Blue Qianyu dialed Qin Xia's phone, telephone tips shutdown, Blue Qian Yu's heart was half loaded, which is definitely not coincidental, Xiao Han and Qin Xiya also avoided her, must be reasonable.

It seems that the things that Louis Earl said is true. Now the problem is far more serious than her imagination. Wemeworry is really possible to make the night to make bankrupt, it is no wonder that the mother's face is so downs.

Now, even the last savior is lost, she feels awkward, I don't know what to do. .

I thought about it, Blue Qianyu decided to discuss the old man with night, so she went to work to find Bo ...


Qin Jia.

Qin Xia sat on the bed, frowned Xiao Han, did not solve the question: "Why don't you pick up the phone? Why do I shut down? Now, she is just that we need to help, you Will it be too ruthless. "

Xiao Han sat in the bed and wiped hair. He just took the bath, the mobile phone was quietly lying next to the table, but also lit light, prompting a few missed calls, all blue thousand:


"I went out." Xiao Han got up in the wardrobe in the wardrobe.

"Where are you going?" Qin Xia was in a hurry, "I ask you, you don't say, how did you plan?"

"I went to Wenhai." Xiao Han looked at her, "I don't pick up the phone call because I have no face to face her, and now I don't know how to help her, pick up the phone, relatively speechless, Will only be more embarrassed. "

Qin Xia stunned, apologize: "It turned out to be like this, sorry, I am mistaken, I shouldn't blame you."

"You accuse me is right." Xiao Han hit her in his arms, "Xia, you are so kind, you are so simple, don't care, I have had feelings with Qian Yu, I only remember that she helped you, so she is doing things now, you I also want to help her, but some things are not as simple as you think. If people dealing with the night home is not a warm sea, it is other people, I will do my best to help them, but that person is Wenhai, my I have a fathers ... I really don't know what to do. "

"I understand your feelings ..." Qin Xiya held his waist, "Husband, you must feel very difficult, you go to him, talk to him, try to convince him as much as possible, don't continue to retaliate. When I was reported, I didn't think about the place where the night flames didn't live. It is also their fault, nothing to do with Night flames. The last generation of grievances should not be retalled on our generation. "

"Hey ..." Xiao Han sighed a sigh, "You are right, I think so, just some people are too solid, not so easy to persuade. However, no matter what, I have to try it. "

"Well, I support you." Qin Xia nodded.

"Well, Xia, you are not early, you have a break early." Xiao Han lies in Qin Xiya in bed, covering her quilt. "I went out, soon I came back."

"Do you want, I will go with you?" Qin Xica asked, "Maybe Dad saw it in my child,"

"If he is really kind, it will not make so many things." Xiao Han helplessly said, "Your mother's death is a bit of relationship with him, you can't hold it on my share." But this matter has some mustard, in order to avoid conflicts, try not to meet him with him later. "

"Well." Qin Xia did not insist, "Then you go early, pay attention to safety."

"Know it." Xiao Han was deeply kiss in Qin Xia's forehead, put on a coat, and left. .

Qin Xia looked very worried about Xiao Han's back. She also knows that this grievance is not so easy to solve, and Wenhai insisted for decades of hatred, not to let go, but she is a luxury Xiao Han to persuade Wenhai ... ...


Xiao Han did not bring a bodyguard, driving himself to Wen Jia.

Before driving, Si Hui worriedly asked: "The owner, must not let me go with you, if there is any situation ..."

"There will be no situation." Xiao Han interrupts her, "You stay at Hiya, I will go back."

"Okay." Si Hui nodded and gave him to leave.


Near an hour's drive, finally arrived at Wen.

I haven't come back for a long time, it has become more luxurious, I have expanded a castle, Xiao Han's car opened to the door, there is a whistle to check, see him, the vetement of the sentinel is very respectful, and immediately open the iron gate.


On the second floor, the warm sea is holding a cigar, with a high wine glass, excited, excited: "This time, I have to look at the night."

"The night flames have been dead, and the night old lady has already fallen down, and there is a blue millet in the night. It is not enough to be a problem. Now there is no one to threaten the owner. When they go, the owner can Let them step on them completely. "Wen Dynasty was flattering.

Wemewood put the wine in the cup, exhausted: "The night is dead, I will never let them, I will let them live peaceful."

At this time, the urgent knockout sounded outside, followed by: "The master, the young master is back!"

Wenhai is shocked: "What? Xiao Han is back?"

"Yes, the young man's car has already opened downstairs." Solve.

"Fast, please come up soon."

Wen Hai Xinxi is mad, since Xiao Han faintly knows that after the feelings of his temperament, he blocked the warm home. Later, he went to him to find him, explained to him, he did not want to listen, and then two of them The division is getting bigger and bigger, and later Wenhai use Han Xiu City to deal with the night, and the Qin family and Xiao family are involved, Xiao Han has also been tired.

However, Xiao Han did not find Wenhai peer, and even didn't have a positive thing. I don't want to have any intersection with him. .

A few days ago, Xiao Han gave him a call, accused his evil, warned that he would not pay anything anymore, and Wenhai was saddened by his words and deeds. He always felt that the warm home was dead, now his Revenge should be reasonable, so the two are not happy in the phone.

But Wemewood has already been expected, one day later, Xiao Han will come back to him, but he didn't expect to be so fast. .

Wenhai quickly smashed the cigar, put down the wine glass, ready to meet Xiao Han, just started the door, Xiao Han rushed into the building, the father and son were opposite, and the eyes were complicated in their eyes. .

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