Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 827 is full of difficulties together

Dr. Jiang was touched to her eyes, he did a doctor for so many years, witnessed too much to be dead, but a woman like Blue Qian Yu is really rare.

There is too much misunderstanding between them, and the night flames have given a lot of damage, they once a few degrees of fractions, but when they flames, the blue thousands did not think that they were not allowed to guard him, never Shake.

This firm belief, this loyal love is the most precious wealth of the night flame. Because of this woman, he will understand what is true love, know what life is the most precious ......

If they can pass this difficulties, there is no matter what happens in the world that can be rare, and there is never.


Blue Qianyu doesn't know how to get out of the medical room, in the middle of you, she saw her relatives and looked at her.

Night Old Master, Cold, Lei Zhen Ting, Leizie, Qiao Qing, and her son Xiaomianyi, they touched her, there is no language comfort, but it is only concerned about her eyes, it is already enough to let her Get appease.

Xiao Qianyi walked over to Lala Blue Qian Yu's race, and the blue millet was bent on the waist. He shouted her tears: "Mummy is not crying!"

"Well." Blue Qian Yu was touched by the child, "Mommy didn't cry, didn't cry."

"Dad will be good." Xiao Qianyi is only two years old, the little age is like understanding that he is not understanding, knowing that Dad is still lying on the ward, everyone is worried about him, knowing that my mother is sad because of sadness, But he didn't know if Dad could not come out from this medical room, he would lose his father forever.

"Yes, my father will be fine, will be fine ..."

Blue Qian Yu is holding his son's sadness, and the heart is full of heart.

"Qian Yu!" Leizie came over to hold her, "Don't be afraid, have a brother, will not let anyone bully you, the night flames will be taking care of you, he will say calculations."

"Well." Blue Qian Yu is crying.


This evening, the night's dining table is hard to surround people. For such a long time, everyone has been immersed in sorrow, that is, worrying about the condition of the night flame, and worrying about the turmoil of the night group.

Nowadays, the night is selling the night to the Earl of Louis. It lives for more than 80 years old. It is rare to be easier to be able to worry about the company.

Two people have dinner together, very rare, in order to improve the atmosphere, Blue Qian Yu is no longer taking the condition of the night flame, but asked Leigh: "What is your time? Is it disappeared? What is wrong with the Philippine Princess? "

"Nothing, I was injured, coma for a while." Leizan was very embarrassed, "I didn't expect to sleep for 20 days, there will happen, Shen Shu died, Night flaming is sick. "

When I heard these words, everyone's face became stunned. If the cold remembered the stunned sanghai sea, the eyes were wet.

Blue Qian Yu is also saddened by the night flames ...

Qiao Qing gently pushed Leizie, indicating that he didn't say these unhappy things.

Leizie realized his own got words, quickly transferred the topic: "Hungry, eat."

"Right, work, open." Bo Hao greet everyone.


Everyone starts meals, no one speaks, now this sensitive period, just say something, I will touch my heart, so they have become silent.

It is Lei Zhen Ting, always is straightforward, remembers today's news, so I asked the night, the old woman: "I saw the news today, the old lady company sold to Louis Earl, is it true?"

"Really,." Night old criteria nodded, occasionally two simple words, he can still be clear, and then, it is clear.

"Also." Lei Zhenwei is deeply sighing. "People say no official is light, in fact, the trend is the same, not so big, the days can also be calm. If you start, you are ordinary people. I am afraid that there will be so many things. "

"What are you talking about?" Cold if the ice is blaming, "I will say a few words without talking."

"I, what am I wrong?" Lei Zhenwu frowned.

"Yes." The night of the night is looking back, and if you want, "too, right."

"Thunder head, our old pool is very dependent on you." Bergao converged the night of the old man's meaning, "In fact, the old lady is often so sighing, just like you, there is a sense of ambition, always in the pursuit of status Less, to the age, think of life, a family is safe and healthy and happy, and others are all outside. "

"Yeah, I mean this." Lei Zhen Ting is deeply shameful, "I am young to pursue my own ideals, miss a lot of things, when I don't think about it, I know it is the most. It is difficult to find it back, I want to find it back. "

He deeply looked at the coldness of cold ...

If the cold is low, you don't look at him, you have been so older. He still has this kind of mind is also a rare. Unfortunately, her heart is going to Shen Zanghai, will not be shaken again.

"We are still young, now understand this reason is not too late." Blue Qian Yu said, "Although the night is gone, as long as our family is enough."

"Well." Night is gratified to nod.

"We will definitely pass the difficulties." Leisi said, "Waiting for the night flames, we went back to Hong Kong, and then there were so many countries, but also felt that the hometown is best, believe in the night flames."

"I also doing this." Blue Qian Yu smiled, "I haven't returned for a long time. I have always wanted to take a small family to return to Hong Kong. Unfortunately, I have no chance. Wait for him to do surgery, the body is still almost , We will return to Hong Kong, he slowly urges the body, I also raise the tire, prepare for the second baby. "

"Early Joe Qing said that you are pregnant, congratulations." Leles patted Blue Thousand Shoulders.

"Go back to Hong Kong, you will be close to each other, there is also a photo." Thunder Ting is very happy, he has long wants to mention this suggestion, and it is afraid of cold if it is unhappy.

"It's not only sad, and there is a new hope. This child is our hope. Everyone is happy, and the night flames can also induce such an atmosphere." Cold if the ice laughed.

"Yes, I'm optimistic, so good luck will come together."

"We meal, tonight, the steak is good."

"it is good."

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