Louis Earl recalls, I think this is very likely that Wemai is coming out. Wemewhere has always gained the night, definitely not to collect it, now the night is still very good, but the home is still very good, once night If the flames are improved, you can go upon the mountains. When he is now in his restriction, when the night is unable to fight, the Weminghai will win the chasing, and then never suffer. .

In order to cut the only hope of the night, Wenhai is picking away, framing Blue Qian Yu, today, this happens, night home must not be blue thousands of feathers, if Blue Thousand is left, cold, cold and Lei Zhen Ting will leave the night home, and His savage will not pay attention to the night.

At that time, Wemewood can align the night at night.

In addition, even if the surgical surgery of Night flames, when he found that Blue Qian Yu left, it would be greatly hit, even if the body improved, no heart and re-revitalizing home.

Wenhai this trick is really awkward! ! !

The eyebrows of Louis Earl were tightly frowned, and he was in the world, and he didn't expect to have a warm sea.

This account, he has to pay with Wenhai sooner or later.

I don't know how Qian Yu is like. What happened, the night home must not be can't stand her, is she not very sad?

The Louis Earl is very regretted. I know this. He really shouldn't return to France. He should stay around you, accompany her through this difficult night, and then bring her back to France.

Unfortunately, it has taken off now. He is unable to change anything. When you get to Paris, the Queen's person will come to meet, will not allow him to interceach the night home.

However, I think about this opportunity, so that Qian Yu and the night home have a relationship. In a few days, I will find a way to pick her up the United States. When she can, she can be with me.

And the survival of the night home has nothing to do, Wenhai will pay for the night, and he will not hurt the thousand feathers. He should have an inch, and Qian Yu is my beloved woman. If she is there, I will never let him.

So thinking, Louis Earl's brow is fascinated, no longer think more ..


Blue Qian Yu received a call on the road, her mobile phone was broken, Xiao Han called Zhao Jun here, Zhao Jun handed her mobile phone, she hesitated, he took it: "Xiao Han!"

"What's going on? The news report is true?" "Xiao Han asked," You are really Louis Earck ... "

Blue Qian Yu is very annoyed, don't want to answer such a problem, just to avoid lightly: "No, don't worry ..."

"Isn't it mean? Is there really true?" Xiao Han's emotions were very excited. "I have long said to you. If the Louis Mud is disturbing you, you will find me, then a big thing, you Why not find me? Why do you have to make yourself so difficult ????? "

"Don't worry about me? Now Xiya makes it in pregnant, you should take care of her, my own thing, I will solve it."

Blue Qian Yu doesn't want to put Xiao Han in, these things are Wenhai, even if he knows how can he know? Is it again looking for Wemai? In addition to a blood, what role can you have?

"If you will solve it, you won't make this -" Xiao Han angry low, "Blue Qian Yu, why don't you worry? You are being entangled by men in a lifetime, I used to be me now. Earl of Louis, if there is no man to protect you, what should you do? I really regret it. I will let your hand, if you know that the night flames can't protect you, I will not give up you, die will not Give you ---- "

"What are you talking about?" Blue Qianyu said, "This kind of says don't talk about it, in case it is misunderstood by Xiaa."

"I ..." Xiao Han still wants to say something, suddenly, I still spend it, I shouted, "Xia ..."

Blue Qianfei is shocked, finished, Xia really heard?

"Xia, you listen to me ..."

The phone came to Xiao Han eager explanation, the voice of things fell, did not cry, Qin Xia excited, "I didn't let her in my heart, you have been thinking about her, then what? What am I??? "

"Don't be excited, I just want to help her, isn't you call me to help her?"

"I told you to help her, didn't ask you to return to her, you just clearly said that I regretted with me, if I don't have me, there is no child in my belly, you will not give up her ... "

"I don't mean this, we all have been together for so long, why don't you believe me?"

"I have heard of my ear. How do you believe in you? Since the night's event, you will not be absent-minded, return home, don't tell me, occasionally say a few words are also talking about her ..."

"You are really unreasonable, obviously yourself in the night, I will let me help her, now say this."

"Because I told you something else, you just ignore me, I only say her, you will react."

"You don't have trouble ..."

Blue Qian Yu heard the quarrel there, hurriedly advised: "You don't have noisy, you are not good, Xia, Xiao Han is not the meaning, you don't misunderstand."

"Qian Yu, it is not your business, you don't have to manage, I will find you later." Xiao Han said this sentence.

Blue Qian Yu is holding mobile phones, I am bother, I want to cry, I want to cry: "I am really going crazy, how can I stick to this."

"You don't think about it, this is no trust between their husband and wife, nothing to do with you." Cold Ruo ice will also give the mobile phone to Zhao Jun, "After Xiao Han called, don't turn to Qianyu, what's the matter, you let you let you let He transferred to you directly. "

"Oh." Zhao Jun should have.

"It's already chaotic, there is so much thoughtful," cold if the ice sighed, "I didn't know that Made doctor didn't come."

"You ask Leles." Blue Qian Yu is most concerned about the surgery of the night flame.

"I just hit it, the phone didn't get it, this kid is really uncomfortable." Cold if ice is a bit irritated -

"It's no wonder that Shu uncle, I'm going to be together. They both really tossed. At noon, I picked up things at home, Leizie and Fei Lei were very good. Later, Ming Ming was quarreled, and then Fei Cried away.

I let Leizie chase, and I have no audio now. You said that uncle is full of temper, but also saying that Feier is not reliable, I am worried, this feelings are temporarily, but you said that the night of the old man is expected, in case this May, the doctor is temporary, then How do I intend to people? "

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