With a heavy mood, Blue Qianyu did not sleep overnight, the next morning, she got up early morning, I wanted to give everyone breakfast, but dizzy, I have to go back to bed. Rest.

I knocked on the door outside the door, and the Blue Qian Yu is exhausted: "Who?"

"Qian Yu, wake up? Can I come in?" It is the sound of cold ice.

"Mom, please come in." Blue Qianyu sat up.

Cold, if the ice is coming in, seeing Blue Qian Yu pale as paper's face, and then frowned immediately: "What is going on? Is it so bad? Didn't sleep last night?"

"I didn't sleep well, I felt it." Blue Qian Yu is weak, "Mom, how do you start this morning? If your body is not good, you should rest."

"I am fine, the doctor who Louis, please check it, say that my brain tumor did not recurrence, just trauma, as long as there is no danger, there is not a terrible." Cold, smile, will be just millet The porridge is given to the Blue Qian Yu, "I'm going to eat something and sleep again."

"Well, thank you mother." Blue Qian Yu sat up, eat fragrant millet porridge, his face raised the smile, "I haven't eaten such a fragrant millet porridge, as if every day is a swallow porridge fish. The supplements are tired, and occasionally have a bowl of millet porridge.

"So, life is like this, there is a high low, every taste is trying, it is not necessarily a bad thing." Cold if the ice smiled at her.

"You are talking about words." Blue Qianyu smiled, remembered that Xiao Han told her last night, she died, "Mom, I have to discuss with you."

"Wait, I put the door." Cold if ice went to the door to lock the door, "Xiao Han came to you last night? What did he say to you?"

"I really can't hit you." Blue Qian Yu said, "Xiao Han did come to me, he went to help us, to find the warm sea, being smashed by the warm sea, and the heart is still I can't help us, and later he made a suggestion with me, that suggestion is bold ... "

"What suggestions?" Cold Ruo ice quickly asked.

"He said ..." Blue Qian Yu bites the lips, frowning to look at the cold, "He called the night flame with the night, throw the shares all."

If the cold, if you live, some are incredible: "He said with you so much?"

"Well." Blue Qianfei nodded, "He said that Wemewood is against the night flame, not for the night, as long as the night flames exits, the night can keep, the night is the heart of the old man, if destroyed, the night It's really destroyed. He also said that as long as the night is thrown out, he will take over, temporarily taking the company, and we can take a money to take his hometown, peace of mind, etc. After Rui, I went back to buy the shares on his hand, and I will start in Dongshan. "

Cold, if I want to think and say: "In fact, Xiao Han is not a good proposal. The purpose of Wemewood is to want the night. Once the night flames, the president is resigned, and the shares will be equal to the self-destruction price. Wemewood should be a good break, more, Xiao Han is his son, if Xiao Han has a heart, he should not ruin again. "

"He won't destroy? I thought he would grab the shares with Xiao Han." When the Blue Qian Yu worried, "before using Qin family to deal with the night, in order to hide the eyes, even Xiao Han's company is moving "

"Before that is just a little thing, Xiao Han's company is turned to be turned, so soon, it can be recovered, but it is a bigger interest." Cold, shake his head -

"Wenhai this person is vicious, but since he can die for a long time, it is a very serious and serious person, which is a very serious person, such a person, such a person will definitely Leave all your life to the child.

Xiao Han is his only son. He only wants to give him the best thing in the world. Now Xiao Han has a heart-driven night, he certainly does not ask.

Therefore, Xiao Han's suggestion is feasible from a certain angle, but the key is that the night is big fat, there are many people who want, except for Xiao Han and Wenhai, how many people are in the tiger ? Finally, will not be in the hands of others, then it is not clear.

What's more, give it easy, it is difficult to collect, even if you are really grabbed, after a few years, is he really got to give Night Flame? ? "

"Mom, I believe in Xiao Han ..."

"Qian Yu!" Cold if the ice interrupted the words of Blue Qianyu, the reminder of the dignified -

"You may think that I am the belly of the heart of the mandrel, but this is not a child, not your own thing.

You have not done a business, you won't know that feeling, for a businessman, the group is like his child, you think, you gave the child Xiao Han, Xiao Hanzhi has been raised as already raised. For many years, I asked him to come back, he really can be willing? Not always.

Besides, even if you believe in Xiao Han, the night is the old man? Can he take his own graduation to take this insurance? Xiao Han can be the son of the Wenhai. In case, the company fell into the Wemeworn in Wenhai. "

"What should I do?" Blue Qian Yu felt that he did not know what he didn't know, "I don't want to discuss Grandpa?"

"You don't want to say Xiao Han's suggestion." Cold Ruo Bing teaches her, "first understand the specific situation of the company, see if it is really unable to save, then explore the mouth of the old woman, look at him What I think. "

"Well." Blue Qianfei nodded. "I think so last night. I plan to talk to Grandpa this morning, then let Zhao Jun arrange me to go to the company this morning, and I will meet the President of Li."

"I will go with you." Cold Ruo Bing said, "I have experience than you."

"Ok, just have to worry about you."

"The mother and daughter are so polite, first eat breakfast, wait a break, you are pregnant, even if you don't think yourself, you have to think about your child, you can't take your body."

"I know, thank you mother."

"I went to see the thousand wings, Qiao Qing has been accompanying him."

"it is good."


Blue Qianpun ate breakfast, slept, after lunch, Joe Qing and Xiao Qianyou are playing down, cold if Ice is sitting in the living room, wearing glasses access documents.

Blue Qianyu went downstairs, everyone looked up to her, Xiao Qianyi pounces to her arms, Qiao Qing said: "The pregnancy is not the same, more and more sleep."

Blue Qian Yu smiles smile.

"I slept, my face was better." Cold, if the ice is smiling at her.

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