"I don't understand, why should Wenhai do this?" Blue Qianyu asked, "He is going to align the night, why should I pull me with Louis Earl?"

Cold, if the ice looks deeply on the blue millet, he is heavy -

"The night is nothing, the night is acquired, the night old woman is stroke, and the words are unclear, the night flame is lying in the operating room, and the life is in the eve of the night. Now, only you, you Night flames don't leave, and I have a help of uncle, and the uncle, but more importantly, there is a Savior in Louis, and the night is not destroyed.

But now, you have a steady relationship with Louis in the day before the night flame surgery, the relationship is to say, according to the timer, the night old woman will completely disappoint you, then drive you out of the night. At that time, the night will lose the last support.

Wemewood can be completely smashed, let the night hits, there is nothing ... "

"Heaven, it's terrible." Blue Qian Yu is incredible with eyes, "If you are trying to speculate, then he is too vicious."

"Not only." Cold, if the ice shakes the head -

"You think, here is the United States, when there are things, Louis Earl has taken the reporters away. How is the news to the UK? It must be Wenhai dry, he knows that Lu Yugu is heart-thorough, it is shirt, soon It will find flaws, so pass the news to the Queen of the British, the British Queen knows that the Route Earl makes this kind of thing, will be very angry, and immediately ordered him to return to China.

Previous Wemewood paid the night home, every time you can find a way to solve, and the Earl of Louis is your biggest savior, now there is such a thing, Louis Earl is gone, within the short term, the British Queen is impossible to let him come to the United States. , You are uncle, you can't interfere, and I am also a powerful and insufficient, and the warm sea can pay the night. "

"What did he think of? Grandpa gave up, what did he want?" Blue Qian Yu's emotion is a bit excited.

Cold, if the night is rich, the enemy is rich, although the night is given up, the money selling the shares will come to Dongshan, and the Wemewood does not have a scruple? He is to squat and remove the root, and then have never suffered. "

"He wants to let the night go bankrupt ?? Then the family died?" "Blue Thousand Feather's hands are holding into punches."

"I think this is probably his last goal." Cold, if the ice is lighter, "Qian Yu, although we have now speculated his plan, but there is no chance to resist, I want to be Wemeworrower now start to start, what we do? It's too late, let alone is now late in the middle of the night, tomorrow's night flames are going to do surgery, we have no energy to deal with Wemai, can only be the worst plan. "

"What is going to ???" Blue Qian Yu asked nervous.

"Hey ..." Cold, if the ice is deeply sigh, "" breaking money disaster. "

"You said, give up the property of the night home?" Blue Qian Yu's eyes were humid, "That is the blood of the grandfather, he expects to use the money to make the night flames, if you give up, what should I do? The disease is good, can only be an ordinary person, will he be willing? "

"Is it unwilling to have any way?" Cold if the ice is helpless, "Now you have energy with Wen Haimou? Say cruel, the night is already so this, the Wemeworthry is going to die at night, it is easy to be confused. , I am so uncle, you can't take you, and you only dare to move your property. In short, stay in Qingshan, not afraid of firewood, we now keep your life, keep the night home, other The abandonment is all given up. "

Blue Qianyu looked up with the forehead, silently crying, the heart was twisted, but a sentence couldn't say it. Yeah, she has been exhausted, heart, and really no energy, she is very depressed, fate. I have been playing with them, and when can I end.

"The list is printed, let's go." At this time, Yuan Qing took the print order.

"Okay." Cold, if the ice is open, "Let's go back first, and discuss this thing to the night."

"Well." Blue Qianfei nodded, and now it is like this.


Three people walked out of the ward, Zhao Jun quickly greeted, worried: "Mrs. Young, the fetus is fine?"

"Nothing." Blue Qian Yu shook his head.

"Zhao Jun, just now I heard that the phone is ringing, isn't Bo Wei?" Cold Ruo Bing just heard Zhao Jun in the ward.

"Well." Zhao Jun is low, "they already know what happened today."

Blue Qianyu frowned tightly: "This is really jumping into the Yellow River."

"Go back and say it." Cold if ice shot her hand back, "the clearer is self-cleared, I believe they will believe you."



At the same time, special planes from New York to the British Paris have taken off, special plane, Louis Earl recall everything that happened today, I always feel that there is an embarrassment ...

The wine he drink today is not the same, usually, if he is drinking so much wine, maybe some drunken, but will never be built like today, there is a strong desire impulse.

Also, when he was lingering with Blue Thousands in the afternoon, she was like a human, although she was a little and scared, but she was very engraved with it, so that he was ecstatic. .

But afterwards, she was so fearful, so resisting, I didn't recognize that things happened.

Before he thought she was because she didn't want to accept this fact, so there would be such performances. Now I think about it, will there be a problem with the cup of juice, and she also has the same impulse, so I will cooperate at the time?

This will also explain the extraordinary, but those reporters, and what is Qiao Qing's disappearance?

When the cold lady and Zhao Jun came over, it didn't mention the things of Qiao Qing, this shows that Qiao Qing has no serious problem. In this case, then her disappearance is a blind, and some people deliberately transferred Zhao Jun. The trick.

That person is behind the back, it should be intentionally promoting him and blue thousand, but he is absolutely unfortunate, otherwise he will not maliciously spread that news, he clearly lets the reporter, and delete the reporter's hand. Although there are some photos pass to the Internet, it should not be so fast to pass to the Queen of the British.

What did that person think? Who is he? ? ?

Louis Bot raised his hand, closed his eyes and carefully thoughtful, suddenly thought of one thing, when he was high-profile, Wenhai once gave him a call, said that he would talk to him, but he decisively refused.

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