Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 875 is trouble and total, life and death

After saying this, Blue Qianyu hangs directly, she knows that she is so hard to listen, it is very none, but now, she must be decisive.

No longer like it, it is unclear.

"You are really cold."

A playful voice came, Blue Qian Yu looked up, touched Louis Bourke and glamorous eyes. He handed over his trousers in the trousers. The genity is elegant standing on the glass door of the restaurant, so he looks at her. "Xiao Han is infatuated with you, are you so doing?"

"What do you close?" Blue Qianyu glanced at him, put down his mobile phone and get off.

"Lady is careful." Zhao Jun reached out to help her, but the Earl of Louis has held her hand, "this hands, can no longer let other men touch."

"She is a young woman at home." Zhao Jun was angry with low drink.

"It is not very soon." Louis Earl clamped.


"Zhao Jun." Cold, if Ice, I will make a eye, indicating that he retreats, and the little can't bear, and they will make things clear tonight, and they are not rushing to this time.

"Let's go in and talk." Blue Qian Yu took the hand, and the right to cold the cold arm.

"I will come in with thousands, Louis countless?" Asked if the cold is polite.

"Of course, I don't mind, we are also a family." Louis count smiled at her.

If the ice hooks, I haven't said anything, and I will walk into the restaurant.

Zhao Jun and Aka were able to follow, but stopped under the hand of Louis.

"Don't worry, my people don't go in, except for two maids, there is no other person." Louis Earl pushed the door and did a hand gesture.

Blue Qianyu went to Zhao Jun to a peace of mind, and I walked into the restaurant with cold ice.

It is now half a half in the morning, and the restaurant should not be talented, but there is no guest in the inside, the staff is gone, only two women who are wearing a European palace.

I don't know if I'm specially arranged, the restaurant is full of colorful candles, the colorful lights are projected in every corner, the atmosphere is romantic and dreamy.

"After receiving your phone, I will let the hand arranged in the hand, although time is rush, but it is more satisfied, do you like?" Louis Earl said softly.

"You really have a very heart, just use the wrong object." Blue Qian Yu smiled faint, "If you use it on a woman who likes you, she will be touched to tears."

"Do you really feel?" Louis Earl deeply looked at the blue millet, and the brow wrinkled.

"That afternoon, you are very enthusiastic, I feel very warm, I feel, you also need me, I can understand, you before you didn't want to express inner, so I was so resistant to me, but now there is no outsiders, you don't have to Reproduction. "

"I have no camouflage." Blue Qianyu said, "After you go out in the afternoon, I will soon come, although I will not remember it, but I have done gynecological examination, and Denneia lady also I can testify for me, I really didn't have a relationship with you, your letter is good, don't believe it, this is the truth. "

"Oh!" Louis Earl felt very ridiculous, "The facts? The fact is that after I come in, you will lying on the bed, and then we will make love, I still have an afternoon !!!"

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