"No." Blue Qian Yu brows wrinkled, "When did he go out last night?"

"There was a little bit in the morning." Lei Zhen Ting is dignified. "I was dealing with official duties. I heard that there was a door to open the door next door. I found out that he was looking at the bottom of his hand, I stopped him, asking him to go, he said Something, I said that he still hurts, not let him go out, but he doesn't listen, you will rush it out, I am afraid to wake you, I have no forcibly blocking, thinking that he should come back in the middle of the night, I didn't expect it yet. See the figure. "

"This little child is really uncomfortable." Blue Qianyu said, "I gave him a call."

"I have turned it in the morning, he doesn't pick it up." Lei Zhen Ting helplessly sigh, "You have a phone call, maybe he will pick your phone, if he doesn't come back, I will send someone to find him."

"Uncle Lei, you don't worry, Le Leizhou is so big, even if there is no return in the night, there will be no matter." Qiao Qing comforted.

"I am not worried about him. I am worried that he is taking with the William Fiier." Thunder Ting said, "They both made it, I can't let him continue to go."

"Uncle Lei, is the princess of the Philippine?" Qiao Qing asked, "Did they really break up?"

"The matter of engagement is true, is it completely divided." Lei Zhen Ting mentioned that there is some anger to rush. "They all have the same one more times, and there is no time for each quarrel. Go together, I am worried that he is brought to her silk with her. There are many women in the sky. Why do you want to hang on a tree. "

"Telephone is ..." Blue Qian Yu made a gesture, indicating that they don't talk.

Lei Zhen Ting and Qiao Qing also looked at Blue Thousands of mobile phones. After more than 20 seconds, the phone finally received it, but it was not Le Le, but a lazy voice of a girl: "Hey!"

Blue Qian Yu lived: "Are you?"

The girl slowed down, whispered: "I am William Fi, are you a thousand sister?"

"Oh, I am." Blue Qian Yu is somewhat embarrassed, and it is very unexpected. Isn't Le Le Lie to Williapi? How can I pull together? Did they live together last night?

"Thousands of sisters, I heard that your home is in a matter, I really haven't gone to see you, and I haven't helped what is busy ..."

"Fili!" Leisha's low drunk, William Fei said, "he woke up."

"Mobile phone is brought." Leager seriously.

William Fiier quickly handed him to him: "Why is it so fierce?"

"I have said to you, don't move my phone." Leisha's tone is not very good, take mobile phone, low, "Qian Yu, what happened?"

"Nothing, Uncle Lei said that you have not returned overnight, so I ask for a phone call, are you okay?" Yue Qian Yu Trial.

"I am fine, I will come back soon." The voice came from the phone.

"Le Le ..." Blue Qian Yu also wants to say something, Leizie hung up the phone, she looked at Lei Zhen Ting, "Shu Sh, he said immediately."

"Is he told with that gimmick?" Lei Zhenting's brow wrinkled more tight.

"This ..." Blue Qian Yu bites the lip, "it seems to be."

Although she didn't speak anything, the first sentence "You is?" Has leaked the sky, Lei Zhen Ting is so smart, and it must know that there is another person who just started to answer the phone.

"I really don't see the coffin, I don't have tears." Lei Zhen Ting got his teeth, "The girl lied to him before, he didn't eat enough, and he pulled with her."

"Uncle Lei, what happened to between them?" Question of Blue Qian Yu.

"I am too lazy to say, say that you will ask him later." Lei Zhen Ting is very unhappy, turn it upstairs.

Blue Qian Yu looked at his back, and his heart was a little uneasy.

"I am not very clear." Qiao Qing said, "I only know that Feier has a fiance. At the beginning, I ran to Hong Kong. After I met Le Le, I didn't know much, I didn't seem I just started nothing, she didn't feel it, she took the initiative, and later he fell in, she abandoned him. "

"This is certainly not the case." Blue Qian Yu shook his head, "Leizie is not a non-spoken person, if Fei is really betrayed him, he won't go out last night, let alone, Feier if true Have a feeling with her fiance, and will not be with Leizie, I am afraid this is misunderstood. "

"It should be, in short, I see Leizie now love her." Qiao Qing sighed, "No matter what, I still hope that Leizie can be happy."

"Well." Blue Qian Yu Yang Ren, "Qiao Qing, you are still very concerned about him, in fact, you should let your eyes open, maybe there is more suitable people."

Blue Qian Yu is a look at Zhao Jun, and Zhao Jun's face is red. .

"He is suitable for me, I am not suitable for him." Qiao Qing made her glance, "Don't take us again in the future, we have worsened brothers and sisters."

"Brothers and sisters?" Blue Qian Yu can't help, "like Zhao Jun's so good man, it is really suitable for brother."

"I have a small thousand wings to play, you slowly make breakfast, don't tell you." Qiao Qing took a small thousand wings to the garden.

Blue Qianyu discovered that Zhao Jun always looked at Qiao Qing, smiles, continued to make breakfast, still thinking about all kinds of heart, such as Night flame surgery, and Dennea's invitation. .


At 8:30, the whole family has breakfast around the restaurant.

Lei Zhen Ting is very silent today. Everyone can see him, probably worry about Leizie and Williapi.

Blue Qian Yu is advise him, if the cold is cold and cold: "The things about emotions will be natural, don't force it, Leizie grows, he knows how to go in the future."

"The child is still young, life experience should be guided to the child, avoiding some mistakes." Lei Zhen Ting said faintly. "You are too respecting children, what is going to choose themselves Do it, so it will be ... "

"What will it?"

"Nothing." Lei Zhen Ting quickly transferred the topic, "Qian Yu, you ask Leles, it is so long, why didn't you come back."

"Oh, ok." Blue Qianpia is ready to call, at this time, the car came from outside, followed by the report, "Lei Hao came back!"

"Come back." Qiao Qing served down the cutlery, ready to welcome Leizie, but she walked to the door, she stunned, Leizan is not alone, and William Fiier ...

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