"The feelings of the two love are happy, the melon is unwereted." Deni is sad, "Louis, when you want to know how to know how to love?"

"You say this again ..." The Earl of Louis is a bit unfortunate, "I don't like you, I have taught me. Ok, go to you to understand the husband of love."

Said, he hangs the phone ...

Daniya listened to the blind sound from the phone, the mood was very low, Louis, you don't know, these years, I have always love you, only you. .

At this time, Bacle came out from the bathroom, only on a bathrobe, and also used a towel to rub the drip on the hair, see the phone on the hand of Denneia, he asked: "Louis came.?? "

"Well." Denne nodded, "Lu Yi came, let me tell the night, said that he is going back to France."

"Today, this is too big." Bacle sighed, "Louis too much, even the dangers of people, the lady of people still pregnant, he forcibly occupying her."

"Mrs. Night is pregnant?" Danie is very surprised, she didn't know this before, fortunately, she saved the blue millet in time, otherwise she really had to be a lifetime.

"Well, I heard that pregnancy is surrounded." Bacle God is dignified, "how much this is some relationship with us, so I really feel very embarrassing, I am worried that Lu Yi will continue to entangle the night, so I will tell Queen. Just, Louis will call you, is it to complain about me? "

"He is complaining, but he will understand, this matter is going to the media, even if you don't say, the Queen will still know sooner or later." Denne is gentle, "this matter You do it right, I support you. "

"Thank you." Bachal is gratified, but there is some want to say.

"Do you want to ask me, why do you want to help Louis Tonight?" Denne understood his mind.

Bacha deeply looked at Denneya: "Denne, I know that Lu Yi will come, he can make a happy king, so the Queen hurts him, the other girls in the palace are also related to him. Ok, because of my relationship, you usually have good private hand with him, but this kind of thing violates moral ethics, and the night is the woman's woman, you usually do things very principle, how can this be so confused? I am not too understand."

"I am also very embarrassing this matter." Denne is low, whispered, "Today is the birthday of Louis, he exposes from the small, life is very bitter, it is very lonely, he tells me, Just want to ask the night to accompany him to eat a lunch, celebrate the birthday for him, I didn't expect to make this. "

"I understand." Bacle nodded, said, "I said, I can understand it, just don't do such a 'good thing in the future, this is not helping him, it is harm him. Righteousness. Many lady now hate him, they will only have a lot of stiffness between them, and the night is now falling into this, we must not snow in the snow. "

"I know, I am sorry." Daniea apologized.

"We are really sorry for the night, hehe ..." Bacle is not too comfortable. "I see if I can give some compensation, no matter what to say, this matter is related to us."

"Now even compensation, she will not accept it." Deniya hurts the ear, "I blame me, I shouldn't really feel soft, promise Louis."

"You didn't expect things to make this." Backe sat on the bed, "said that the key is Louis, too moral, his so good condition, what kind of woman don't want? Do not stare at The wife of people. "

When I heard this sentence, Denneya immediately chaotic, if Backer knows her relationship with Louis, she will not forgive them.

Bacha is a perfect husband, successful career, calm, gentle, and stickers for Denien.

Although he is 15 years old, there is a pair of children, it is twelve and ten years old, but they all live in Dubai, there is no impact on their husband and wife feelings, and the two children also like Daniea.

Daniya and Louis have grown up in the same orphanage. The two are worthy of life, but Daniyia is much mature, she is in the age of seventeen, she is working, for Louis reading, but also is less crazy, never cherish, not only not good Learning, I also like to fight, such life has been insisting on five years, Dennea gradually tired.

Once, Daniia dragged the sick body to go to the coffee shop, will pay the money to the road, but Louis took it to squandering.

Daniya finally lost patience and was completely disappointed with him, and resolutely broke up with him.

That is to, Dennea met Bachar, Bacle's maturity, gentle body stickers, Deniya, who had a heart-sought-hearted Deni, I feel that I have rely on life, so I decided to be with him.

They are a pair of perfect partners, mutual appreciation, respect each other, respect each other, have been respectful in these years, never have any contradictions, but now, Danien's mind has gradually changing ...

She found that she still did not forget Louis, although she has been forcing her own feelings, but this afternoon's emotion broke out, let her heart uncost.

It turned out that she still loved him, these years, he has been hiding in her heart and never changed. .


Daniya shook his head, did not want to think about it again, today happened, the night family must be a chaotic set, now the urgency, she has to explain the things to the blue thousand, otherwise the blue thousands of pregnancy, but also so big Mental impact, it will be very difficult to collapse.

However, what should she say?


Cold if ice comes with Blue Qian Yu to Yuan Qing's private clinic, cold if ice and Yuanqing said the blue thousand feathers, let Yuanqing give her an obstetric examination.

After the inspection of Yuan Qing, the doubt: "Qian Yu has not happened in today, there is no male JING liquid in her body."

I heard this sentence, the blushing of Blue Thousand is red, and my heart is very chaotic. Is this wrong? Or, she really did not have a relationship with Louis Earl.

"Will it be ..." Cold if the ice said, "men wear - set?"

"No." Yuan Qing is very sure, "I am a professional obstetrician doctor, this small matter can still be accurately judged, and it will never be wrong."

"What is going on here?" Cold if the ice could not touch the mind.

"I feel that I have never happened, I haven't feeled at all." Blue Qian Yu is surprised, "It turned out that it was just a blind, it is really scared to death."

"However, the expression of Louis Earl is not like lying." Cold Ruo Bing recalls the reaction of Louis Earl, I think this is very embarrassed.

"This is some strange, but then we will make it clear, go home first, and you should wait airs."

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