"What?" Blue Qianfeng looked at him, shocked half, suddenly jumped from the bed, pulling his arm, excited, "this impossible, impossible, you are lie to me right? I It is impossible to have a relationship with you, how can I have a relationship with you? I have no impression, are you doing a dream? "

"I do a dream? I see it is you dreaming? You don't impress it, don't I do it overnight with ghosts? Do you look at the bed, here there is our trace." Louis Bo is angry.

Blue Qian Yu looks back, the bed is messy, white-folded crumpled, there is indeed loved traces, she is frightened, and she does not dare to shake her head, panic saying: "It is impossible, impossible, How can this be? I have no feelings at all, how will it? How? "

"Do you actually say it?"

The Louis Earl heard this sentence, it feels very frustrated, as if your man is not recognized by her, he is dangerous to squint, step approaching her, biting his teeth -

"It seems that I am too warm, now, I will let you try to feel love ..."

The voice just fell, he took her wrist and took her on the wall and kissed her ...

"Oh ..." Blue Qian Yu shook his head and stopped.

Her resistance has aroused the anger of the Louis Earl. He used one hand to mention her wrist to the top, and took another hand, slammed her cheeks, forced her to open their mouths, and tumbling Among them, sucking her sweetness.

Blue Qian Yu's angry struggle, lifting his head and kicking him, but the Earl of Louis avoided, then clamped her legs, let her not move, his kiss is more intense, with punitive Bold, make her lip's lips hot breath, one hand is evil to explore her chest.

At this time, Blue Qian Yu suddenly made a crazy break from his kiss, hysterically crying: "You dare to touch me, I will die for you -"

The Pissed of Louis shocked, confused, staring at her, for a long time, finally letting her, turning around, violent drinking -

"Do you put it? This afternoon is clear so good, like a soup woman, it is so innocent, what do you want to do? Do you want to do it? Very good, I tell you, your purpose is reached, My fuck has been emotional by you, are you satisfied? "

When I heard these words, I watched the fact that it impossible to change again. Blue Qian Yu softly sat on the ground, covering his face, crying in hysteria: "Go out, I don't want to see you again, go out, go out -"

"You let me go out? This is my site !!!"

Louis Bo is angry, he is driving three feet, kicking the tea, holding a fist, really wanting people, but seeing Blue Qian Yu crying so poor look, his heart is finally soft, biting teeth, angry I just got out of the door, and I took my mobile phone to report, "Mr. Bacle called you, saying that there is an urgent matter."

"Rolling !!!" Louis Capo is like a lion, now, he feels that he has been insulted, and the anger in the heart is not destroyed in the water in the whole sea.

The Earl of Louis came to the next room, swept all the things on the table, and fell several vases, then sat on the sofa and drinking.

After a while, he immediately calved his anger, finally put down the wine glasses, took a shower, changed his clothes, at this time, the sky is already black, followed by the report, Bacle's car has already opened to the hotel, it will come in.

"What is he doing?" "" "Louis Earl is charged.

With the report of the care of the wing: "Zhao Jun came to ask for people, seeing the guest, I found it wrong with the passenger, I also hit by the passenger, Mother, I heard that she was the invitation of Mr. Bacle, so Calling asking Bacle, Mr. Bacle may guess something, so let me ... "

"How is it? Now wood has become a boat, she is already mine, who will not give the face." Louis Earl is cold and low.

"Yes." With low head, the atmosphere did not dare.


Thinking of this afternoon is hot, Louis Earl, I still feel some doubts, this afternoon, "Blue Qian Yu" is very good, very enjoyable, now how come now?

Woman is hypocritical.

The Louis Earl thought that she had become his person, and the mood was suddenly turned out. The anger gradually extinguished, and the light hand came to the room, standing half of the door, and the room was still out of low crying, his The brow wrinkled, looked back and asked a woman from: "How long she cried?"

"After you leave, I have been crying." The woman said from the whisper, "she relieves the door to lock, do not let people go in, let's knock on the door, her emotions become very excited, non-stop, we don't Dare to provoke her, I observed, from you, she has been crying, until now, the owner, you still persuade her, women meet this kind of thing, it will be some uncomfortable, Some grievances. "

"I also wronned." Louis Bo took the mouth and felt really unfair, why men are living, women can be wronged? What is the woman is good?

However, I think so, he is still very worried about the body of Blue Qianyu, and I am afraid that she is hungry, and she is afraid that she will cut things, so I still endure my temper, and I take the house card opened the door.

A messy in the city, all the things that fell, all fell to the ground, the blue thousands of feathers were sitting in the corners, buried their faces on the knees, crying a smoked.

Louis Capei frowned, handed over the door, coughing twice, low sinking: "Don't cry, things have happened, I'm going to be so handsome, the conditions are so good, but also I like you so much, you will not suffer at all, I will help you raise the child in your belly after you. "

After listening to this sentence, Blue Qian Yu finally stopped crying. The Earl of Louis also thought it was effective, and his face showed a happy smile. Barba walked over, but he wanted to help her up, but touched the eyes of Blue Qian Yu. She bites his teeth, and the grief is biting: "Roll, I don't want to see you in a second, roll, roll ----"

The temper of Louis, finally arrived, his face was like a mutant weather, immediately became gloomy: "Do you want to say me? You will really take mandatory measures."

The blue thousands of hate glanced at him, and the word said: "There is a kind of you kill me !!!"

"Hey!" Louis count, smiled coldly, Husen said, "I won't kill you, I will go directly to you."

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