Blue Qian Yu is shocked, and it is shocked to look at him: "You ..."

"I said to do it." Louis Earl announced the strong announcement, "I used to be my woman, I won't force you, but now, you have become mine, even if you don't want, you must be with me. I will force you to divorce with the night flames, and I will return to France. "

After saying this, he turned to leave, when he walked to the door, the cold command: "Mina, wait for her to bathe clothes, remember, don't allow her to cry, there is a tears, I only have you are ask!"

"Yes, the master." The woman came from timidity.

Blue Qian Yu looked at the back of Louis, closed his eyes, slap the forehead, crashes: "Flame, sorry, I am not clean, I can't help you ..."


Rouza Earl came to the next room, followed by him to prepare ice wine, his slow Sri's ice wine, for the order: "Let the hotel prepare for dinner, you have to digest."

"Yes." As soon as immediately do it.

At this time, another followed by rushing: "The master, Bacle is coming, together with Miss Blue Miss."

"Well." Louis is nodded and continued to drink.

"That, Zhao Jun also played with us in the stairwell." With the report from the careful letter.

"Let him let him bring them here, what's the matter, clear." Louis Bot faint command.



Soon, Bacle's figure will enter the main hall, and the Earl of Louis is still unlucky to stand the ice wine in the cup to stand up. It seems that he is warm and welcoming.

"Bacle, how can you come at this time?"

"Bo mother, you have come, everyone!"

"Louis, what is going on? I heard that you are pretending to lie to the night. Is this true?" Backer opened the Question of the mountain.

If the cold frown is crumpled, the eyes flashed with anger, indignant to the Louis Earl: "The first time I met, I thought you were a manner, and the people who didn't think you didn't think that you were so embarrassed."

Zhao Jun was hit by the nose, and his hands were holding a punch, and the question of biting his teeth: "What happened to us?"

"Hey, I thought it was a big thing, I had to worry about it. It was because of this thing." "Louis Earl is falsely smiled," Do you find Qian Yu? She now take a break next room "

Cold if Ice horses go to the next room to find Blue Qianyu, Zhao Jun also followed.

Buckl looked back at them, wrinkled, whispered: "Louis, what did you do?"

"I do what a man should do, there is nothing big." Louis Puzi shrugged.

"The night wife is a husband, how can you ????" Backer is angry with my face, "I know that you are interested in her, but I didn't expect you to make such a ridiculous thing, you are Not crazy "

"It is her forced me." Louis Bo took the mouth, remembered the afternoon, the lips were excited, "and she was very enthusiastic ..."

"I really want to be immersed by you." Bacha is angry at him, "this thing is there to go to the Queen, see how you will go. I will go to watch the night."

Said, when he turned, he walked to the door, he remembered an important issue and looked back to ask the Louis Earl. "Right, have you seen Denian?"

"No." Louis Earl shook his head and followed him to the next room.


If the cold is in a hurry to open the door, see the blue-thousand feather shirts sitting on the carpet, desperate crying, the room is borrowed, the bed is even more dirty, and there is Louis Mist passed the clothing.

Seeing this scene, the cold of cold is cold, Zhao Jun is exciting to go crazy: "Wang Ba egg, I kill you -"

He turned back to go to the Earl, but he was branch with two deaths. .

Bacha saw this scene, I feel very hurt, look back: "You see your good things you do."

"It is indeed a good thing." Louis Earl smiled, looked at the cold, "the mother, the thousand feathers are already mine, I want to marry her."

"Beast !!!" Cold if the ice is a slap in the face, and the Earl of Louis is not.

Everyone was shocked, and the Louis Earl had to recover from the body, no one moved his finger, and if the cold, if the ice dared to fight him in the face of so many people? ?

Louis Puzzy anger, but strongly pressed the anger of the chest, angryly stared in cold: "I see the mother of Qian Yu, I will bear this slap, don't have a second time."

"How is it for the second time? You kill me?" Cold if you are angry, "You are expensive as the ethius, don't know the etiquette, the mouth sounds say love thousand, do you love her? You are trapped She is not unfaithful, you can't try her. "

"It's a ridiculous." Louis Earl is completely unable to understand the thoughts of cold, "As a mother, don't you hope that the daughter is happy? Night flame is going to die, why do you want her to stick to the marriage? Even the night flames It is also difficult to die, it is also half a waste. Can a thousand feathers he can have happiness? Compared to the night's wife, marry me, isn't it a better choice? "

"Do you know what love? You just don't understand." Cold if ice is awkward, "Love is not a good bird choosing wood, not big difficulty, but life and death, no way to give up. Qian Yu and Night flaming is true love, you are just selfish, in order to meet a private desire to be in your heart. "

"You don't have to talk to me these rigons, and the thoughts are my people, she must be with me."

The Louis Earl can't hear the truth of the cold. If he can stick to a certain principle before, then now, he is not careless, he is so stubborn, since the blue thousand feathers sleep with him, that is his Woman should go with him.

What morality, those are dog fart.

"What qualifications do you have to be with you?" Blue Qianfeng's excited roaring, "You gave me medicine, forcibly possess me, it is not that I am willing, if I am now alarm, I can tell you now."

"Well, then you call the alarm." Louis Earl looked at her, "Do you want me to help you promote this?"

The voice just fell, a group of reporters came out from the elevator, and the cold face was changed, bad, if this incident was complete.

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