Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 858 is trouble and total, life and death

"Qian Yu, we are all women, women are very sensitive to the feeling of feelings ..." Qin Xia is sad -

"In fact, the problem between us is not that sentence, that sentence is just the airline, some things are very clear, but I have been self-deceived, I always say that I can talk to him, I will be with him. Waiting for a long time, one day later, the most important position in his heart will become mine, but it has been so long, there is so much thing, the position in his heart has never changed, from beginning to end, you, never change "

"Xia ..."

"Qian Yu." Qin Xia did not give a chance to defend the Blue Qianyu, smiling at her, continue to say, "I am not the employee today, you don't have to be nervous, Xiao Han's feelings for you is just a wish, I don't have it, I don't I will hate you, but these words are in my heart too long, my mood is too depressed, I can't let go, so I want to find someone to talk about it. Maybe I complained to you should not be ... "

When I said the last sentence, she left the head.

"Xia, don't say this, we are good friends."

In addition to the guest's words on this surface, Blue Qian Yu doesn't know what to say, Qin Xia said today, she doesn't know if it is true, from her perspective, since Xiao Han with Qinshiya After it, I didn't entangled her. She really felt that Xiao Han was really loved to Qin Ya, maybe the feelings were only the most clear, her bystanders did not qualify too much.

It's just that this is involved in her, although Qin Xia has again reported that she can't resent her, but she is still anefits.

"Dr. Jiang Ji said that I was not suitable for visiting the night flame, I will go first." Qin Xia interrupted the thoughts of Blue Qian Yu.

"I will send you." Blue Qian Yu reached out to help her.

"No." Qin Xia said, "You are also pregnant women, you need to take care of people, how can I let you send me, I have to take it, I will go, you will take a break, come over and take a wedding. "

"Oh, ok." Blue Qian Yu heard the last sentence, the heart was relieved, although Qin Xia had some stars, but decided to continue this wedding, then she was relieved.

"I will go first, then I saw it." Qin Xia swayed to the blue thousand feathers and turned away.

Blue Qianfeng is sent to her, and I always feel hidden.

"Some things, you don't want to be no longer." The sound of cold ice came from behind, and Blue Qian Yu looked at her. "Mom, have you heard?"

"Well." Cold if the ice nodded, sigh, "Xia is a good girl, but unfortunately, Xiao Han didn't know how to cherish."

"Even you think so?" Blue Qian Yu frowned, "I always thought they were very good ..."

"Women's intuition is very accurate, Qin Xia will have such a feeling, must be a problem with Xiao Han." Cold, if you look at her, "But you don't care too much, as long as you don't think about Xiao Han. His no longer missed you, you can't stop it, you can't change it. "


"Don't be." Cold if ice interrupted her words, said strongly, "Listen to me, you don't worry, now the night flame is not easy to success, the body is slowly recovering, the night home is grateful The property is frozen. After paying the French doctor, Yuan Qing also has the expenses of doctors, the remaining money has been almost left. It is not allowed to support this year. You should think about how to maintain this home. Don't worry about other things. "

"Speaking." Blue Qian Yu sighs a sigh of relief, "feelings, others can't arouse, I and Xiao Han is already in the past, and now I can't do anything for him, I can't do anything else. I should Put your mind in your own home ... "

"This is right." The cold, "Thousands of feathers, although the property of the night flames is only temporarily frozen, but the clean government officers should check the investigation for a year and a half, you are so big, the expenditure is not small And the night old crisew and the disease of the night flame need to be cultivated. You must use money everywhere. You are the hostess of this home, but I have to consider the problem in front of you. How to maintain this home, how to support it This home, I have to think about it now. "

"Well." Blue Qianfeng nodded, "I know, rest assured, mother, these questions I have considered, waiting for us to return to Hong Kong."

"Good." Cold, if the cold is pleased, "Qian Yu, my mother knows that you are a good child, these things don't worry, but my mother will tell you, anyway, you still have a strong backing, mother is still There are some savings, I can't do it, you can take it first, you don't have to give yourself too much pressure, know? "

"Mom, how can I move your money again? You can rest assured that I will have a way."

Blue Qian Yu said that the cloud is light, it seems to be really unfarest, but her heart is actually nothing ...

The property of the night home is sealed, in a few days, the villas and villas are in the villa, famous painting, luxury cars and other money must be sealed. In short, the night family cannot take away, and those The maid can condemn, save a spending, but in order to ensure safety, they have to stay with some bodyguards, these are already a lot of expenses, plus the night flames, night old grandfather, and small wings In drug nuance, the spending of each month is really scary.

This is not the average person to afford, so cold if ice is now a lot of blue thousand.

However, if the Blue Thousand Feelings have to hold up, she can't rely on anyone again ... she can't rely on anyone ...


Very strange, today's night is not coming to visit the night flame, usually he will come through the morning, the blue thousand people are worried that his old man is not suitable, so I have called Bo Wei, and Bo Wei took a long time to pick up the phone. Very low: "Lady, I have an affairs outside."

"Do you do this?" Blue Qian Yu felt a little strange, the night was gone, the night home was blocked, now the night is idle, how is it still doing? She is not relieved, "Is it uncomfortable?"

"No." Bao Wei whispered, "Little things, don't worry ..."

When he spoke, there was a strange voice there, "Night Old Master, troublesome you can press it here, you can take it away, it's really awarded, I used to help me before, I can't let me You sign the borrow, but now is a special period ... "

"Grandpa is asking for people to borrow money?" Blue Qianfeng feddy, emotional excited, "No, Bo, you immediately stop him."

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