The French royal family met Lei Zhen Ting. The arrogant flames of the original Xingshi crimes suddenly destroyed, and Lei Zhen Ting was a big figure in international people. They had to give three points.

Lei Zhen Ting's polite greetings and said that he should take Leizie to go to the French royal to the Queen, and the parents of Williapi.

The sincere attitude of Lei Zhen Ting, let the French royal people feel very unexpected, and the atmosphere of the original sword is suddenly turned into a group.

Lei Zhen Ting's modest and their discuss, I hope to wait until the surgical surgery of Night flames is done, and go to France in the afternoon.

The leading sergeant made a call to the French Queen, and the Queen of France promised, and they wanted to treat the thunder of the passenger gas.

Cold, if you can arrange the sergeants to stay in the villa, now you have to be bright, you can get to France for a long time.

This matter is like this and the resolution, Lei Zhen Ting is sincerely sighing, and it is sometimes a step, it is really a wide sky ...


Busy a whole night, the night's thing is finally solved.

Blue Qianyu will transfer Night flames to the Nian Qing's Obstetrics Medicine Hospital.

Night, the old lady and Boke also convened a lot of trusted media, ready to wait for Wemai, on the spot, the property of the night home is public, even if they have to accept the inspection, they have to be clear, must not be blocked .


At 8 o'clock in the morning, the car of Wemewhere and the Clean Government has slowly open the night, on the road, the warm sea is crying, and there is always a bit uneasy.

Wen Dynasty and unfolbened: "The owner, now the potential will tend to be the side, the night is at all, why are you still worried?"

"It's too smooth, I don't worry." Wenhai did not say, "Although I didn't see Lei Zhen Ting in 20 years, he stepped by step, enough to prove his ability to increase, he gave me last night. At the time of the phone, I heard his voice would be inexplicable, although his son's things have made him divide God, but I always don't believe that he is so much, is it really sitting? Not like his style. "

"That is not sure." Wen Dynasty did not think of it, "Nowadays, the country is strict, and the sterile officials, he is also in the investigation period, did not dare to act rashly. Again, he said that he has always been the official clear, there is no business, no business mind , Let alone here is the United States, now things have become a foregone, can you change anything? "

"In the past, he also used a soldier under his hand. How did you forget? He is a dedicated person?" Wenhai did not say good, "even if he didn't do anything, casually, it can help the night family" "

"Will you think he is too powerful? His strategy is in military, it should not work to business." Wen Dynasty still felt that the Wemeworn was a bit worried.

"I hope that the fact is like you said." Wen Haishui sighed, "I will know if I will know."

"It's also right, I will go to the night in more than 20 minutes. You let the people of the ICAC will come quickly, overtake it to us, we don't show it, just look at it."



Cold, if the ice accompanied by the breakfast, Lei Zhen Ting sent a few clinics from escorting them to Yuanqing.

At the same time, Lei Zhen Ting took Leizie, Williapi, and the French royal people went to the night. He said, how arrogant in Wemeworry.

The living room of the night is very large, and now it is full of reporters, the president of Li and John Lawyers will take information, as well as the four gold medal lawyers of the United States have been settled to settle the property of the night home.

Financial TV, the host, the camera, and so on are all ready, only the people of the ICAC have arrived, they will be announced.


When the Wemewood team opened to the night area, he saw that many cars on the outside. He called bad: "Sure enough, I have said, Lei Zhenwei can't stand by. You look, those all are all Media reporter's car, I don't know what he wants to do? "

"He shouldn't you want to say that you are in front of the reporter? That can be said that you can't tell you." Wen Dynasty looked in the distance, "Hey, how is the French royal military official? Is it Lei Zhenping last night? Living in the night, so the French royal people find it directly? "

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry to send people to see." Wenhai is very anxious.


"Our car is far a little longer, there is really something, so quickly evacuate. I will wake up to the ICAC, don't pull me out."



The people of the ICAC walked into the night home and saw this situation in front of him.

They haven't started to talk, and Bo is first opened, and the words of the night of the old man controversy -

"I heard that people who are honesty have to investigate our night home. We are really favored. The night family has been in accordance with the law, Guangming and Leisure, for the business, I didn't expect it to be mounted. It seems that some people see our young master Not suitable, live in the resilience, so fall in the stone, come to step on us, but we are not afraid of shadow, take the initiative to check. "

"Apoget, night old master, we are also ordered." The official of the ICAC said, "Although the governor's legal representative is the night, we all clear the night, it is impossible to arrest him, we now Just collect some information to investigate, in addition, cough ... "

The official did cough a few times, carefully said, "We need to temporarily freeze all the property of the night home, and then return it to you after identifying the truth."

"The information is already ready." The president of Li, who finishes the ten boxes of the Sand, "I and the five lawyers last night, the twelve assistants made a night, and the night is always all the information at all. In addition ... "

Vice President of Li also refers to the two boxes of the other side. The property will be less than a few people. "

The official is stunned, and I didn't expect the night at night.

"Chief Executive, You Look ..." The colleagues around me refer to Lei Zhen Ting and Williapi, who is sitting in the corner. The official is glanced, scared his face, so many people, Tian, ​​it seems today night Home is really no.

"Your business is active, we just look for the lively." Williamfi said with a smile, "absolutely uninterrupted."

"Yes." Lei Zhenting should also have a sentence.

The people of the ICAC did not dare to come out, and the official was a gift to them, and the courage to rush to the vice president of Li: "You have to announce, we have to go back to the cross."

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