Cold, if the ice makes Lei Zhen Ting accompanied Lie and Williafi to France, no matter how the feelings between them, this matter is that there is a solution, so that the shock is not a way.

Cold, if the ice is not very clear, according to reason, Le Le is the second generation of officials, the rich family, the family is white, all aspects are good, and the Williafei is still very matching, why is the French royal room so strongly opposed to them together ?

She asked Williapi, Williafei's branch of William, said the truth: "My fiance is the French Rich, the family is competent in the political world, the family is huge, rich in the country, and our home is The royal family, but there is no real power, the father only has such a daughter, I want to revitalize the family, so I want me to marry with their family, and have reached an agreement with their family early, and witnessed by my grandmother. If it is contrary, the consequences can't afford ... "

"It turned out to be like this." Cold if the ice nodded, "What do you think?"

"Of course I don't want to marry Austen." William Feier said firmly, "He is overbearing and very horizontal, but also very metamorphosis, I hate him, my love is Leizie, I must be with Leizie. "

"But if you are with Leles, your father will be very difficult. Your family is afraid because of you, you will bear some serious consequences, don't you consider these questions?" Cold Ruozhen asked solemnly.

"Mom ..." Leigh frowned, did not understand why cold, why didn't I say this? Is this not advised to leave him?

"Your mother is self-in]" Lei Zhenting reminds him. "

Leigh is uneasy to watch William Feather, did not speak.

"I have considered these questions." Williamfi carefully looked at the cold, "I feel that happiness is not related to the potency, even if my family is really because this is not falling, it will become a civilians, it does not mean Unhappiness, I and Leisong will take care of the mummy. Use our true heart to let them pass a beautiful in this year, I think that life is better than having a powerful financial situation, but the soul is good? "

"You are a very primary, thoughtful girl." Nodded with ice, "Your thoughts are very good, I am very appreciated! However, your parents are old, and some thinking is deeply rooted, not so easy If you can change, you can't choose to escape as before, or fight with them, you have to communicate, tell them your inner thoughts, with Leizie to take out your determination and sincerity, I believe that there is no If you don't have your child's parents, they will eventually be touched by you and stand in your side. "

"Auntie is right, I know is wrong." William Feli said, "I went back with Leizie, I must tell me about me."

"This is good!" Cold if the ice is gratified, turned his head, seriously said to Leizi, "Your child is really, there is nothing to discuss with my mother, one person goes to toss, this matter, if You will tell me earlier, maybe it will not be troublesome now. "

"Sorry, mom ..."

Le Le is very embarrassed, he has no mother from a small to most, and it has been used to what is done by himself, and the father Lei Zhen Ting also treats him in the way of the strong order, never say patience like cold. The truth, analyzing the seriousness, weighing the pros and cons, let him worn orally, and take a proper way to work.

Now he really realizes how important it is a good mother, even if he has grown up, but still lacks life experience, there are many things that fall into the collision, while absorbing lessons, looking for experience, but the mother will take her Experience to him, let him avoid some errors.

"I don't want to blame you." Cold, if the Leigh's hand, the embarrassment, "You are not behind you, I have never done your mother's responsibility, so you are used to solving yourself. problem.

Although we have recognized a few years ago, many things happened around, I put most energy on her, I always feel that you are a boys, independent, cheerful, no problem, actually I ignored you, so that you got so much detour.

Leizie, this world, no matter any relationship, it is necessary to operate, even if the biological parents and children are sincere, the two sides can feel it, just like we first, can you accept me?

Think about it, the Philippist's parents are not for no reason, but there is no blood source relationship. They raise the delicate and lovely daughter to be taken away. There is even a hostile relationship between you. When you just choose strong and escape, how can you win their trust?

They are Philippine parents, they must be responsible for the future of Feier, and have the right to choose the other half of her future. If you really want to be with Fili, you should take out your own sincerity, win their trust, let them know, you will give Philippine. do you understand? "

"Understand." Lei Li looks back, "this time, I will be brave."

"This is right." If the cold smile, I said to Lei Zhen Ting, "You are also, happening this kind of thing, will only need to take the circle to Mai Mang, do not know how to bypass the circle, put you usually in the political part Is there a way to take it out? "

"Leadership lessons are, this time I will correct it." Lei Zhen Ting accompanied his face.

"Hey, or auntie, let us worry orally." Williafei said, "Uncle usually fierce, I didn't expect to listen to aunt."

"Do I usually fierce?" Lei Zhen Ting's brow wrinkled.

William Fiier is scared to say a word.

"You see you, like considering, who is not fierce?" Cold, if it is white, "Don't put your official cavity at home."

"Follow!" Thunder Ting's military ceremony.

Leizie "fell" smiled, everyone smiled.

Lei Zhenwei deeply looked at cold ice, so many years, he always educates children with his own way, always feel like it is enough, and now understands, sometimes it is a better way to use Joq.

This home, there must be cold if ice is complete, just don't know, she is willing to give him an opportunity.

The car sounded outside, the people of the French royal family have come, Lei Zhen Ting personally greeted Leizie and William, unlike the hostility as before, but the guests greeted ...

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