Dennea's obedience made Louis Earl look more strong, he has unlocked her clothes, and the hot kiss was transferred from the lips ...

Denny bite the lower lips and clenched his fists. When Louis Bot kissed her body, her tears finally slipped, close their eyes, bite the teeth.


Under the bed, the blue Qianyu sleeping is not known at all, Daniia is replacing her hurt that should not belong to.


The most terrible moment is finally coming. When Louis Earl is prepared to occupy Denneia, he suddenly found a problem. It seems that it is a bit wrong. It is a little dressed before the blue thousands. How do you wear a pants now?

Louis Bo looked up, slightly, wanted to look at the appearance of the body under the body, but the room was dark, he couldn't see it, and her face was covered with a mess, his eyes closed tightly, Even the pair of eyes can't see it.

He reached out and opened his hair on her face, but he touched the tears of his face. His brow wrinkled, and did not ask: "What? What is it for me?"

Denne is still closed, she can feel the doubts of Louis, have reached this step, if she found it is her, then the prenatal work, Blue Qianyu will be eaten by him, and she will not have good End.

She bite the lower lips, hit the scalp, holding the head of the Louis Earl, put his lips, and kissed him, she kissed him, she squatted herself, but she has no way Return.

The Body of Louis Earl stalemate, soon fell into her enthusiasm, his fierce kisses gradually eroded her whole body, and a pair of hands could not wait for her to swim, and he was excited. : "Qian Yu, you are really a warm and sweet heart ..."

The enthusiasm of Louis Earl is so strong, but he has ignored some small different. In fact, he is not enough to understand the body of Blue Qianyu, plus now drinking a lot of wine, so Danie is a fake.

When I heard this sentence, Denne's mouth was twitched, and the strong sorrow spread from the bottom of the heart. I didn't expect their reassence. It was just a substitute, sadness.

"Qian Yu ... my thousand feather ..."

Tan Niya is tasting Denia, but the sound calls the name of Blue Qian Yu, all the strong and overbearing to disappear at this moment, and replaced is a meticulous gentleness and affection.

He really likes her, so likes, I like to think about her thoughts in half years, now, he finally got "her" ...


The Louis Earl is plundered by Denneia, changing various ways, over and over again, and the young body is getting almost numb.

The Louis Earl is quite experienced. After Dennea left him, he was in his own feelings, and many women, but today is very memorable for him.

Because of his mind, in your heart, you are full of blue thousand feathers.

The woman who made him move made him crazy.

However, different from the Earl of Louis, this day, for Dennea is like a terrible nightmare, let her never erase the nightmare, she is even unable to forget, because it is her voluntary of.


Until the evening, Louis Earl finally tiredly slept ...

Daniya carefully moved the pain, the body was going to be scattered, quickly wearing clothes, pulling out blue thousand feathers from the bottom of the bed, ready to save her away, Blue Qian Yu is still fainting, Denneia is taken by Louis What strength, just helped her, two people fell together in bed.

On the bed, Louis is over, a arm is pressed against Blue Qianyu, Deni is scared to hide on the bed.

At this time, Zhao Jun's voice came from outside: "What about our lady? Hand it out, otherwise I will welcome you."

Deniya is secretly sorry, it is too good, the people of the night are coming, now she will take it away, and the Zhao Jun will save the blue millet.

Thinking of this, Danieya found his mobile phone to send a text message from the woman, soon, the woman came out of the woman outside: "You are a young man is resting, you still go back, late, Louis Earl will send She goes back. "

"What do you mean? Are you resting? Where is the young wife?" Zhao Jun was very excited, and anger is going to come in.

The Earl of Louis will stop him immediately. The two sides have hit the two low knockouts, Dennea received the secret, and quickly opened the door, followed the woman quietly slipped together.


Louis Earl quickly woken up the sound of the outside, opened his eyes, and went to touch the pillow next to it. He saw that the blue thousands of feathers were lying next to it. His lip raised the curvature of the people, reach out her. face……

"Don't touch me ..." Blue Qian Yu woke up in a confusion, thinking that his head hurts very heavy, as if the lead is, the body is soft, there is no strength, and the mouth is dry, I really want to drink water.

Louis Earl looked at her weak look, the smile of the lips, said: "You look very weak, is it too fierce in the afternoon, it hurts you?"

Blue Qian Yu took a look, looked at him, and Question: "What is fierce? What do you mean?"

"Hey, I am stupid to me again. In the afternoon, are you not very active? Is it better, let's come again? Well?"

The Louis Boker is going to kiss her, and the blue thousand feathers reach out to his lips, panicked, "You, what do you mean? What happened in the afternoon?"

"Do you want to accept this realistic? Although you said that I didn't feel it, I don't like me, but in fact, your body still needs me ..."

Puja Jue is close to her. In the afternoon, she is clearly awake, but also to be awake than him, he can affirm that she is also what he is happy.

"What are you talking about? I really don't know, the Route, you told me, what happened?"

Blue Qian Yu is in urgent questions, the bed is chaotic, it seems to be what happened, although she is not impressed, but she is really afraid, after drinking juice, she is somewhat uns, I really happen to him. Relationship? ? No way.

The Earl of Louis is not pleasing, staring in her, after a few seconds, he said seriously: "Blue Qian Yu, even if you are not willing, we have already taken a relationship, this is the truth, now the wood has become a boat, you Is my woman, divorce with Night flame tomorrow, follow me back to France !!!! "

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