Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 859 is trouble and total, life and death

"Sorry, young ladies, I have to hang it first." Bao Han directly gave the phone.

Blue Qian Yu heard the blind sound of "Dudu" there, the mood is very excited, the night old pool came out from the teenage, and a vulnerable shopping mall, the identity is honored, and the more than 30 years is famous in the European commercial circle. Strive, now the age of ninety, I have to pull down the face to find someone to borrow money, how can Zhang Qianyu make his old man suffer such an insult?

"What's going on?" Cold asked with ice.

"Grandpa went to find someone to borrow money." Blue Qian Yu said, "I am damn, I didn't think of this problem early, so that his old man was humiliated."

"Hey ..." Cold, if the heart is also very uncomfortable, "the old man is high at a lifetime, now in his later years, it is so sad. He is also, even if there is a problem now, there is me, How much savings are there, I will never go to the outside. "

"Grandpa probably not wants to trouble you, Shen Shu is just walking, how can he want your money." Blue Qian Yu is very sad, "I blame me, I should think of this problem early, I have to find solutions, this, grandfather is not This humiliation. No, I have to stop them ... "

Blue Qian Yu also took out the phone to Boke, but the number did not all dial out, and the phone of Bao was playing in, and the Blue Qian Yu hurriedly accepted, "Bo Wei."

"Young Mrs., Well, we were surrounded by a large group of media reporters," Bergao said anxiously.

"What? How will it be?" Blue Qian Yu is very unexpected, "Where are you?"

"We are in xxxxxx ..."

"Protect your grandfather, I will come right away."


Hanging up the phone, Blue Qian Yu is going to the elevator, and the cold will immediately pull her: "Qian Yu, you should not rush, or I will go, I took Wang Kai them together."


"Don't be, you stay in the hospital to keep the night flames."

If the cold is strong, the blue-thousand feather is interrupted, and the braguard is called the bodyguard Wang Kai and some other people have been running into the elevator.

Blue Qian Yu is in a hurry, but it is also sighing in his heart. Fortunately, there are moms. These years, there are many things around her, but how is it, there is always a mother to make a plan, go to the fatigue, always, take her, take care of her, Just like the direction of the road on her life, I have done all ...

Blue Qian Yu is very touched, very regret that he is young when you are young, so that she is sad for many years.


If the cold is there, there is not long. Qiao Qing and Zhao Jun have come to the hospital with a small thousand wings. Qiao Qing face is frustrated. The look is dignified, and the little killer will see Blue Qian Yu with a small mouth and wrote: " Mom, our house was taken away by the bad guys. "

"What?" "Blue Qian Yu is shocked, quickly asked Zhao Jun," What happened? "

"Today, the people of the ICAC will come to seize the house." Zhao Jun sighed, "We packed some simple baggage, it was rushed out, the night, the old man is very calm, and I will take Belt in the morning. Going out, saying is to do something, I will move things to the cold lady and just finished. "

"If you have such a big thing, why don't you tell me earlier?" Blue Qianyu asked, "the family was founded, I turned out to know."

"Sorry, young lady." Zhao Junli explained, "I recently wisted young masters, I slept very late, I was afraid to call you, I didn't call you, I want to wait for the matter, tell you. "

"Yeah, thousands of feathers, don't be angry, I told him to temporarily don't tell you, afraid that you are anxious." Qiao Qing acts, "you have slept late in the morning, I want you to sleep more."

"I have already got up, this morning, Xia came to visit the night flame, I got up." Blue Qianyu hurts the end of the brain, "Is the Integrity Private Department not to check the house a few days? How to make it now So anxious? Affirmation is also the babard of the sea. "

"It should be him." Zhao Junyi said, "He now lets his media will rumize all day, say our nightly commercial fraud, and report how we are so old, it is too hateful."

"Grandpa is definitely what he makes it." Blue Qian Yu wants to get bigger, "Otherwise, how is it so smart, just have a medium to arrive."

"What do you mean? What is the old woman?" Zhao Jun hurriedly asked.

"Hey ..." Blue Qian Yu is deeply sighing, "Grandpa went out to find someone to borrow money, who knows that it is suddenly siege ..."

"What ??? The old man is going to find someone to borrow money?"

Zhao Jun and Qiao Qing were shocked. I didn't expect nights who would do this. I thought that the night, the night is the first rich in Asia. In the European business circle is also a famous family of Herch, the old man, even if the night, even if you have a place, However, in the commercial circle, it is also popular, distinguished, and now it is so old, and there is still a low-spirited to borrow money to others, which is really sad.

"It's not good, you should take into account these questions earlier." Blue Qian Yu is very difficult, tears are like breaking the row, "I always thought, I will find a way to go back to Hong Kong, I forgot Grandpa will For us, he is afraid that I am afraid that I will find a way, I want to solve my worries for me, now they are besieged by the media, grandfather must be very embarrassing, his old man has never been such insults, I really use it ... "

Zhao Jun's fist held tightly, excited: "I will go to them."

"Well, let's take a look, they are XXXX ..." Blue Qianyu quickly urged.

Zhao Jun hurriedly left, Qiao Qing looked at his back, long sigh: "It is no wonder that the night flame should not live to hold his family, I can't understand his ideas, I always feel that money is not so important, I don't want money. The life is a stupid behavior. Now I know, I think things is too simple, maybe the money is not the most important, but falling from heaven into hell but not the average person can bear, not to mention such a family, No money is really unable to support ... "

"Yeah, now our property is sealed, the daily expenses are not reduced, I have to think about making money." Blue Qian Yu wipes tears, "the general work can not support this home, you must do business."

"Yes, do business." Qiao Qing nodded, "There is a dry mother to help you, you must do it. In addition ..."

Qiao Qing came out of a bank card from the bag to the Blue Qian Yu, "Qian Yu, when I was holding the drum last year, my dry gave me a money, said that it will give me a dowry, anyway, I Now I haven't considered marriage, this money will give you an emergency. "

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