"Heaven, Made doctor will not really come true?" Blue Qian Yu is going to cry, "Now there is more than eleven, if she can't come, what about tomorrow's surgery? We are full of hope, suddenly It falls into the bottom of the valley. "

"Qian Yu, don't worry, you have sent people to find Leizie, I believe that he will find him soon."

Cold, if the ice quickly took out the mobile phone, ready to call, the phone of Lei Zhen Ting first called, she immediately received a call, "Zhen Ting, did you find Leizie?"

"They have already come back, I received a doctor of French." Lei Zhenwei said.

"Ah, it is great." Cold if the ice is coming out, "When is it? Is it together?"

"Yes, two people went to the airport to pick Made doctor, just arrived home, I let the maid will take them to the room."

"Well, I am a little bit, I have to go back to the night, you will help me greet them, I will pass later."

"Okay, you don't have to worry, I see them probably preparing to rest, don't help anything tonight, I will say it again tomorrow morning."

"No matter what, I still have to pass in the evening, and I will give you a temporary home."

"it is good."


Hanging up the phone, if the cold is growing with a long breath: "It's okay, this thing is finally ready."

"This is good." Blue Thousand is gratified.


The car quickly opened to the night home, it was already late at night, the family was very quiet, but the living room still looked at the lights, night old, Qiao Qing, and Bo Wei sat on the sofa waiting for Blue Thousands.

Into the villa, Blue Qianyu looked at the night, the old man downs, and I couldn't help but be tight, bite the bite, gently shouted: "Grandpa."

She wants to explain what happened today, but it is difficult to stop, I don't know where to say.

The old man looked up at the blue millet, the eyes were unexpected, and they did not expect their questions, blame, but a mercy and embarrassment.

"Lady, it is really grievances." Bo Wei sad sigh.

"Grandpa, I ..." Blue Qian Yu is about to say, the night is too grand, the starter interrupted her words, and I made a gesture for Burgan. "Said," I just received a phone call from Deniya, she Take some truth with us, in short, we believe that this matter has nothing to do with you, you don't have to worry. "

"The original Denneya has played the phone." Cold if the heart of the heart is finally falling, "I am still worried about me, let's explain to you, but also bring the Yuan Qing to prove, but I always feel that the evidence is not enough. I am afraid that you don't believe it, this is good, don't explain, everyone understands. "

"Hey, everything is because of the night, the young lady will suffer from so many grievances, the old man is very embarrassed." Bao Wei said with a nozzle, "In short, this is not important, people are not important, people are fine. "

"To the right, people are fine." Cold Ruoji nodded.

"Grandpa, thank you for believe me." Blue Qianyu looked at the night old woman.

Night old woman said: "Someone ... you want ... dismantled ... night, we ... can't ... let him ... delay !!"

"Well." Blue Qianyu nodded.

"Night Old Master, you really have a deepest, understand the fare, and we don't have to pay so much for the night home." Cold if the ice is full of emotions.

"Yes, it should be." Night old crisp, "Qian Yu ... is ... night home ... ... wife, forever ... all !!!"

"Thank you." Cold if the ice is red.

"Sorry, thousands of feathers are not good, becoming your burden." Qiao Qing is very embarrassed. "If it is not me, Zhao Jun will not be cheated, you will not be framed."

"Fool, I am tired, I should be said to be sorry with you." Blue Qian Yu holds Qiao Qing's hand.

"Now everyone doesn't say this." Zhao Jun said with a smile. "

"It's hard to say anything."

Qiao Qingmu smiled, today she was fainted in the bush, when Zhao Jun found her, there was a poisonous snake to approach her, he fought, and he fought to save her, almost bite the snake, then This is very touched.

"Oh ..." Zhao Jun was embarrassed to scratch.

"To ... arrived?" The night old woman asked.

Cold Ruo, "Yes, French doctor has arrived at me, just stayed. Since there is nothing, then I have passed, I have time, French doctor should not sleep, I have to sleep Go back to negotiate with her. "

"I sent you the past." Zhao Jun said.

"No." A voice came, Lei Zhen Ting came in, "I came to pick her, you sent Yuanqing to the clinic."

"How come you?" Cold, if the ice frowned, "all left, no one in the family?"

"Isn't your son not a person?" Lei Zhen Ting was white. "They are eating late night, anyway, I am nothing, come over and pick you."

He looked at Blue Qian Yu, asked, "Qian Yu, you are nothing?"

"I am fine, thank you, Uncle, Uncle." Blue Qian Yu shook his head.

"Then let's go, take the doctor to come over and arrange the operation early tomorrow." Thunder Ting took the cold. .

"What is this doing? Herd a hurry, let go." Cold, if the ice is very angry.

"Ok, hard work."

Everyone is going out to send them, and the old Night is very grateful to everything they do for the night.

This time, Qiao Qing did not follow the cold as a cold, but she left in the night, she didn't want to bother Le Le and William, and more importantly, she wants to try to open the heart to Zhao Jun. Maybe there will be a different accident surprise.


Night is deep, although this special night, everyone can't sleep, but still have to rest.

Qiao Qing returned to the house, Blue Qian Yu is also ready to return to the house, her mood is very heavy, not only holding the surgical surgery of the night, but there are things happening today, even if she doesn't leave the night, I'm not there, if the Water Sea If you want to deal with the night, no one can confront, what should she do? Don't you really want to stay? ? ?


Thunder Ting's cross-country military vehicle opened on the way back to the cold home.

If you cave you with anger him: "Why are you doing so many people in the face? Can you pay attention? Now I am for your child, let you live here, not giving you a chance. "

"I will take your arm. Are you doing so for such a small question?" Lei Zhen Ting is white, "" Time will not be able to negotiate with Wemai tonight, tomorrow night will be a must The crime is protected by the ICAC to seize all property. "

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