"There are many media reporters now downstairs. If you want to be seen, you will leave, then go."

Pissed the Louis, there is no need to shrug your shoulders and turn it on the sofa.

Blue Qianyu glanced at him, went to the window, picked up the curtains to see below, and there were many media reporters around, she turned back to ask the Louis Earl: "What is your name?"

"If I call it, they will come directly." Louis Bojue is a wine glass, and the wine is a wine, "Just, today I have a Hollywood star to hold a reporter reception here,"

"What is it?" Blue Qianyu is full of face, "New York is so big, luxurious hotel is much, the starfish is relatively biased, which star is so good, will it be held here? You are arranged. "

"The star wants to kill me, I just disclose it, I will come here today, so she will hold a reporter reception here." Louis Earl is good to look at her, "If you think this is deliberate Arrange, then I have no way. "

"You ..." Blue Qian Yu is speechless, "How are you thinking ????

"What do I think, you have always known." Louis Earl said with his eyes, and looked at her, "Why should I know?"

"I have long said to you, I can't leave my husband, let alone he will do surgery tomorrow, you are entangled at this time, how do you think I will see you? You will only make me feel more disgust? "Blue Qian Yu's emotions are some excited.

"Yeah ..." Louis Bo sighed, "I also know this truth, I have been telling yourself in my heart, don't entangle you, at this festival, wait for the surgical surgery, but I don't help but live……"

Blue Qianyu hurts the ear, the heart burns an angry, but she didn't attack him, silent for a moment, she is almost begging -

"Just asked for you, let me go? I am just an ordinary housewife, I love my husband, I don't want to leave my family, you don't want to entangle me again, this world is a lot of good women, How many women are temporary to you, you will relax your eyes, so you can find it, I'm not so good ... "

Her words didn't finish it, I will stand up, Louis Capi walked over to her, she was afraid, "What do you want to do? Don't come over !!!"

"Why are you so afraid of me? From recognizing now, when did I hurt you?"

Louis Earl will force the blue rider to the corner, one hand in the glass, and the other hand is supported next to her shoulders, and the tall body is like a cage.

"In fact, when we met on the first night, I didn't think about entangle you like this, maybe because I was too windy to you, you relaxed myself, and I am with you. The more it is, the deeper, so that I can't dig now ... "

"This is wrong, you know that I don't belong to you, you should restrain your feelings." Blue Qianyou is afraid on the wall, avoiding his contact.

"Just started, I was also restrained ..." Louis Earl Yin Hong's thin lips kissed the hair of the blue thousand feathers, "I asked the Dom judge to help you, we pretend to be a couple, lying in bed, critical moments, I still let go of you, isn't it a kind of restraint? "


"I even avoid you, go back to France."

The hand of Louis, the waist of the blue thousand feathers, the thin lips passed through the hair of Blue Thousand, with her ear, affectionate low -

"I have dated other women, bed, bed, use them to transfer your feelings, soon, I will find that I can't do it, I really can't do it, my heart, my heart, full of my heart You, I can't help you send you text messages, call, but you are too indifferent to me, your indifference does not let me get shrink, but let my heart make my heart more stupid, let me want to get your belief more firm ... "

Said, Louis Earl kisses the earlobe of the blue thousand feathers, the burning breath is blowing in her auricle, arouseing a strong current.

Blue Qian Yu is a maneu, panic, push him: "Don't touch me."

"I just want to hug you." The atmosphere of Louis is a bit heavy, and the warm thin lips is full of blue thousands of ear, "I don't want to remove it," I am better than night flames, why don't you see your eyes? Look at me? If he has a healthy body, you can give you happiness, I may really choose to give up, but he is sick into the cream waste, almost no medicine can save, why should you die for him? "

"No, he will be fine, he will be better." Blue Qian Yu said, "He did surgery tomorrow, he will definitely spend this difficult relationship."

"Even if the surgery is successful, it is not necessarily able to live." Louis Earl looked at her, "" Cancer cells can spread the first time, "can spread the second time, he can afford a few times toss?"

"No, not this ..." Blue Qian Yu moved his head.

"Okay." Louis, I nodded. "I don't want to stimulate you, not as good as letting gamble, if the night flames can pass the difficulties, the healthy live, and give you happiness, I will no longer entangle you; If he has failed, or it is dead, you will die, you will follow me! "

"It's impossible." Blue Qian Yu is angry with him, "No matter what the results, I will not be with you, even if the night flame is really not in the past, I will stay at night, for a lifetime !!!"

"How are you so stubborn? You are still so young, staying in the night, keeping a lifetime, is it widowed?" Louis Earck is closely frowning.

"The value is not worthy of my own heart, I don't need you to comment." Blue Qian Yu said coldly, "You let me go, Zhao Jun immediately came up."

"How is it?" Louis's disdain is disdainful. "It is my person outside, even if he got on the 19th floor, it could not enter this box."

"What do you want to do?" "Blue Qianyu got his teeth," Do you want to come hard now? "

"Is it hard?" Louis Puch raised her eyebrows, "I haven't thought of it, but you remind me."

Said, he reached out to pick up the chin of the blue thousand feathers. "Even if I am here now, you can't take me."

"I really didn't expect you to be this kind of person." Blue Qianfeng is in the bones, "You are right, even if you want me, I have no way, now the night is not your opponent, However, if you have a pregnant woman to force, you will only make me more despise you. "

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