Qianyu, and they haven't carefully deal with each other, so many years have passed, but now I see the night flame, I think I will support him in front of him, he The mood is really complicated.

Why don't you fight for you?

Xiao Han didn't know if the mother's death is related to the night home. Even if there is really, you can leave this generation, why do you have to leave this generation?

When their parents had emotional entanglements, the night flaming was just a child, and he did not have an obligation to bear these retaliation. .

"I saw the night flame. I was very sad." Qin Xiya said low, "I used to be so high, I was tossing by the disease, the company was turbulent, and the night left now. Lower old and weak women, thousands of feathers have been sustaining, how can they have a big overall situation? "

"Yeah, Qian Yu is thinned, like the night flame, I can't bear to see." Xiao Han shook his head sigh, "Shen Shu went for a few days, Leigh was missing, really I think they will make this, hehe ... "

"If you don't, you can talk to you yourself?" Qin Xia Trial Question.

"Users who are useless, I know his temper." Xiao Han shook his head sigh, "I just advised him in the phone that he was big, but also said that we didn't have a woman. He believed that night home is dead. My mommy, I want to revenge my mom, I don't use it. "

"What should I do? Do you let their home break, our cold-eye view?" Qin Xia is in a hurry, "Qian Yu has helped us so much, now they need help, we can't sit still."

Xiao Han continued to be silent. He had a thousand heads in his heart, complicated, and secretly calculated some ways, wanted to help the night flames and Blue Qianfeng, but they didn't know if they can be understood.

"What are you thinking?" Qin Xia asked, "Are you going to plan?"

"There is a plan, but that is the final, there is no way." Xiao Han again, "Forget it, don't say these unhappy things, you are now pregnant, the body is tight, don't think too much More. I will try my best to help them. "

"Well." Qin Xia was nodded, snuggling in his arms, "Husband, or do not do it, register, now, now, we will do a happy event, always feel no Too much. "

"Don't pay a wedding, how do I treat Qin? This is a matter of life, I don't want you to leave regrets." Xiao Han slammed her, "But you are right, the night home is now , Dead death, disabled, illness, us at this time, there is always a bit of interest. "

"We can register first, then replenish the wedding later." Qin Xia climbed his neck, "I don't mind, I believe we will understand us."

"Go back and talk to you again, just, I have some things to talk to him." Xiao Han knew her forehead.



Night home, Dr. Jiang said that I can only visit the night flames today, and the Blue Qian Yu makes Jiang Dr. pushed in the night.

Blue Qian Yu and cold ice isolated on the glass window of the medical room. Look at the night flame in the ward. He quietly lying on the hospital bed. It does not move, the skin is white as paper, as if there is no life.

Blue Qianyu nose is sour, I can't help with tears, like there is a knife in a knife, hurts suffocating.

"How can I make this ..."

Cold, if the ice is also tear, recently happened too much, and the death of Shen Sanghai has made her fragile hit. Now the night flames have an accident. She is really hard in her heart. Why don't you understand why the old is like this to treat them like this? Female, all disasters in the world are coming to them, too cruel! !

Qiao Qing silently shed tears, nor did you know how to comfort them, she really hopes that the disaster can end quickly, everything can be better. .

Lei Zhen Ting stood not far from watching them, couldn't help but sigh, and thought about what to do for the night, the mobile phone suddenly shook, he immediately went outside to answer the phone: "Hey!"

"The head, I have found the young master!"

"I found it? Where is he?" Lei Zhen Ting is ecstatic.

He was seriously injured, and he had been unconscious. He was retained by the hostess of the Bordeaux grape estate. The Philippine princess was held in the palace by her father, so they will be connected with the outside world. "

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