"How can this be? All things will be together." Cold, if the heart is angry and anxious, "What should I say that we are unlucky, or some people deliberately arrange?"

"Half unlucky is half-arranged." Lei Zhen Ting is very calm, "the French royal family should take someone here, know that there must be a big movement, will definitely say hello to the New York authorities, Wemeworheby this is postponed for more or two days, Just together with Louis Earl, it is not possible. "

"Wenhai is too bad." Cold, if the cold is biting his teeth, "he is clearly deliberately introduced you, let you negotiate with him."

"More importantly, now negotiating." Lei Zhenjing sighed a sigh, "he dared to do this, prove that he is not afraid of me, it is estimated that he already knows, I will return home after tomorrow, in these days I can't take him, after all, strong dragon can't be the land snake. "

"What should I do?" Cold if the ice is very depressed, "" Is it really going to be banned by him? "

"You don't have to worry." Lei Zhen Ting patted her back, "the property of the night home is so big, even if the honest government should investigate, it takes a period of time, less than three months to six months, more than one year and a half, now Just temporarily freeze the property of the night home, I don't dare to swallow directly, wait for the truth, the property is still a night home. So, the night is still saved !!! "

"How to save." Cold if the ice is in a hurry, "even if the night flame surgery is successful, it is necessary to take a year and a half, and when he doesn't have a property, how do you want to step on him? He also turned over? Is there a chance? "

"So I want to find a way." Thunder Ting said calmly, "first, let the things will open tomorrow, there is a public witness, Wemewei and the authorities do not dare to swallow the property of the nightstate; second, after the operation is successful, immediately Return to Hong Kong, I have to protect, at least Water Sea, I don't dare to put them, wait for the night, I will return to the United States to win the property and company. "

After listening to these words, if the cold, if you live, I will go back for a while, and I look at him wrongly -

"You usually look like wood, I didn't expect it to have a mind, you said it is too right. If you dare to bring your honest government in Wenhai to make trouble, we will open our people, open to people around the world. The property of the night, if they dare to swallow a penny, public opinion will not let them. "

"It's not too early, hurry to do it." Lei Zhen Ting smiled reminded.

"Well." Cold Ruo Ruo immediately called Blue Thousands, put the things that Lei Zhen Ting said in detail to her, let her notify the night of the old lady and do a well-prepared plan.

When the blue thousand feathers are ready to sleep, the mobile phone is on the side, hear this news, she immediately got up and change clothes, go out to find the night old woman.

Although it has been two in the morning, the night's person is not asleep because of the surgical surgery of the night flame.

Burg is still in the room to calm the night, the old man, listen to the knocking on the door, go to open the door right: "Less grandmother, is it so late, is there anything?"

Blue Qian Yu stands at the door, I am eager to say: "Grandpa, I just received my mother's phone, Wenhai fell into the night business fraud, and will bring the people who will bring the clean government in the same morning to investigate, it is very likely to check the night home. property."

I heard this sentence, the night, Mr. Master is angry with my face, and the mouth is embarrassing.

"The old ladies have already expected those things in Wenhai today, but they didn't expect him to start so fast." Bao was angry, "he is too hate, we lose the night, do not say, now I have to hurry. What can I do now? I will do surgery tomorrow, he has so many people, not only wants to engage in our property, still want to die. How should we deal with? "

The face of the night, the face is very ugly, and the urgent hand shakes, it seems that it is in a moment.

Blue Qianyu said: "Shu Shi Shi suggested that we will announce the property of the night home, let the people do witness, then they don't dare to swallow, wait for the night flame surgery, the physical condition is almost almost, we will return to Hong Kong, Uncle Lei is, Wenhai does not dare to put us, we are touched in Hong Kong, waiting for the night flames, and then recapture our things. "

"Good !!!!" The old man shouted, "Okay, good."

"This is a good idea." Burshi is coming out, "the head of the thunder is from the government, really have a wrist."

"Since you also agree, then hurry to contact the media." Blue Qian Yu is anxious to urge, "the property will be given to you, I have to think about the night flame to do surgery, otherwise Wenhai tomorrow With that many people come to trouble, it will affect the night flaming. "

The old man is nodded, and it is very good for the opinions of Blue Qian Yu.

"To be right." Bo Wei said, "Lady, you don't have smart, these things have to be done before, otherwise I can't get it tomorrow, but where do we want to turn the young master? Jiang doctor's clinic Wenhai has always stared, go to other hospitals, he may be very unknown, what should I do when he arrives? "

"It's very simple, go to the Yuan Qing doctor there." Blue Qianyu decisively said that "the doctor's clinic is obstetrics and gynecology, the Wemewood must not think. Just we have to contact Jiang doctor tonight, put the medical equipment to use End it. "

"Okay, hurry,."

"I wake up Zhao Jun, we figure out, hurry, be sure to do it before the feet."



Bohi contacts the same relationship with the night family, and the media that I have already passed, let them come to the night at 7:00 tomorrow, and also contact Vice President and John Lawyers, ready to announce the property of the night home tomorrow.

Night Old Nightmies also found several veterans from the business world to testify, including Qin Xiang.

Blue Thousand Wake Zhao Jun, let Zhao Jun contact Jiang doctor to carry medical equipment.

Blue Qianfeng is the night to contact Yuan Qing, let Yuanqing arrange the operating room, Yuan Qing and cold if ice is a hardcore, immediately go to arrange.

After everything is connected, Dr. Jiang and Yuan Qing took the medical staff to pick up the night flames.

Everyone is all in the night, everyone is busy, and it is necessary to make the surgery tomorrow smoothly.

If you want to be very thoughtful, I will give Qiao Qing to Shen Jing, Lei Zhen Ting protects themselves, and must not allow anyone to hurt them.

At the same time, Leles and Williapi Decided to go back to France to face all questions, no longer escape ...

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