"Well." Blue Qianfei nodded, turned to ask Zhao Jun, "Grandpa is in the study?"

"The old woman will go out early." Zhao Jun said.

"Go out?" Blue Qian Yu is very unexpected, since the night of the old man stroke, almost rarely go out, where is this?

"Yeah, his old man went out with Bao Wei and a few bodyguards." Zhao Jun said with a relationship, "Before leaving, it will take a special treatment, let you take good health today, Dr. Jiang said that in the afternoon, Mathers will wake up a big burst. Let you go in with him. "

"What? Wake up the afternoon in the afternoon?" Blue Qian Yu is coming out, "it is good."

"Yeah, Dr. Jiang said before, the owner will have intermittently unconsciously, but the state is not very good." Zhao Jun smiled slightly, "Young Mrs, the old woman let you go out today, or go to the company tomorrow? "

"Well, wait for the grandfather to come back, I will discuss him first." Blue Qianfei nodded.

"I will go back, I have to do something."

"it is good."


After the Zhao Jun left, the Blue Qianyu found that the coldness of the cold, whispered: "Mom, what happened?"

"Hey ..." If the cold is angry, hand it to the tablet in his hand to Blue Qian Yu, "You look at it yourself."

Blue Qian Yu took a look at it, all about the night's news, cold if ice puts those reports, and the news of Zhonghan picks up, indicating the current situation in the current situation, indeed unfortunate, media even fell Enter the bottom of the valley to describe the current night. .

"The original situation is really so bad." Blue Qian Yu's brow frowned tightly, "What should I do?"

"Now you don't have to worry about it." If the cold is bitter, "the old man is estimated to have a good way."

"Ah?" Blue Qian Yu heard a foggy water.

"His old people go out early, must be to solve these problems." Cold, if I didn't guess, he should prepare for the method of suggesting last night, but he wants The pick-up to find is not Xiao Han. "

"Who is that?" Asked the awareness of Blue Qian Yu.

"Then I will don't know." Cold if the ice is smashed, "the night is the heart of the old man, only he has a real decision, this matter, you better not do it again."

Blue Qianyu didn't speak, but I don't know why, she felt a restlessness.


"Shenfu, young lady, Miss Joe, lunch ready." Dona came to report.

"Oh, let me me," Blue Qian Yu took the cold and got it to the restaurant, then the car came to the car, they all took a footsteps, and they were reported at the door. "It is the old man back."

"Go to add the tableware." Blue Qian Yu command.



The little killed belly is hungry, and a man climbs the chair, and Joe clears him.

Blue Qian Yu went to the cold, and Zhao Jun squarapened with the old man, lifted him to the wheelchair with Bao, and pushed him in his legs.

"Grandpa, you are back." Blue Qianyu's kind greeting.

"Well." The night old woman nodded, and made a gesture to Bao.

Bo Wei said: "Lady, the old lady has something to talk to you, please come to the book."

"Well." Blue Qian Yu and Cold Victory, it seems that Grandpa really found a solution.

"The Shenfu people come together, the old man's meaning." Bao has added another sentence.

"Qiao Qing, you and the thousand wings to eat first." Blue Qian Yu said to Queqing.

"it is good."


When I came to the study, the old woman was deeply sighed, and I said something.

Burgoted to the road: "Mrs. Lady, the old woman said that you have a lot of heart for the family, hard work, now he has found the solution, you don't want others in the future, and you will be good at home."

"Found the solution?"

Blue Qianyu looked at the old man. It seems that last night, she went out to Xiao Han in the middle of the night. Even the old crowne did it, the old woman was worried that she was in order to seek people in the night, I will find the Louis Earl, and I will find Xiao Han. So he simply solved himself.

"Hey ..." The night is deeply sighful, and it is full of sad eyes.

Bo Hao handed a document to her, sad: "The old lady has transferred the company's shares to Louis Earl. This afternoon will hold a board of directors. It is officially resigned for the president. After, the night will have nothing to do with us. "

"What ?? Louis Earl ???"

Blue Qian Yu lived, my mother didn't guess the wrong, Grandpa thought of Xiao Han, I chose this alone, just, she did not think that the object of Grandpa would actually be the Louis Earl! ! !

"How can it be him?" I didn't think of cold if ice.

"It is possible to give this market price one-time, only Louis Earl." Bao Yan explained, "and he signed an agreement with the old lady, and he will not cooperate with Wemai for life, and will not change the name of the night. Extend the night's employees, so we will choose to sell the shares to him. "

"Even if he doesn't work with Wemai, he acquired our night's shares, it is also very trying to have a try, why should Grandpa choose him?" Blue Qian Yu, "and he didn't return France to France yesterday? ?? "

"He didn't go, temporarily returned." Bergao looks at her deeply. "He followed the old man video conference before boarding the game, in order to express his sincerity, he first tied with Backer, the old man was very Hesitating, considering it three, or decided to sell the company to him. "

Blue Qian Yu is very speechless. She doesn't know what to say. She understands the choice of night and old. At present, she has the ability to acquire the night. In addition to Xiao Han, outside the Wenhai, there is only Louis Earl and Bacle, Xiao Han It is the son of Wenhai, and the old man will definitely first rule him, and Bacle has become a Wenhai partner, so it is also excluded. Finally, there is only one Louis Earl.

This choice seems to be the best, but Blue Qian Yu always feels that the Earl of Louis is rushing by her. Grandpa and Boke may not know these things, so they sell the company to him. After the company, he threatened her with the company. ,What should she do?

"Lady, Louis, the Louis, also promised the old man, will not harass you in the future, you can rest assured." Bao Wei suddenly added a sentence.

Blue Qianyu lived, looked at him, did not expect them to know this, and also reached an agreement with Louis Earl, but Grandpa promised to sell the company to Louis Earl, there would be a reason for her ? ? ?

Blue Qian Yu looked at night and old, said a few words slowly, this time, Blue Qian Yu listened to: "You are a night's wife, I will protect you!"

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