"Pregnant women ??" Louis Capi changing, "You, are you pregnant?"

"Yes." Blue Qianyu said coldly, "I am pregnant, this is the second child."

The brow of Louis Pu is tightly frowned, all the intensive is canceled, retracted, let her, let the wine in the cup drink, thinking of Blue Qian Yu and night flames lingering scene I burned in anger in my heart.

Blue Qian Yu is dark, turned to go, and go to go, Louis Earl Suddenly said: "After eating this lunch, you will go back."

"I am not a guest." Blue Qianyu said coldly.

Louis Earl turned to look at her: "You should know, if I really want to get you, it is easy, but I have never bare you, because I respect you. I admit that I am a bit anxious, this time I cheated you. Your heart must be excluded, but I just want to see you, eat meals, chat, just take a time. After an hour, you have to go, I will never stop. "

"If I don't say it?" Blue Qian Yu's tone is cold, but his heart is somewhat nervous, she is afraid that he is doing anything.

"Oh!" Louis, "If you don't even satisfy me, then, I don't have to be so polite to you."

He raised a wine glass, picking up the eyebrows. "If I don't let you go, you can't walk, don't believe you try?"

Blue Qian Yu glanced at him, reached out to open the door, but found that the door has been locked, she is angry with iron: "Let people open the door."

"Start the timing from you, I only need you an hour, if you are so grinding, the consequences are at your own risk."

Louis Bo Lou gave him a half-glass wine, elegant, did not know why, he found that the wine was very strong today, and the blue thousands of feather came to drink two cups. Now I have two cups, I have been drunk. I feel that the body is still a bit fever. Is it not intoxicating, people are drunk?

Blue Qian Yu took out the phone to call Zhao Jun's phone, but the Louis Earl took her mobile phone and lost into a wine with red wine.

"You, what are you doing?" "Blue Qian Yu is very annoying.

"You don't listen to it again, don't want to go home today." Louis Earl's double arm is chest, so he looks at her.

Blue Qian Yu didn't want to make it with him, but I have to sit on the table, I think, wait for Zhao Jun to come, nothing.


At the same time, Zhao Jun went into the elevator. He just got to negotiate with manager. The manager said that Dan Nia had already bought a single time, he had to return to the floor.

The elevator rises to the second floor, the phone rang, it is called cold: "Zhao Jun, is you with thousands, Qiao Qing?"

Zhao Jun said: "I will talk to Mrs. Dan Nia with little lady, Qiao Qing did not follow us. Is there anything?"

"I saw Qiao Qing's car on the way back to the night, but I didn't see people. I felt very strange, then I called Qiao Qing, I can't do it, and the mobile phone of Qian Yu is not doing. I am worried, so I will call. Ask you, don't know where they go, since Qian Yu is with you, then there should be no problem, can you see the car in the woods? "

When Zhao Jun listened, his face changed immediately: "When I went out of Mrs, I saw Qiao Qing to drive your home. The young lady also said that she had to help you to pack the house, she should lose the car half a half On the road, will it be? "

"No, you don't scare me." Cold, if the ice is panicked, "I will send someone to find someone to find it."

"Okay, what kind of news, please remember to inform me, I will go to talk to the little lady first."



Hanging up the phone, Zhao Jun's mood is very heavy, worried about what Qiao Qing really has.

At this time, the elevator door is exactly, Zhao Jun hurriedly went to the VIP box where Blue Qian Yu, but he was stopped from the door: "Responding, Zhao help, our lady is talking about things with your family, trouble you Dining here, slightly. "

Zhao Jun carefully told this woman, it was indeed a person around Daniea, he did not doubt, but because Qiao Qing did something, he said: "I have to report our young lady."

"I just want to send juice to go in, you can tell me, I will go to the revelation." The woman took a tray from the hands, and there was a slap in the tray.

"Such a big thing, or I will report it myself." Zhao Jun was very insisted, although he believed that Denneia did not have any problems, but it was seriously, he must personally report blue thousands.

"This ..." The woman came from somewhat hard, thought about it, she said, "Please wait, I report to our wife."

"Good." Zhao Jun headed.

The woman came with knocking on the door: "The master, the night, the night, said that there is something to report."

"Let him say it, the night is listening to it." The low low response is a man's voice.

Zhao Jun felt wondering, and the woman came from explained: "It is Mr. Bacle."

"Oh, it turns out." Zhao Junxin thought that it was true, "said young lady, are you inside?"

In the room, Blue Qian Yu is nervous to see the outside, and look at the Earl of Louis, Louis Pu's gas is gone to her, indicating that she will answer Zhao Jun.

"I am." Blue Qian Yu should, she wants Zhao Jun to save her out, but she is afraid of having a lot of things, after all, this floor is the people of Louis, and there is still a multimedia reporter downstairs. In case of the matter, she really can't clean up the resumption. Tomorrow's night flames will be surgery, she doesn't want to have a branch of this time.

Although Louise Earl is entangled, but so far, he has not done anything else, and he has always speaking count, he said that he just eats a meal, then eat this meal and left it, it should Will nothing.

"Mrs. Shen, called me, saying that Qiao Qing's car was thrown in the woods, people were gone, she worried that Qiao Qing will do something, let me talk to you." Zhao Jun reported.

"How can this be?" Blue Qian Yu asked, "Did you find it?"

"The Shenfu people have sent people to find it. She also didn't find this thing." Zhao Jun said, "Lady, I am worried that Qiao Qing will do things, or let's go first. ? "

"I ..." Blue Qian Yu is talking, Louis Earl looked at her, and the eyes were a dining table, whispered, "This meal is not finished, you can't go."

Blue Qianyu glared at him, thinking about it, she turned his head to Zhao Jun: "Zhao Jun, I am talking about Mrs. Dennea, you will go back to help my mother to find Qiao Qing, and there is a situation to inform me "

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