There is grievance in Xiao Han's eyes, there is an anger, and there is an emotion that cannot be expressed in words.

There is a father's love in the eyes of Wenhai, there is no choice but to the matter, there is a kind of uneasy, careful question: "Have you ever had dinner?"

"I have eaten, let's talk." Xiao Han's attitude is indifferent, just like talking about business.

"Good." Wenhai nodded.

The two came to the study, and the Wen Sera won the other, and the maid sent a refreshment.

After the book is quiet, after the father and son sits down, it is relatively sorry, the warm sea breaks the deadlock, and the test is said: "Cold, there is something wrong, I have a long time, now you have no relationship with Xiaojia, it is better to put it early The account moved to my name, changed to me, in the future, inherited my property, and your child, you should also surname. "

Xiao Han stunned, did not speak, this is the first time Wenhai mentioned this, before he never officially face this layer of father and son, now, no need to demolish, a lot of things, they know the same thing .

"Well, maybe some suddenly, you can consider it, reply to me later." Wenhai didn't want to force Xiao Han, he patted his hand, kindly, "When will you hold? How does you hit the wedding? Is it a month? "

"It has been four months." Xiao Han said, "Today, I discuss with Qin Buffe, I plan to register, I will not host a wedding."

"Why?" The temperature of the sea reaction is very big, "How can you get married, how can heaven and tiger? He is still with your child, how can you hold a wedding?"

"Do you also know that Xia Huai is with my child?" Xiao Han ridiculed the laughter, "When you gave you Han Xiu City, he did not feel soft."

"That is two things." Wen Haixi frowned, said that he is strong. "You are Xiya, no Lin Xiang, Han Xiu City wants to move, I am fully protected."

"Your concept is still very advanced." Xiao Han was incredible to watch him, "I said that you have to kill you, I should also be ignored."

"Yes." Wenhai replied, "If someone wants to kill me in the future, you must take me, so I only hope that you will have happiness."

Xiao Han felt very speechless, I don't know what to say, that is, I feel uncomfortable to Wenhai's ideological concept. At the same time, how much he just has just made her movement.

The atmosphere has become silent, and the two are silent.

After a while, the Wemewood reminded: "Why don't you do the marriage ??? This is a big thing in your life, you can't neglect."

Xiao Han went to the corner, looked at him coldly: "Night flames are the world, the thousands of feathers have a grace, now they have such a big thing, life is in danger, how can we at this time? Do hi, rushing to the milder of people? "

"What is the relationship with you?" "Wenhai is not pleasing," before you and Night flames, in order to fight for women, how do you talk about him now? "

"Yes, I was dead, but he used to help me. Although I personally became bad, I also know what is Zhi Enjo, let alone, I have no deep hatred with him, there is no need to count people to die. "Xiao Han deeply looked at the Wemewhere," I have a bad thing for all, just when I haven't born children, I have to spare people and spare people, let others, and let go. "

"I let him go? Why didn't my parents don't let your mom?" Wenhai is anger. "Isn't your Mommy not innocent? She did something wrong, to be killed by them?"

"The last generation of grievances I didn't want to ask, no matter how hardful Mommy didn't hurt my parents, they were already dead, and the grievances were not necessary to involve the next generation." Xiao Han is cold and drink "You think that you are doing these things now, I will revenge Mommy. If you know that you are so frank now, she will not be happy in Jiun."

"You are tonight, is it to persuade me?" Wenhai's brow wrinkled tightly. "Do you think I will let you let the night flames?"

"I know you won't." Xiao Han said coldly, "I didn't think about persuade you, I came over tonight, just want to tell you one thing."

"What?" Wenhai frowned to look at him.

Xiao Han stood up, his hands were supported at the desk, the upper body touched, solemnly warned: "If you have to continue to deal with the night flaming, then I will fight with him and fight you together."

"You ..." Wenhai was angry with iron, and he bite his teeth. "Are you crazy? You actually deal with me for an outsider?"

"You just have been crazy." Xiao Han said, "That is I owe the night, if there is no him, my company can't develop; there is a thousand feathers, if you don't have her, Xia The child hasn't been there, I and Hiya can't go now. "

"Don't be stupid, they have helped you, just for you, the night flames want to prove that they are stronger than you, and the blue thousand feathers are wanting to please Qin family, wash off the night flames ..."

"Forget it." Xiao Han interrupted his words, "people like you are here to say."

Said, he turned to go ...

"Xiao Han!" Wenhai called him, excited, "Do you really have to deal with me? Everything I do now is for you, and the property I have in the future is given to you."

"I don't need those property." Xiao Han attitude is firm, "If you want to grab the night's property to me, then you can get a big man now, I don't want it."

"How are you so stubborn ??" Wenhai is alright, "You can't do this before, how is it so stupid now? Night flaming? Xiaoyu will buy you?"

Xiao Han didn't want to talk to him. I only felt that this kind of people really didn't save, only revenge, and always think so bad, such people, how can people live easily?

"You should already know, I am your biological father, you can't do that stupid thing .." Wenhai is anxious, you have to move out this relationship to suppress him.

"Harmony father?" Xiao Han hooked the lips, "My Mommy has never loved you, it is you forced her to have a relationship, she will pregnant me."

"You ..." Wenhai was angry, grabbed the coffee cup on the table, got him, Xiao Han did not show his head, the coffee cup smashed his head, and he took a deep wound. The blood was turbulent. Xiao Han handsome face ...

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