The Earl of Louis is very exposed, and the elders are very embarrassing next to it.

"I said it is not me, not me, don't you understand ????" Blue Qian Yu is angry, simply out, straightforward, "You said that you like me, even your woman is not me. I don't know, I don't believe that when you do that, don't you feel anything wrong? "

When I heard this sentence, the Earl of Louis was slightly wrinkled, and the eyes were blocked, and they were deep ...

That day, he seems to be a bit wrong. Blue Qianyu originally wearing a pants, but it is dressed in the dress when you do it, and the breath of her body is a bit different. She originally did not shirt powder, and there is a bit faint when they do. The fragrance, and that taste is very familiar, it seems that I have been smelling. .

Also, he had thought about him, and that day is full of coincidence, there are many things that are absolutely factors.

Perhaps, Blue Qian Yu is true, the thing that day does have a deliberate arrangement, and women who go to bed with him, it is really not her ...

"What do you think of?" Blue Qian Yu asked the opportunity, "Do you think of what is wrong?"


The Louis Earl is out of mouth, even if there is a problem, he will not admit that the people he like is that she is in front of her, even if it is a mistake that day, he has to be wrong, forced her.

"It's impossible." Blue Qian Yuxious, "It is impossible to be exactly the same. We really didn't do anything ..."

"Are you self-deception?" Louis Earl clam your eyebrows, "Don't you think you are talking about the lie? If you don't go to bed, why do I wake up, your clothes are not lying in my bed? ?? "

Blue Qian Yu lived, it did, she could not explain this problem, why did she mistake it to have a relationship with him. .

"The thing happened, this is the fact that there is no change." Louis Earl said solemnly, "I said, I used to be my woman, I like you, I can only put the feelings. Putting in the bottom, but now, since we have already had a relationship, then you have to be together. "

"Who said to be with you ..."

"I will come back this time to pick you up." Louis Earl interrupted the blue thousand words, slowly approaching her, "I am very kind, I will wait for the night flames to have behavior, then go with him Negotiation, as long as he will give up you, I can promise anything, or even give him the night. "

"What do you want to do?" Blue Qianyu got his teeth, "Even if you give the world to night flames, he will not give up me !!!"

"You are so confident to him." "Louis Earl looked at her," You are too low to earn a man's winning and loss, no night, no night flames, you don't think the property of the night home All, Wenhai and the ICAC can not move the property of the night home, a year and a half, the night flame can rise to Dongshan, if I deal with him with Wemai, he can't turn over a lifetime !!! "

"You ..." Blue Qian Yu is shocked, "he is a despicable !!!"

"It's for you." Louis Earl looked at her deeply. "I have respectful you before, I have never been overcrowd, but you don't believe me, suspicion to me, since you think I am a bad person, then I am Why bother to be a false good man? "

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