Blue Qian Yu is urgent to return home. Today's news spread out, and the old man is probably known. She doesn't want them to think about it, so I want to go home as soon as possible to explain it clearly.

"Well." Cold, if the ice is nodded, and the turn is clear, "Yuan Qing, in order to prove the innate white, you go with me to go to the night home."

"Okay, let's wait, I put it out of the results just now." Yuan Qing goes to print the inspection. "


"Do you say grandfather, will they believe me?" Blue Qian Yu is uneasy, "News is broadcast out, before the reporter took me, and there was the scene in the room. I am afraid I am jumping into the Yellow River. I can't wash. "

"If it is not the explanation of the vow, I can't believe that you and Louis didn't have a relationship." Cold, if the ice is lighter, "To tell the truth, I don't believe it, I feel that the night home will not believe you, after all You and the Louis Earl will pass the gossip, let alone, today this situation said no one letter, then said, Yuan Qing is our person, her proof is not necessarily useful. "

"What should I do?" Blue Qianyu hurts the ear, "The night flames will be a surgery tomorrow, and if you have this thing at this time, how do you think about me?"

"Hey ..." Cold, the ice sighed deeply.

" -" At this time, the cold mobile phone rang, she saw the electricity display, it was a strange number, whispered, "Who is this."

"It seems to be the phone of Denneya." Blue Qianyu quickly took the mobile phone, seriously, it is Danien's phone, she immediately answers the phone, "Dennea."

"Mrs. Night, I am sorry, I will call you at this time." Denne is very embarrassing, "I am very apologized today."

"Mrs. Dennea, today, I have a lot of places I don't understand, can you explain with me, why do you want to help Louis Bo lure me?" Blue Qianyu gains.

"Apollers." Dani sighed, said, "Because today is the birthday of Louis, he is from small, lonely, no birthday, he told me, I want to live this day. Take a favorite woman, then ask me to help him, and promise to assure me, he just eat meals with you, there will never have any parsive, so I promised him. I I didn't expect him to have so much ... "

"It turned out that today is really his birthday." Blue Qian Yu is still thinking that Louis Earl is lying.

Dennea was silent for a few seconds, and the courage to say: "Mrs. Night, in fact, you don't have to be too sad, today you have not had a relationship."

"How do you know?" Blue Qianfeng is shocked, she fare to think that Denne is still hidden.

Dennea didn't want to know the relationship between her and Louis, and quickly said: "I can't say too much. In short, you believe me, you and Louis Earl did not have a relationship, you did not suffer too much loss, Don't be sad, explain it with your family, I hope they can trust you, and there are Louis let me tell you, because today's things are known by the Queen, he is forced to return to France, I want to say that More, I apologize, I hang up. "

Said, Dennea will hang up the phone ...

"Please wait." Blue Qian Yu is eager to call her, "What do you know? Please tell me? Otherwise, I really jump to the Yellow River. I can't wash it. I will do surgery tomorrow. I don't want to add psychological burden to my family at this time. "

"I said that I have just finished it." Deniya said softly, "I have no good to others, the clerk is self-cleared, you believe you."

The voice just fell, Dennea hung a phone ...

Blue Qianyu returns the past, the phone tips shut down, her heart is very uneasy. .

Cold, if the ice shot, the shoulders of the blue, comfortable: "Don't think too much, now I am unfortunately, Dennea specially calls these, enough to prove the judgment of Yuanqing, we should feel conscuped Correct."

"Mom, I always feel that today's things are not right." Blue Qian Yu frowned, recalling what happened today, dignified -

"Now I think about it, Louis March is really just intended to make me with him to eat a birthday meal, and there is no more than the concealed idea. Because I am alert, I am very indifferent to him, and I doubt Qiao Qing's missing thing He is related to he feel very disappointed, so I plan to let me go.

I used juice to replace him, soon I felt uncomfortable, rushed into the bathroom and kept vomiting, he was still very concerned about me, ask me what is going on, I said it is an early pregnancy reaction, his sour words I thought that there is a problem with juice.

At that time, I responded very much. I doubt that he took medicine in the juice, because I feel that the body is fever, because of this, I angered him, he took me to the room, and he also drank a lot of wine. Some lose rationality.

Now look back, if it is really that he is in the juice, how can he take the way? Also, if he is really a planned account, when he just started, he did not need to install a good person, but also put me, anyway, after the event, I didn't hate him? Does he need to take a circle? "

"It has such a hidden love. If this is the case, it does have something to do." Cold, if you nod, if you think about it -

"And you found no? Later, when the reporters rushed over, Louis Earl did not let them take pictures like him, and the things were big, but they stopped the reporter, and I felt that he had some contradictions. I don't understand what he wants. Now I want to come, those reporters should not be what he calls, because of this, he is very troublesome, the British Queen knows this, and will definitely scold him. It is some people planning. That person deliberately creates so many things, what is the purpose? "

"I don't know ..." Blue Qian Yu shook his head, "Daniegia said that the British Queen has led Louis Bo to the British. He should not entangle me temporarily ..."

"Yes!" Cold Ruozi suddenly realized that "maybe that person is this effect."

"What do you mean?" Blue Qianfeng looked at her.

"I want to understand now, behind the scenes behind the scenes should be Wenhai." Cold, if you are excited, "You think, why do you want to see the Louis Earl, Qiao Qing will be taken μ? Because Wenhai Want to support Zhao Jun, prompting you and Louis Earl. "

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