"What do you say?" "Blue Qian Yu's horror wide eyes," this is impossible, the night home is big, not to say bankrupt can be bankrupt. "

"It sounds it is indeed a little incredible, but this is true." Louis Earl is proudly said, "Specific situation, I think I said, you may not believe, but you can ask your friends Xiao Cold, now this is very big, the whole Chinese chamber of commerce knows. "

"I will ask him right away." Blue Qian Yu hangs up the phone, call Xiao Han's mobile phone ...

"What happened?" Cold if the ice is anxious.

"Rouza Earl said that Wemewood wants to ban our night home." Blue Qian Yu is a bit excited, "he said that he had vowed to Due, not like lie to me."

Cold fringe frowned tightly, did not speak, Blue Qian Yu didn't know how to do things on the business field, I feel that this matter seems to be a simple incredible, but in fact, it is very possible.

In the mall, the whole body is moving, the so-called group, a family business group, if the power of the people have problems, the entire group will be seriously affected.

At the beginning of the night flame, the night stock immediately fell, then the old man was also stroke, and the night was more broken. The investor had to dismount stocks, and the business partners should also remember, the storm is not easy to share, But the night is already a gap.

After the night flames were released from prison, they began to manage the company wholeheartedly, and they were busy with the head, and even regardless of their body.

It's hard to let the company get a lot, and there is a chance to talk to Bacle, Louis Co-collaboration plan. Seeing the night to reborn, I didn't expect this time, his body has such a big problem. Being went out by Wenhai maliciously, becoming a powerful weapon of Wenhai against the night.

At the same time, Barkel is also announcing with the night flames, while the Night flame is siege when the media reporter is siege, this scene is broadcast out, now, the night is like hitting the iceberg. Titanic, even if the cruise ship is big and then luxurious, hit the iceberg, still will be destroyed all over the army.

At this time, the Wemewood has dropped the stone, and the next few feet, the consequences are even more imagined.

At this time, no one can host the overall situation, the night of the old, the night, the night, saying that the night flames are still lying in the ward, the blue thousands of people are just a little one or two, which is not enough. .

Nowadays, you can not be like the commercial meeting of the Century Trade Building, the opponent of Blue Qian Yu is Han Xiu City, Wenhai Tibet is in the dark, can't be exposed, although the night flame is imprisoned, but the case has not judged, and the case has some scruples.

Today, the men of the night home fall, only the old weak women, who will put them in their eyes? Don't say that Blue Qianyue is only warm sea, she didn't even have the opportunity to fight with Wenhai, I am afraid she has been won by Wemai.

If you change it, cold if you can help Blue Qianyu, but in the early years, Cold, if the ice, the cold, I will die, and now Shen Sanghai has passed away, and the prestige of cold ice in the mall is also big. It is not as good as before, it is also a weak force.

Lei Zhen Ting, never ignore things on the mall, not to mention, now Z nationality is smashed, as a clean officer of integrity, absolutely unable to interfere with business events in other countries.

Therefore, Blue Qian Yu is now a fortunate fight.

Thinking of this, if the cold is in a hurry: "Ask you first, who is you calling?"

"Xiao Han ..." Blue Qian Yu frowned his mobile phone, and the Louis Earl had just reminded her, she still has a savior, that is Xiao Han! ! !

After Xiao Han, he took over Qin Jia's business. In order not to let Qin family mistakenly thought that he walked in Han Xiu City, he injected all the shares and funds of Xiao's Group into Qin, and appointed vice presidents. The president is a pair or Qin Xiang.

His movement made the people of Qin family very touched, and he also won the trust of Qin Xiang. Now he lives in Qinjia.

Although Xiao Han is not like the previous Han Xiu City, he will do the surface Kung Fu. Everything has a pride, there is his own personality, but he is honest, his heart is fast, and it is true that Qin Jia.

Qin Xiang looked in the eyes, I thought that this son-in-law, although Qin Xiang also hangs the position of the president, but the company's big and small incident is Xiao Han, and Qin Xiang has almost ignored.

Qin family has Xiao's capital investment. The trend is growing. Xiao Han's life is, the better, the cause is two harm, but the night flame, but because of the blue millet, this is more and more miserable ...

I don't know if the Earl of Lu is intentionally, he lifts Xiao Han in this time. How much is it given to Blue Qianpun, although she doesn't want to be too troublesome, but it is serious, she still wants to tell him. After all, Wenhai is Xiao Han's biological father! ! ! !

This matter, I will be related to Xiao Han from the root cause.

"Dudu -" The phone rang for a long time, disconnected, no one answered.

Blue Qianyu is uneasy, Xiao Han is because of busy, did not hear call calls, or deliberately pick up my phone? Is he avoided me?

"Disconnected?" Cold asked.

"Well." Blue Qianfei nodded, gave himself a reason, "I may be busy, there is no answer. At this time, he should be accompanying Xia, Xia is now pregnant for more than four months ..."

"You try again."

Cold, if I don't think that Xiao Han will not pick up the phone of Blue Qianyu, although they have their own destination, no longer have men and women, but the friendship between them still exists, the last Shen Sanghai died, the night flame is not suitable Le Le is not there, Xiao Han replaces them overnight in the spiritual hall, and afterwards, afterwards, the wedding is delayed, and now it is impossible to change his face so soon.

Blue Qianyu tried to call it once, no one was in listening, her brow wrinkled tightly, very uneasy.

"Maybe it didn't have a phone call." Cold as ice is very comfortable, "I will wait until you see you."

"Well." Blue Qianyu nodded slightly, she didn't want to make cold if I was concerned, I could only pretend that I didn't care, "Mom, you go to the bath, after washing, I will go see the thousand wings."

"Okay." Cold, if the ice gave her to leave, the blue thousand Yu is in a mobile phone, she knows that she is very uneasy, very nervous, cold if the ice is deeply sigh, I really hate I can't worry about my daughter ...

Blue Qian Yu did not went to see the small wings, but came to the study to call Qin Xia. He just didn't want to let the cold, so I lied her.

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