Three days left from surgery, although the people of the night home tried to make themselves to openly optimistic, everyone's mood is very heavy.

Two-half success chance, let everyone become awkward.

Blue Thousands will have some mentals. Every day, they are standing outside of the medical room, so they stand there, look at the night flames, and they are two or three hours.

Everyone's heart is hung in the throat, the closer the operation time, the more panic is, the more panic ...

This evening, Blue Thousands accompanied the night flames in the medical room, until ten o'clock returned to the room, the maid put a shower water for her, and stewed her fell as night.

Blue Qian Yu is sitting on the sofa, and the night flaming is groggy these days, and the time wakes more and less. Although Jiang did not speak, but can be seen from his dignified expression, the situation is not optimistic.

How to do?

Blue Qian Yu felt that he was so crazy, this terrible suffering, let her unaffected.

I thought about it, the mobile phone suddenly received a text message, Blue Thousands opened the mobile phone to see it, turned out to be Dienia, the content is very simple: "Mrs. Night, I always want to contact you, I am afraid to bother you, if you are convenient, hopeful, hope Can call me back, thank you. "

Seeing this text message, Blue Qian Yu feels some accidents, thinking about it, she gave Dennea called: "Mrs. Deni!"

"Mrs. Night, I didn't expect you to call me back so quickly. I really report it. This time I bother you, have you slept?" Deni Asked.

"It doesn't matter, I haven't slept yet." Blue Qianyu said, "I haven't seen you for a long time, are you okay?"

"Old look." Dani sighed, "Mrs. Night, I have considered it for a long time to make this call, lasting about my husband with you, I will default, until now We have not given you a conference, this matter, my husband has always felt very interesting, so many times, let me contact you, I want to apologize to you, and then see what can I do for you? "

"Don't be so polite. Mr. My body is not suitable, Mr. Bacha is thinking about the interests of the group, and we can understand."

"You understand, because you deepen our great righteousness, but we still want to do some compensation." Denne said sincerely, "Mrs.", we have to go back to Dai, you can find a time tomorrow? "


"I know that the night is always going to do surgery, so before leaving, we want to show our sincerity, just make up for the original default, only to delay your hour, can you?"

Dennea said very sincere, Blue Qianyu refused, think about it, "I finally nod," Well, I will see it at noon tomorrow, I can't go too far, just in my home near my family? ? "

"Good, 11, I will wait for you in the starfish hotel on time."

"see you then."


Hanging up the phone, the mood of Blue Thousand is still very heavy, now the sun flames should be a surgery, she is sleeping every day, I don't want to pay attention to other things. Tonight Denne's invitation, she didn't want to go, but I thought of Dan Niya and Bacle are sincere, so sincere, she can't bear to refuse.

Anyway is just an hour, about a starfish hotel near the night home, come back to the lunch time, nor to delay.

I think so, the blue thousand feathers are not intended, let go of the phone, turn off the lights, try to let yourself sleep ...


Moore restaurant seven floor box.

Daniya put the phone back to the bag, looked at the Earl of Louis, said cold and cold: "Well, tomorrow is at the Starfish Hotel."

"I have already said, you will give her, she will come out." Louis Capo shakes the high wine glasses, the lips are excited, "I haven't seen her for a long time, I can finally meet tomorrow, it is really good. "

"You are playing with fire." Deni is angry with him, "You have to play, don't pull people down the fire pit, you will die."

"I didn't say anything to do. How can I die? I will die. I said, I love her. How can I pull it up?" Louis Earl laughed at Denne, "Why is you old? Is it so exaggerated? Will it be jealous? "

"It's a disease, ghosts eat your vinegar." Denne is not angry with him, "If you are not you threaten me, I don't want to play this phone."

"We are friends, don't worry too much." Louis Earl smiled, put the wine in the cup, then stood up, "I have to go first, prepare for tomorrow, you China Bacle slowly drink. "

"Bacle talks about business next door. Do you have now? Do you lose me here?" Deni is very annoying.

"Then you have been looking for him." Louis Boker swayed, and his head did not leave.

Daniea looked at his back, and his heart was burnt. He thought that he threatened her to call the Blue Qianfeng with their relationship. It is a lot of itch. How to do?

Denney, the more you want to worry about ...


In the morning, the sun is shining.

Blue Qianyu got up early, make breakfast for everyone, she must let them be busy, only enriched life can make them forget about trouble.

Moreover, now in order to guard against the night flame, Lei Zhen Ting, Le Le lives, they are used to habits Chinese food, not too used to the Western breakfast made by the maid, so Blue Qianfeng kitcoured every day.

Qiao Qing took the small thousand wings to go downstairs, Xiao Qianyi is now shouting Mummy, Blue Qianyu picks down gloves, walking and hugging him: "The thousand wings are really awkward, the stomach is hungry? Mummy is making breakfast for you Soon, just fine. "

"Qian Yu, you are now pregnant, you can't hold a small wing, hurry to let him down." Qiao Qinggui Music said.

"Nothing." Blue Qian Yu kissed the thousand wings and put him down.

"There is a sister in Mommy's stomach, can't hold wings." Xiaoqianyi light strokes the blue millet flatteral belly, the innocent and innocent said, "When the sister came out, I can play with the Wings."

"Oh ..." Everyone was amused by a small killer.

The home of this dark cloud is, because there is a few vitality of the existence of a small wing, a small action, a milk, and a milk, you can make everyone feel clear.

"Earlier!" At this time, the voice of Lei Zhen Ting came, Blue Qian Yu and Qiao Qing, and the servants quickly greet him.

"Do you see Leizie?" Lei Zhen Ting frowned, "He went out last night, as if not yet now."

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