"Oh, then it is okay, in short, you are still a little wonderful." Qiao Qing also stood up, "Time is almost, you go to the clothes, I also want to have a few days to see, before The mercenary has retired, and now there is only one household to be held. I have to pack anything. I have to get a woman. I am afraid that my mother can't come. "

"Well, then you have taken it. If there is still a lot of things, you will call Bo Wei, he will help from the night family, you don't worry too much."



Blue Qian Yu is already at 10:30 when Zhao Jun goes out. She is about Deniya to meet at eleven. Now I have just been in the past.

Zhao Jun tried to ask: "At this time, I don't know what Dennea has anything, I don't want to go out."

"I don't know." Blue Qian Yu is eyebrow, "the flame will be a surgery, I have no other things, when she gave me a call last night, I have been speaking for a long time, but she has been very Adhere to, it is very sincere, I am not refused. What more, she and Bacle are good people, Bacle's trend is huge, I can't say that the body is good, I still need their help, so I don't Dare to sin them. "

"It's also." Zhao Jun nodded, from the rearview mirror, I saw Qiao Qing, asked, "Where is Qiao Qing?"

"She wants to go to my mother, see if there is anything to help." Blue Qianyu turned his head.

"Hey." Zhao Jun did not say much, the eyes have always gaze their rearview mirrors, so long to remove it.

"Qiao Qing is a good girl." Blue Qian Yu said that he said, "Some things, she is just not to talk now, wait until I don't want to pass."

"Oh ..." Zhao Jun smiled.

Blue Qian Yu smiled, in fact, from another perspective, she is very hoping that Qiao Qing is together with Zhao Jun, although Zhao Jun is just a bodyguard, but he is not the same as other people, he is in the night's position.,, when the night flames are not there, the big and small things are his owners. Everyone did not look at him.

And he grows also a table talent, the talents, the mind is cautious, the mind is wise, the treatment is even more loyal, it is a simple and soft, such a man is worthy of paying life.

If Qiao Qing has a Zhao Jun, the two of their sisters will not be separated, and they should take each other, how good.

Unfortunately, Qiao Qingxin has still remembered Leizie, and knowing that they are impossible, or I have never forgotten, and Blue Qianyu hopes that she can think about it.


Blue Qian Yu is very heavy, completely did not find out that the darkness of the woods, there is a pair of eyes staring at them, waiting for Zhao Jun's car to drive, the man immediately opened the car and followed Qiao Qing.

In the car, the person on the pick-up seat stared at Qiao Qing's car, whispered: "If you are unlucky, who makes you a good friend with Blue Qian Yu!"

"I don't understand why, why do the owner let us catch this girl." Asked Driving people.

"Soon, you will understand."


On the road, Blue Qianyu called to the Starfish Hotel, but the manager told her that Denne has already wrapped down the nine floors.

Blue Qianyu has a bond, hang up the phone, apologize: "I know that I should book a box earlier, I should be the friendship of my landlord, please dinner, but let her go to the court, really embarrassed Zhao Jun, wait for you to find a manager when you go in, buy the list of the package, we can't be too rude. "

"Okay, I know." Zhao Jun headed.


When I arrived at the Starfish Hotel, I just saw that Blue Qian Yu saw Daniea's car parked downstairs, and he could not help but accelerate the pace.

Zhao Jun handed the key to the parking brother, followed by: "Lady, I will go with you first."

"You go to buy it first, or wait until you have to pay, you are safe, nothing." Blue Qian Yu said.

"Well." Zhao Jun quickly went to the front desk contact manager.


Blue Qian Yu took the elevator to go to the nine floors, in the elevator, she received the phone of Dennea -

"Mrs. Dennea, I am sorry, I am late, but I have already in the elevator, and I will go to the 19th floor immediately."

"Mrs. Night, it should be that I am embarrassed to say, this morning, my husband suddenly is not suitable, so I have to stay at home, I am afraid that I can't accompany you today, I really apologize." Daniya Say.

"You haven't come? But I just saw your car downstairs?" Blue Qian Yu is very surprised.

"Is the Earl of Louis, he opened my car." Denne said.

"Ah?" "Blue Qian Yu is horrified, how can it be like this? Originally Denneia, now, now it turned into the Route Earl?

"I really report." Daniea said, "I should tell you earlier, I'm told that he replaced us, and by the way, it will convey our previous compensation, so I have no resignation."

"But ..." Blue Qian Yu is saying something, at this time, the elevator is open, and a familiar voice came, "you finally come!"

Blue Qianyu looked at it. The Earl of Louis came over with elegant pace. The lips hooked the smile, and the blue milf was shocked, and the next awareness retired halfway.

"You can't come out again, the elevator is to close." Louis Earl reached out to pull the blue thousands of elevators.

Blue Qianyu is unstable, planted in his arms, raises his head, just right to see him affectionate, they are so close, you can feel the breath of each other, his eyes become burning: "I haven't seen it for a few days ,really miss you."

"You ..." Blue Qian Yu wants to earn him, but he is strong in his arms, she is unable to move, the mobile phone call does not know when it hangs, and the blue thousand is very nervous, "let go I."

"It's just to eat meals. As for such exclusive? How to say, I am also your benefactor." Louis Mist forced she pulled her into the box.

"What do you want to do?" Blue Qianyu glared at the Earl of Louis, "Today, what is your deliberate arrangement? Yes, you let Denneia about me, now it is temporarily left, give you a chance?"

"Will be it." Louis's prisoner smiled at her, "I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you too long, I want to sleep, so I will see you, you can rest assured, I just want to see you quietly, I will not make more things you have made. "

"I saw it now? Can I go?" Blue Qianyu glared at him and turned to go ...

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