"This thing is strange." Blue Qian Yu thought of this afternoon, now I still feel some dare not confidence, "I found myself in the Route Bed, my clothes didn't worn, when he did not wear, at the time I am really frightened. But ... "

"But what ??" Cold asked.

Blue thousand bite bite lips, I feel very embarrassment: "But I feel that I have a relationship with him, I feel very shocked, I don't believe it, but he is very serious, it is not like It is lying. "

"Then, have you feel nothing now?" Cold asked if the ice was puzzled.

"The stomach is still uncomfortable." Blue Qian Yu frowned, "I didn't eat anything at noon today, hungry and panic, in addition, the cup of juice may really have problems, I am still a bit stomacha. Other Nothing Not a place. "

If the ice is frowned, I want to think, say -

"This is full of doubts. It is not that I am a small person's heart. I always feel that Dennea is helping the Louis Earl. In addition, you are now pregnant, take care, if you Really, I have a relationship with Louis, the body should be obviously not suitable, but you have no feeling, or you have no relationships, this is the child, or ... "

"What is either?" Blue Qian Yu asked.

If the ice is low, "Or is it him, it is not made."

Blue Qian Yu feels very speechless, not talking.

"Don't think too much, in turn, let's take a look at it." Cold if ice shot her shoulder.



Louis Court is irritated, from the hotel back to the villa's road, received the phone call from the British queen, the Queen smelled him on the phone, ordered him to return to France immediately.

Louis Earl, I want to explain a few words, the Queen is not listening, and the big hair is big, saying that he has lost the royal face, for a woman with a husband, it is booking, and the wind and rain are full, if he doesn't return to France, he will revive his Earl. Job.

The Route Earl saw the Queen's is really angry. The situation is more serious than he imagined, but he has to arrange a special plane and return to France overnight.

He also wants to do surgery tomorrow, tomorrow, now hard to force Blue Qian Yu with him, she will only be more disheveled, not as if she gives her some time, let her consider it first.

When he went back to the Queen, he explained it clearly, and the Queen's smeared, at that time, the life and death of the night flames also contrast, and he came back to the blue thousand feather, and things made a decisive.

Louis Earl wants to give Blue Qianyu text messages, but the mobile phone who thinks that Blue Thousand Feather is booked to red wine, and I have already booked, I didn't send this message, but I called a call to Danya.

There is no one for a long time, I have no one to answer, Louis Bo is hitting the third time, Deniya answers the phone, the sound is weird: "What?"

"What are you doing? I haven't mentioned the phone for a long time? Nowadays, you will not sleep with Bacle so soon?"

Louis Earl is so big to talk to Dennea.

"He hasn't come back yet." Deniya said softly, "What is going on, let's talk."

Dennea is very sad, this afternoon, she has happened to him, but now, he drives her joke with other men. .

"What? You have to ask you a good husband." Routensk did not say, "It's really a chicken, so little thing, I also called to report to Queen, gave you a big hair, and call me. One meal, but also sang me back to France. "

"That thing, you should reflect on yourself, I think Bache is not wrong." Dennea said seriously, "You really have too much ..."

"OK." Louis Earl interrupted her words, drunk, "Your husband and wife, you will always protect him, of course, I feel that I have done it, what he is doing is right."

Danieia did not speak, this afternoon, she was tossed for more than five hours, and her pain was like a scaffold. The heart was more sad, there is a feeling of humiliation, now he called to come and come to ask for guilty. She didn't have strength and energy quarrel with him, I only felt very sad.

"Okay, okay, you don't look like this." Louis Earl learned Deniega, whenever she was silent, her mood was very low, he was inherent, and the mouth, "I know your husband and wife is straight Good, I am constantly shameless, is it? "

"You call me, should it be to say this?" Dani sighed a sigh, "What's the matter, let's talk."

"So, you will always know my woman in this world." The Earl of Louis smiled -

"My special plane has been arranged. After an hour, I will take a flight back to France, but I have broken it by the mobile phone in the afternoon. I can't tell her, I want you to help me tell her, I will return to France, but I am not escaping, it's not responsible. I will come back to her. When I got the condition of the night flame, we can talk about the future. "

"Blue Qian Yu is not a fool, what happened today, she must know that I will help you about her, do you think she will care about me?" Deniya said with anger, "Even if she is willing to care, I also No face faces her ... "

"What are you doing, but you just help me about her coming out to eat meals, and is not a crime of villain, is it so embarrassing?" The Earl of Louis is a bit of a little, "You didn't do anything wrong, don't put the problem to yourself Body push, if you really don't think it is much, you will push me on my body. The culprit of this thing is me, you are not wrong. "

"Are you a good explanation?" Daniya smiled bitter, "sounded, it seems to be stunned."

"Oh, that is, you can help me, I can't let you be misunderstood." The Louis Earl smiled, "Remember, this must be turned to Qian Yu."

"Know it." Daniea smiled slightly.

"Then I hang up first, I am going to the airport." Louis Earche is ready to hang.

"Wait a minute." Daniea called him.

"Well?" Louis Earl waited for her to finish.

Dani jun bite his lips and whispered: "Happy birthday!"

"Thank you!" Louis Mud smiled slightly, lamented, "I have the happiest birthday, I have two years with you, after that, I haven't happiness, including today! Although I want to get The people who want, but the attitude of Qian Yu, let me be happy, but let me lose more ... "

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