"Xiao Han ..."

Blue Thousands couldn't help the nose, the tears fell down, she learned Xiao Han's feelings, they grew up from childhood, the feelings are not anyone, although they are no longer a lovers, but that Over friendship, similar family feelings make them deeply care for each other.

I hope that the other party will have a good time. Everyone wants to be happy together, it will be happy.

So he will be so painful now, so guilty, so sad ...

"How is your life?" "Xiao Han sad sigh," I met you, I haven't stopped suffering from disasters. I have been to you before, now ...... "

Donned, he pulped back in his heart, "Now you, who is guarding?"

"Fool, I still have a relative, and friends, they are waiting for me." Blue Qianyu wiped tears, trying to make you smile brilliant-

"Xiao Han, you don't want to be sad for me, things don't think so bad, the night flame will be fine, I believe that he will not be so much, our mother is right. Yes, there is a good news you I don't know, I am pregnant again, Xiao Qianyi wants to be a brother, I have a second child and the night flames, our life is full, we will not fall, no. "

Xiao Han's lips rose bitter and smile, I don't know what to say, the thousand feathers are like this, even if the heart is in the blood, but still comfort others.

"Don't go to the warm sea in the future, so as not to have a dispute with him." Blue Qianyu used the blood on Xiao Han's face, "You hurt this, Xiya will feel distressed."

Xiao Han took her hand and sighed: "Xia is happier than you, at least, I will never let her be afraid like you, the little son, too much, too much !!"

"It's all my fault. When I left him, he was saddened, borrowed wine, so I will leave after it." Blue Qian Yu sighted.

"You are like this, you are going to yourself." Xiao Han looked at her.

At this time, not far from the car, Zhao Jun took the medicine box, Blue Qian Yu took the hand, looked back, and it won't help some awkward: "You see you, you have to be a hairy like it. Dry, you should pay attention later. "

"Qian Yu ..." Xiao Han bite his lips, taking courage, "The night's current situation is very bad, I suggest you, announce yourself to exit the board."

Blue Qian Yu is shocked, and it is horrified to look at him: "What do you say?"

"I know this may be a bit cruel, but it is the best way." Xiao Han said hello

"Night flames are now in this way, even if the operation is successful, there is no energy within one year and a half years, and you will be able to take care of the company. You and nights are more worrying.

The Night Group is a heart created by the night, and the night flames must not destroy in their own hands. The warm sea is the night home, not the night group.

If the night flame announces the resignation of the President of the Night Group, throw out the company's shares, completely out of the night, and the night can keep it, otherwise, the night is really ruined.

Moreover, when the night flame is nothing, the resentment of the sea can also be eliminated, only get rid of his retaliation, the night flame can prevent peace of mind. "

"But, the night group does not have the power of the night family, but also is the night?" Blue Qian Yu is a bit excited, "What can we give the night's villain to the Wemhai this enemy?"

"You don't have to give him." Xiao Han did not say, "I will use all the funds to buy your hand, temporarily taking the night group, waiting until the future, the night flames are cured, Dongshan will start, I will return the company again. he."

Blue Qian Yu lived, it turned out that Xiao Han is this.

Xiao Han continues to explain -

"This is no way, I didn't say anyone, because I know, many people will not necessarily understand me, they will feel that I am in danger, I want to see the property at this time. I also hesitated before, but thinking about it three, and only this approach can keep you temporarily.

Night old narrse and the shares of the night flames can sell a lot of money, with these money, your family can go to other countries, very good life, slowly recalled the body, waiting for all stable, come back from my hands to put the shares Buy back, you can come back to Dongshan. "

I heard these words, the blue thousands of feathers are silent, the heart is like a numbness, this is not a small thing, and if you don't say it, you say that you want to persuade the night, the old lady and the night flames exit the night, throw the company's shares, and how easy? At the base of the night, I gave up.

Besides, if you really put the shares out, you can't say that you are in Xiao Han, or the Wemewood is not allowed. At the beginning, Wenhai in order to hide the eyes, even Xiao Han's company is also almost, it is difficult to protect him now, it will not grab the shares with Xiao Han now.

In case of the night, the night family will hate her.

"This matter is serious, you go back and think about it, I discuss it with the night." Xiao Han patted her shoulders. "I can guarantee you with life, as long as you say what I said, I It must be able to bought these shares in front of Wemewood, keeping nights for you. "

"I believe you, but ..." Blue Qian Yu is very distressed, "I think grandother will not agree, he would rather let the night destroy, and they are not willing to fall in Wenhai."

"You still have time, think about it." When Xiao Han said, Zhao Jun's car has stopped, he took a medicine box to hurried over, "Mrs. Mrs, medicine box."

"Xiao Han, I will pack it for you." Blue Qian Yu took a medicine box.

"No, I will go back to deal with." Xiao Han looked at the watch, "Time is not early, Xia is still waiting for me, I will go first."

"That's okay." Blue Qian Yu knows that he is stubborn, and there is no force to see him, and put the medicine box to Zhao Jun, then take the car.

"Thousands of feathers, consider calling me, I am waiting for you." Xiao Han launched the car.

"Know it." Blue Qianfeng sent him to leave.


On the way back, Blue Qian Yu is heavy, Zhao Jun looks at her from the rearview mirror, I want to ask and I don't dare.

"Hey ..." Blue Qian Yu is deeply sighing, lifting it to Zhao Jun, "Zhao Jun, tomorrow morning, you take me to the company."

"Go to the company?" Zhao Jun was a little surprised, "Okay."

"Take the vice president of Li, I want to talk to her."


"No ..." Blue Qian Yu changed his mind, "We go to the company later, I will discuss the grandfather."

"Well." Zhao Jun probably guess, Xiao Han came to find her to talk about the company.

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