"How is this? I can't want your money." Blue Qianyu quickly resontpected, "Qiao Qing, you have consumed in my family in these years, take care of us like a maid, and the dry is out of embarrassment and distressed You can accept this money, how can I receive it. "

"Is it a sister?" Qiao Qingyi wrinkled, "Yes, you will accept it."


"Qian Yu." At this time, the voice of the doctor's doctor came, and the blue thousand Yu looked back at her, "Yuan doctor."

"This is Miss Qin, let me transfer to you." Yuan Qing handed a gift box to Blue Qian Yu, "I just made a prenatal check in me, forgetting this to you, let me transfer it to you."

"Oh, thank you." Blue Qian Yu took a gift box, and it is some Chinese noble tonic. She is handed over to come, "I got my room."

"Yes." Followed the room with a gift box to a blue ride.

"You remember waiting for the next floor to do check, I will go down." Yuanqing is concerned about. "

"it is good."


After the Yuan Qing, Qiao Qing is forcibly in the hands of the bank card to Blue Thousand: "You should take it, the password is your birthday, I have to take the thousand wings to rest."

"Qiao Qing ..." YANG Qian Yu is about to say, Qiao Qing has hugged the child to the lounge.

Blue Qian Yu looked at this card, feeling the deposition, she feels that there is too much to be ignored by Qiaoyai ...


Blue Qian Yu has been waiting for a heart, and I don't know how the night is how they are. This is very moment, she dare not call the past.

In probably, the cold and Zhao Jun finally returned to the hospital with the night of the night. Blue Qianyu immediately welcomed: "Grandpa, you are nothing?"

The night of the old man is very low, low heads, no words.

Bao is also a look, dare not speak more.

"Zhao Jun, you will take the old crow to take a break." Cold, if it is soft.

"Well." Zhao Jun came to push the night and old, "the old man, I took you to rest."

Everyone will send them to leave, it is very quiet in the hallway, and the blue thousand: "Bo, what happened?"

"Sorry, I am not good, I don't protect my old man." Bao Wei's low-headed head -

"When the reporters rushed in, the old lady was preparing to press the handprint. They just took the scene, and then the old pokes kept taking pictures, and some scattered problems were proposed.

I can't stand it. At that time, the old man's face was very ugly. I am anxiously drive those reporters, but they will not pay attention.

Fortunately, Wang Po said, personally marched the reporters, let me temporarily stay in his office in his office, but you have been knocking in the door outside, how you are not willing to go outside. I have helpless, I have to hide the old woman, hide to the bathroom to call you ... "

"Wang Zheng?" Blue Qian Yu has not heard this name.

"It is the businessman who borrows money to the old lady." Bo Hao explained, "he has got a help of the old man, so now I am willing to borrow money to the night."

"Does he are not a guy with the warm sea? Otherwise, how do those reporters know what you traded?" Blue Qianyu asked.

"No." Cold, if the ice shook his head, "the king is always a man, he is really helping us, you should not know the journalist, I want to be Wenhai, I will send someone to the night, so I will know this. Things, so sent a reporter to trouble. "

"It turned out." Blue Qian Yu suddenly realized.

Bo Wei also said: "Wang is always a good person, the old lady asked him to borrow $ 50 million, that is not a small number, he didn't say that he had not said that now, no one dares to borrow money to night. But then The wife was known by the wife of Wang, his wife did not say anything, just prepared a loan list, let the old woman press a handprint. "

"It turned out that the grandfather prescribed by his hand is his wife." Blue Qian Yu understands the specific situation.

"Wang is in the face of our face, and the old man is not comment. He thinks that the borrowing of people, writing the loan list, pressing a handprint, I didn't expect to press the handprint When those reporters rushed in, they just like it is about it ... "

Saying here, Boldon suddenly, "this matter, I think the wife of the king may be related, otherwise, the reporter can't be so eye-catching to the office of the Mongolian, and the downstairs is all downstairs. There is no one who is not reported in advance, this is too hilarious. "

"That woman I got glanced, it looked is really not a good person." Cold, if the ice frowned, "Wang Zheng is probably following her, but those family members, we will make this. Be careful in the future. "

"It's also." Bo Yan sighed, "I really didn't expect things to make this, the money didn't borrow, but I still got it, now I don't know how the media reporters have to promote the night of the night."

"What do you say outside will let them talk, we don't pay attention to it." Blue Qian Yu sighted a sigh of relief, solemnly, "Bo, don't do this again, I know home I need money, I will find ways, don't take grandfather to borrow money. "

"I know." Bo Wei sad sigh, "After this matter, I don't want to do it anymore. When the old woman pressed, the hand was shaking, I know that he is uncomfortable, hehe ..."

Cold Rule: "The night is still sleepy now, isn't there me? My savings are enough for a while."

"Shen Jia, I really thank you, the night's lives happen, it is over, you are supported behind it." Bao is exciting.

"It's a family, don't be too seen." Cold, if you smile, "Okay, let's take a break, wait for the old lady to go home, my villa is not living, you stay in me temporarily Where there. "

"it is good."


After Bo Wei left, Blue Qianyu took the cold and sat down, grateful to: "Mom, I have lost you today."

"The mother and theare are too polite." Cold, if the ice sighed, "Qian Yu, you have to prepare your psychological, although the big storm has filed, but will have a lot of wind and rain, the future is still not Well, you have to optimism, strong, even what is the problem, and your mother holds you, know? "

"Know, thank you mother." Blue Qianyu looked with cold ice, his heart was full, in fact, the front of the road, she is not afraid, because so many people help her, support her, she believes that she must be able to walk over……

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