Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 824, love friend, friendship 11

When I heard this sentence, Blue Qian Yu was touched to tears, kneeling in front of the night, holding his old hands, excited little: "Grandpa, thank you."

If the cold is deep, the night is really good, it is worthy of the old rivers and lakes in the mall, and the last moment, it is still able to weigh the pros and cons, even if you abandon your hard work for decades, you must Protect this home.

Really can't afford! ! !


Century Dynasty, Louis Earl personally sent a solution to Buckle: "Apologize, I am fascinated."

"It doesn't matter." Backer smiled, "compared to this big fat, of course, it is much more fertile than our business, your choice is right, congratulations!"

"Give such a big gain, the Queen will definitely be proud of you!" Denne looked deeply at the Earl of Louis.

"Oh, that's of course." "Louis is proud of smiling," I didn't expect the night of the old couple to choose to sell the night to me, this is an unexpected gain. "

"You are really walking." Bacha shook his head, "I lost to the wrong letter, the man didn't work, but fortunately I got a hand in time, didn't sign with him, but I also tied to the night, I also Very embarrassing, find a chance to go to the night flames. "

"You are too straightforward." Louis Pug smiled, "If the old man knows that you didn't sign from the warm sea, you will definitely sell the company to you, not me."

"I have been embarrassed to Night Flam, how is it to buy their company?" Bache is very embarrassed, "More than one, you have already shot, I am also embarrassed to grab it with you."

"It's a good brother, this is me tonight!" Louis Earl patted his shoulders.

"Okay, I will not be polite with you." Bachal stood up, "I will go to the bathroom first, you take a while."

"it is good."


Buckle left, Daniya shakes the wine glass, whispered: "What do you want to do?"

"Why do you ask?" Louis Mist picked her eyebrows, "The night is indeed a big fat, I just want to get it, what can I do?"

"Do you want to get a night, still want to get blue thousand?" Daniya frowned, "You dare, what do you do is not for her?"

"I reached an agreement with the night, that agreement, did you have seen it?" Lu Yijue has a wine.

"I will not harass the blue thousands of feathers in the future, I can't explain anything." Deniya smiled coldly. "When the Blue Qian Yu is going to go, you can make her take the initiative to ask you."

"Women are too smart, not a good thing." Louis count smiled, touched Dennea, "Don't destroy my good thing."

Said, he put the wine in the cup and got up to the bar to take the wine. .

"The reason why the night old lady chooses to sign with you because you trust you as a person, you don't do anything." Denne frown reminded.

"I look like so despicable people?" Louis count didn't look back, there was a bit of a little in the tone. "I will never make any hands and feet, and I will not force thousands of feathers. Even if one day, she really caught no way, also I did not do that."

"Yes, you don't have to do it, Wemewhere will step on the night, you only need to sit by the fishing." Deni is angry, "Although you didn't do any bad things, but your attitude It's enough to make women panic. If so, if the blue millet is really committed to you, it is not willing, you get her, you can't get her heart. "

"How? I am angry with anger?" Louis Earl looked back at her, browed proudly, "How do you so acid this tone? It sounds like a vinegar."

"What are you talking nonsense?" Danieya has a look, Bacha will come in and hear their conversations.

"You don't need to remind me ..." Louis Earl walks in front of Denneia, on the sofa on both sides of her shoulders, hindling her, "I am not a person who likes consequences, I only know I want to get her now, don't have her, I am so simple. Even for a year and a half years, three years, or longer, only my interest, I will wait for her, Perhaps a certain day, my interest suddenly disappeared. At that time, she would relieve it. "

"You are really crazy." Denne's brow is tight, "You are not like this, why now ..."

"Don't mention it before." Louis Earl is so sad to interrupt her. "The road used to be killed by you. Now, I am a Louis Earl for the purpose !!!!"

Dennea looked at him and was very sad ...

At this time, the footsteps came from the outside, Bacle came back, Daniya was pharacterized to push away Louis Earl, turned it, do not want Backe to see yourself.

The lips of Louis, the laughter, this woman, true hypocrisy, clearly, I feel it, still depressed ...

"What happened? The atmosphere is not very good." Bacha walked, and it felt that the two people who didn't talk about it were a bit stiff.

"Nothing." Danien quickly explained.

"How could it be?" Louis Co was very deeply looked at her.

Denneya has a panic, worried that Louis Earl will talk.

"Daniya just jealous me." Louis Earl suddenly added a sentence, "said that I should not acquire the night at this time, hurt the night flames, the night is sad, sad ..."

"Oh, it turns out." Bacle suddenly realized that turned his wife to explain his wife, "Denne, in fact, you can't blame Louis, even if he does not acquire the night, there will be someone else, and the night has escaped the destiny of the acquisition. If it falls in their death, the fate will be even more miserable. "

"Well, I know." Daniya slightly raised the lips. "I just felt sad, I was very vying to her, now she is in such a thing, it is unfortunate."

"I also feel very embarrassing." Bacle sighed, "If we don't change the day, we will ask her to eat. If you apologize, you can see if there is anything to compensate for her."

"This ..."

"Okay. I agree." The Earl of Louis immediately said, "Now the night has a cancer. When you live in the eve of the night, then the night has happened to happen. She is needed to help her."

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