Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 879, troubles and total, life and death

"No, I haven't slept yet." The Earl of Louis is quite casual, "" I just asked for a long time. "

Denneya in the phone said, questioning: "Is it a date, or you see you?"

"How is it? It is her take the initiative to give me." The tone of Louis is a smile. "You will not believe it? I am also a little stunned."

"She is about you, I want to tell you clearly?" Denney said coldly, "advise you not to entangle her?"

The Earl of Louis is silent. After a few seconds, he means a deep question: "How do you know? She found you?"

"She is found to be found, isn't that I help you ask for her? She certainly wants to ask me to ask." Denneia has a little deficiency, "But I have left the United States, now in Dubai."

"She said, she didn't have a relationship with me, but also said that you can testify." Louis Bojue trials, "I am wondering, how do you testify? Do you have it to go to bed?"

"No." Daniya replied very quickly, and some panic, "I, I don't know why she said that ..."

"I also feel very strange ..." The eyes of Louis Earl shouted, he felt that Dennea was not right, but he did not expose.

"What is it?" Denne asked carefully.

"I found some unsatisfactory when I got my bed." Louis Boker said, "I feel that the breath on her is somewhat different, and there is no more than the same ..."

He deliberately said half, waiting for Denne's reaction.

The phone is that Deniya is not dare, not to mention it.

Louis Pu is quiet for a few seconds, she said softly: "Will it, what do you think?"

"Maybe." Louis Capi held the hand of the wine glass slightly tight, and the eyes flashed in the eyes. "But I feel very good that day, I feel very comfortable, and I think I and her body is quite Site ... "

"Yes?" Dennea's voice trembled slightly, just two words, she didn't dare to say more.

"That day, have you gone to Starfish Hotel?" Louis Earl tried again.

This time, Deniya did not answer so fast, but waited for a few seconds and said softly: "No, I have not been to."

"Hey." Louis, I nodded, it seems to be believed in her, "Yes, do you call me, do you have anything?"

"I, I want to persuade you, don't be a big mantar again ..." Denne's voice is already unsatisfactory, "she still pregnant, the family has a big thing, her husband has just returned a life , You forced her this, she can't stand it. "

"You are really kind, I think about others everywhere." Louis Bo is a smile, "I am relieved, my woman I love, I know how to treat it."

Danieia did not speak. At this time, she didn't know what to say, her heart, had already become a group of numbers, she felt that Louis Bo is like aware of what. .

She is very afraid, afraid that the secret is exposed, when she should face him, facing Blue Qian Yu, facing ... she ourselves? ? ?

"Right, how do you return to Dubai? Are you okay with Bacle?" Louis Asked.

"We ... very good." Deni said softly, "I don't bother you, hang, good night."

"good night."

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