Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 878 is trouble and total, life and death

I got on the car, and I couldn't think about it: "Worse, forget that Xiao Han is talking to Louis Earl."

"I didn't say it." Blue Qianyu hurts the head of the brain, "You see him now, the nine cow is not coming back, now talking about Xiao Han, if he is against Xiao Han, what should he do ? "

"It's also." Cold, if the ice is long, "" The character of this Louis is really stubborn, I have no way to take him. "

"I will not continue to sit," Blue Qian Yu shook his head, "must have a way to solve this problem, must have ..."

"Do you want to seek Dan Niya?" Cold asked.

Blue Qian Yu did not speak, silent for a few seconds, she said to Zhao Jun: "Drive."



The car started, and Blue Qian Yu said: "Daniia is a heartbeakedery, seeking her, but this must be related to her, perhaps, there is a person can help me."

"You said ... Bacle?" Asked cold asked.

"Yes." Blue Qianfeng nodded, "Let's go find him now."

"It has been three in the morning." Cold if the ice fries, "I am afraid he has slept."

"It is like this, in order to reflect the importance of this matter." Blue Qianyu looked at the night scene outside the window, "Bache is a good person, the heart is very soft, the more pitiful, the more you will sympathize with me ..."

"Understand, then you can do it according to what you said." Cold if the ice nodded, "I have solved this thing early, so as to avoid night long dreams, I will go to Louis, I'm going to find anything. .. "

"This is the last chance, it should be a bet, I hope I can win." Blue Qian Yu is exhausted by the seat, "Zhao Jun, go back to the hospital first, go to the Century Imperial City Bacle. "

"Yes, understand." Zhao Jun knows that Blue Qian Yu does not want Louis Earl to find doubts.

"Poor children, still do so for pregnancy." Cold if ice loves to look at Blue Qian Yu, "Go to the Century Imperial City for more than forty minutes drive, let's take a break."


Blue Qianyu closed his eyes, the mind couldn't help but think of night flames, thinking that he is weak, thinking that when the warm sea forced him to transfer her to Bacle, he firmly moved his eyes and gas. The power of the mountain river.

Those past, let her feel a burst of convulsions ...

Love for so many years, there is a lot of problems in his body, and even some problems have never been corrected, but he has a loss of love for her love, and there is always no reduction.

Now, by the contrast of Xiao Han and Louis, she feels very precious in the night flame, she won't give up him, absolutely not.


After the Blue Thousand, Louis Mist sat in the center of the restaurant, listened to the romantic music, looked at the swaying candlelight, heartbeat, recall the afternoon, his heart gradually emerged, Perfume flavor, the familiar feeling, very similar, alone.

Shake your head, he didn't dare to go again, get up and prepare, the mobile phone suddenly rang, he took out the phone, it is Daniea ...

Successful, Louis Earl answering the phone: "Hey!"

"Louis, haven't slept? Didn't bother you?" Deniya asked.

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