Wenhai is stupid: "Sorry, I, I don't mean, why don't you hide?"

Xiao Han stood in the same place, closed his eyes, holding his hands into a punch.

Wen Phafer hurriedly walked over, and the hand wiped the blood on his face. He also shouted outside: "Come on, come ..."

I came in and saw Xiao Han injured. They immediately called a doctor and took medicine.

"Sit down, I will give you medicine." Wenhai pulled Xiao Han, Xiao Han pushed him, biting him with his teeth, and turned to leave ...

"Xiao Han, Xiao Han !!!" Wenhai shouted in the back, "You don't worry, first handle the wound, Xiao Han ..."

Xiao Han didn't care about him, rushing out like an arrow, burning a blazing anger in my heart ...

Wenhai looked at the back of his far away, he was very embarrassed, from small to big, he didn't play him. When he was married to Xiao Jin, he didn't know that Xiao Han was his child, until many years, he accidentally I saw that the temperature like a diary knew the truth, and I immediately received Xiao Han to the United States.

Because in Xiao Han's eyes, Wenhai is his pro, he doesn't know that the warm sea and mother are not the relationship between the biological brothers and sisters, and he is in a rebellious period, the length of the teenager is young, so it is resistant to anything. Wemewood did not tell him the truth.

In those years, Wemewood and Xiao Han's feelings are still very good. The father and son are very good, and it is the tempering of Wenhai to step into the campus, accepting higher education; also Wenhai church, do business, with him Step by breaking out your own world ...

Xiao Han stretched out his own aid, giving him an unlimited helpful relatives.

Wemewood is even more than saying that he is not slightly, and it is worth thinking about him.

Until Xiao Han did not intend to see the mother's diary, I know that the Wemewood and his mother is not a biological brother, but when there is a man's feelings, the whole person is shocked. He can't accept this sudden blow, he angryly leaving the Wen family One person is swaying outside, that is, at that time, he met the Night flames, and the night flames helped him, and he officially stepped into the right way.


Now look back, Xiao Han is still grateful that year, Wemeworhe will take him from the abyss Xiao Jia, no matter how the warm sea is in front of others, but it is really good.

As a son, Xiao Han has no power to ask him to make anything to do for himself, so when he learned that the war of Wenhai and the night, he publicly indicated attitude and stay neutral.

But now, Wemeworrhe will make things more and more, almost, to force the night home to death, and as the brothers' Xiao Han, no longer sit still.

He already has its own plan.


On the way back, Xiao Han called Blue Qian Yu, and it was very late, but he knew that she has been waiting for his call.


Night home, Blue Qian Yu is lying in bed, turning it out, can't sleep, thinking about the night's current situation, her heart is like a boulder, heavy, he is almost, he is going to breathe.

It's thinking that the mobile phone suddenly rang, she quickly picked up the phone, see the call display, she is ecstatic, and I am busy answering the phone: "Xiao Han!"

"Qian Yu, are you so convenient now? We see one side." Xiao Han's voice is slightly low.

"I will come out, where are you?"

Blue Qian Yu took the phone to get up to take clothes, hundreds of thousands of returns, there is no counse between her and Xiao Han, they are now friends, and relatives.

"Just in the green road from the night home, I am waiting for you here."

"Okay, I will go right away."

"be careful."



Changed clothes, Blue Qian Yu Handshake and car key hurried out of the room, Zhao Jun just came back from outside, seeing Blue Qian Yu color, and quickly asked: "Lady, so late, where are you going?"

"It's a bit wrong, you will go with me." Blue Qian Yu is very paying attention to safety now, and a person goes out to take Zhao Jun.

"Okay, I am going to prepare the car."


When Blue Qian Yu and Zhao Jun arrived at Xiao Han, Xiao Han's car just opened, and the night was cold, the moonlight was smashed, and it was quiet.

Xiao Han opened the car and opened the car, and Blue Qianyu walked in the past, waiting to see the injury on his head, she was frightened: "What happened to you? How did you get hurt? Who is it?"

"Nothing." Xiao Han opened the door, "Let's come, let's talk."

"Wait." Blue Qian Yu said to Zhao Jun, "Zhao Jun, you go back to take medicine."

"Oh." Zhao Jun took a head.


I got on the car, and Blue Qianpun used his hand to hold the wound, although it is no longer bleeding, but it is still very scary, his light blue shirt is all red.

"What is going on?" "Blue Qian Yu is anxious," How can the good end will be injured? Does the alarm? "

"Is Wenhai, how do I report?" Xiao Han smiled.

Blue Qian Yu lived, looked at him wrong: "Wenhai? Why do you do this? You go to him? For the night's thing?"

"Qian Yu, I'm sorry." Xiao Han is low, "I may not help you ..."

"Nothing, I know that you have that heart." Blue Qian Yu is very sorrowful, "Xiao Han, you are hard to do, from the beginning, you said to keep neutral, I don't dare to be sad , Now, don't do it for me ... "

Her words have not been finished, Xiao Han hugged her, Blue Qian Yu lived, she didn't expect him to make such a move.

Since he is with Qin Xia, he has already put down the feelings of her. They see their goodbye are also friends, this friendship is more easier than the previous entanglement, let them get along with them.

So two relationships can continue to maintain, now he will see her in the middle of the night, she thinks because of the two grievances, he suddenly hugs her and let her have some unknown.

"Qian Yu, if the night flame is really three long two shorts, what should you do?" Xiao Han almost sighed low, with a strong sadness, "Do you know? In fact, I am not so licking. If there is anything that is a matter of love, the night flames do something, I am very uncomfortable, but I am more distressed, I really hurt you, you have suffered so much, it is difficult to calm down, now there is such a thing, I really I really want to help you, but I don't know what I can do for you. "

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