Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 825, Love, Friends, Friendship 12

"Denney, then you will contact her." Backer said to Dan Nia.

Daniia is very reluctant, but they all said this, she is not very good, she has to pay attention to the head, "okay."

"Let's go on the meal first, I am preparing for Chinese food." Bacha took Daniyia.

"Well, I have a lot of mood today, I will eat a lot." Louis's face is full of brilliant smiles. "I have to go to the night. I have to open the board this afternoon, but I have to open the press conference. "

"Congratulations!" Bacle patted his shoulders, "It's a good company to run the night, it is a good company."

"Reassured, I will make the night more brilliant than before, let her know, I am stronger than the night flame." The Earl of Louis flashed with different gloss.

"Who?" Asked under Bacha.

"Night Old Night !!!" Louis March casually found an excuse, "Haha ..."

Daniyia brows, the heart is uneasy, the Louis is so biased now, he is now wrapped in the blue thousand, what can I do?


In the afternoon, the night old woman took Bergao, Zhao Jun went to the company, officially held a board of directors, announced that the night flames resigned, and there were companies that were officially acquired by Louis Earl.

At the meeting, almost all company executives were opposed. Everyone had a vision of the leadership of Night flames, hoping that he can pass the difficulties and continue to be their president.

It was originally a meeting that announced a resignation, but finally became very sad, and the deputy president of Li, even in the meeting, I was saddened for the fate of the night flame.

Night Old Nights saw that everyone cares about the night flames, I am very pleased, I don't want to keep their rice bowls, although everyone is very unsolved, but now the situation is forced, this decision is still executed.

After the announcement, the Louis Earl appeared, published an impassioned speech at the meeting, in general, it is to show attitude, will definitely develop well, respect the company's veteran, will never treat the company's current staff.

Everyone understands the Louis Earl, and when the night flames, I held a reporter reception. I said that when I was in front of the live shot, I didn't know that the night flames didn't know that Blue Qian Yu was to save him, and the man of other men, and that man It is the Earl of Louis in front of you.

Although the gossip quickly sailed, everyone is not very impressed by the Earl of Louis, and I didn't expect him to replace the night flaming, when their president.

Things have become a foregone, everyone is also afraid.

At the four o'clock, the night, held a reporter reception, officially announced the company's acquisition of Louis, the news, immediately caused an uproar in the financial industry, all people were shocked.


Blue Qian Yu saw the news at home, the mobile phone kept ringing, the phone is Xiao Han, although there is a lot of helplessness, but she still answers the phone: "Xiao Han!"

"What's going on? How can it be?" Xiao Han did not solve the question, "Even if you don't promise my proposal, there is no need to sell the company to Louis Earl, he is clearly trying to you."

"It is the meaning of Grandpa, I have no way." Blue Qian Yu sighted, "Grandpa has reached some agreement with him, he should not rushing me."

"No matter what he is rushing at you, now the night is falling in his hand, and he will have the opportunity to toss you in the future." Xiao Han is very annoying, "and in the future, there will be a recovery of night flames, and it is impossible to recover the company. "

"I know ..." Blue Qian Yu is very sad, but it is very helpless. She must understand the idea of ​​night, after all, he can't trust Xiao Han like her, and he chooses Louis Earl. There is also his reason.

"Hey ..." Xiao Han deeply sighed, "Forget it, now things have become a foregone, I have changed anything. But thousands of feathers, you have to be careful of the Passenger of Louis, if he dares your idea, you I will call me, and the night flame is now sick. I can't protect you, I still have me, I will protect you. "

"I know, thank you, Xiao Han." Blue Qian Yu is very grateful.

"I will visit the night flame tomorrow, you pay attention to your body."



Hanging up the phone, Blue Qian Yu deep sigh, twist watching to the medical room, Jiang doctor said that today's night flames will wake up, but now it is more than four o'clock, he still has no wake up, her heart is very uneasy. .

I was thinking, Qiao Qing hugged thousands of wings and hurriedly ran downstairs, and said: "Qian Yu, dried mom, Leisha, now I have come to Shenjia."

"So fast." Blue Qian Yu is expected.

"Qian Yu, we have taken the Leles." Qiao Qing's mood can't afford the excitement.

"Are you happy?" Cold, if the ice laughed, "Qian Yu has to stay with Night flaming, maybe he wakes up."


"Mom, you will take care of Leles with Qiao Qing, I have seen him at night." Blue Qian Yu said.

"I have taken it in the past, come over later." Cold Ruo ice stood up, "You alone think at home, we have seen it, if Leizie is not serious, we will come over at night."

"Well, remember to call me." Blue Qian Yu got up and sent them.

"I take the thousand wings, he is sad." Qiao Qing made a thousand wings.

"It's good, you take it, you are taking care of him, he will become your son." Blue Qian Yu smiled.

"Hey, if I have such a lovely son." Qiao Qing was very good because Leles came back.

"Go, don't let Leizie and Lei Shu, etc."



After sending away from cold ice and Qiao Qing, they left, Blue Qian Yu stands outside the medical room, holding night flames, through transparent glass windows, blue thousand feathers can see the night flames lying in the bed, for a few days Time, he is thin and looks thin, with various pipes and needles, which makes her feel bad.

Dr. Jiang is checking Night flames. It is expected that he will wake up this afternoon. This day is too dark, he still has no wake up, Dr. Jiang is also worried.

The test has been done. Jiang did not heal from the medical room. He said to Blue Qian Yu: "Mrs. Mrs. I maybe it may be that I have not woke up, and there is no signs of wake up now."

"It doesn't matter, you may wake up later." Blue Qian Yu smiled slightly, "I want to go in to keep him? Can you?"

"It can be, but you are pregnant now, can't stay in it too long, not good for the fetus, I suggest you go in late." Dr. Jiang said, "Do you want you to take a break in the living room, I am inside Little blond, wait for him to wake up, I will notify you right away? "

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