When the night flame was released from prison, the champion of Blue Qianyu just didn't take long time. The two had not seen it for a long time, a little farewell to the wedding, and every night, we have to linger.

Now, he is released for two months since he was released. Blue Qianyu came to a holiday. It is really possible to be pregnant.

They immediately found Jiang Dr., Dr. Jiang immediately took her blood test. I got conclusions in the afternoon. She has been pregnant for four weeks.

This good news brings new hopes to the night home of the original dark cloud. Everyone is a sense of heavy injury. Now it is a happy smile, especially the old man, his old man is very happy.

Blue Qian Yu has been born with the night flames, and now it is a child, and the night home is full of branches, full of new hopes.

Under the consent of Dr. Jiang, Blue Qianyu put on the pathogenesis, came to the ward, personally tell the night flames: "Husband, I am pregnant, we have children, Xiao Qianyi wants to be a brother! "

The night flames are unwaken, and they are still moving, but the blue thousand feathers believe that he has heard, he must hear.

She leaned down and kissed his forehead, said softly in his ear: "Husband, you have to get better soon, I am waiting for you with your child."


This evening, Bo Wei called Blue Qian Yu and Cold, and the night was sitting on a wheelchair and turned against them, looking at the night scene outside the floor window.

"Grandpa!" Blue Qianmun as much as possible to sound his voice, she didn't want her sorrow to infect others.

Bo Wei walked over, pushing at night, the wheelchair turned over, the old man's appearance was very embarrassed, but the eyes were sad, but the lips, showing a smile against Blue Qianyu. After his stroke, it was not very clear, stiff. Hand takes the documents on the table, and the hand is handed to the blue thousand feathers.

Blue Qianyu is busy, take a closer look, shocked, this is a will, the night, the old man left all the property to the blue thousand feathers, the little wings, and the child in her belly.

No matter if the night flames can be better, Blue Thousand will replace him and become the biggest property heir at night.

Blue Qian Yu took this set of stains, and said anxiously: "Grandpa, you are ..."

Night old pool picked up the pen and wrote a sentence on the paper: "I have a hard feeling, you don't give up, life and death, it is enough to prove that you deserve the heir of our night home."


Night Old is too grand, interrupting Blue Qian Yu, made a gesture against Bao Wei.

Burshi is busy to convey his meaning: "The old man means that if the young master can't spend this difficult time, at least you can hold this home, keep the nature of the child, if the young master can pass the difficulties, then the difference is not to distinguish If you and your grandfather are just one, he is yours, you are him. "

When I heard these words, Blue Qian Yu was touched to tears, swallowed: "Grandpa, thank you for your trust, I will never live up to your hopes, no matter what happens, I will hold the night home, never leave Don't give up !! "

"Well." Night old critician is excited.

Cold, if you look at the document, sigh in your heart, the night old woman seems to be trusted to trust the blue thousand, but he is standing at the starting point of the night home, he is so purely to put the blue thousands of feathers, if the night flame can Cure, it is of course very happy;

In case, he really has something three long, the blue thousands of people can't leave the night, can't be remembered, she is still so young, she can't have her own life in the future, is it too pitiful?

But now, if the cold is not good, the night flame is still lying in the medical room, she can't only think about the bad.

In short, I hope that the night flames can be better ...


Going back to the room, Blue Qian Yu is still immersed in the sadness and touched, cold if ice is not good at this time, I can only pray in my heart, I hope that God has eyes, let night flames pass the difficult time.

"Lady, water is awkward, you can bathe." The maid said respectfully.

"Mom, I will take a shower first." Blue Qian Yu is tired for a day, and there is a little weak.

"Go, be careful not to slip." Cold if ice is concerned.

"Well." Blue Qian Yu went into the bathroom.

Cold, if the ice picked up the will, look at it, the treaty inside is very clear, no matter what happens in the future, whether the night flame exists, the blue thousand and two children are the successor of the property, the blue thousands of people Cheng, two children account for 30%, but the child can get the property in the age of sixteen.

If the born is twin, it is also assigned separately.

There is also a note, no matter whether the Blue Qian Yu is remained in the future, these property belong to her. She has power to assign her 40% property, but she can't move the child's property, and there is also a special interest. If the blue thousand Yu is remained, the child can't change the name It can also be changed to change the country, and it will always be a child of the night.

Seeing this, the heart of cold, the heart of the cold shocked, it turned out to be more, the night old pool never had a strong blue thousand Yu stayed at night, he even thought about it, if the night flame is really dead, Blue Qian Yu can be free to marriage, that 40% of property is still her.

The night old woman just emphasized the child's household and the country, leaving the child behind the road.

The old man is so deep, really let the cold, if you feel free, she feels the heart of the little person you just have just, the night is not thin, everywhere for her, not a thousand feathers, this life and death.

Cold, if the ice is immersed in the sad, the mobile phone of Blue Qianyu suddenly rang, and she looked at the electricity display. The name is the Earl of Louis. If the cold is frown, this person is really a soul, no matter what he is Is it true, at this time, I am disturbing the thousand feathers, it is not good.

I was thinking, Blue Qian Yu came out from the bathroom, was rubbing his hair, heard the phone ringtones, and quickly came to answer the phone: "Rouza Earl!"

"I have already boarded the plane to France. I will start after half an hour." Louis Earl said softly. "The transaction we said at noon today is effective, as long as you are willing ..."

"I think, I have been very clear when I left at noon today." Blue Qian Yu is a serious answer, "My husband said, as long as I, everything is not important, so I will not be for the company and family. The interests sacrificed myself, I will keep this home and hold him. "

"You probably don't know the seriousness of things." Louis Earl solemnly said, "Now the night is not less than a few business is so simple, Wenhai is very good, you have a good night, you are very likely It will be bankrupt. "

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