Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 887, troubles and total, life and death

"That blue thousand feathers? Will you let go?" Danien asked softly.

"No!" Louis Earl said firmly, "Even if it is a mistake, I will continue to be wrong."

"She doesn't love you at all. Why do you want to force people?" Dennea's emotions were a little excited. "She now still with Night flaming, you don't want people to be with you, do you think this is interesting? ? "

"Too interesting." Louis else is helpless, "like a woman who doesn't give up, lethal, the world is probably only one, the night flames make this, she still refuses him. It can be seen that her heart has not been shaken. "

"Then you still don't let go?" Denne did not understand.

"Our gambling is not over." Louis Capo turned to look at the window, "Don't you say it?" Don't you say it? We have to prove that there is no true love in this world. "

"What do you mean?" Denne asked uneasy, "What are you going to do?"

"I have always been a thousand feathers for the night flames, and the night flame is just accepting, I have to try, he will give up her for the future career and a man's self-respect."

Louis Earl stands up, "Soon, this gambling is over, our losing wins can also divide the winning !!!"

"I don't have you gambled with you?" Daniya urgently, "You let them, the night is not tossing."

"If you do things, you will have the end, you taught me." Rouza Earl said seriously, "If I won, I can harvest the love of Qian Yu like the night flames. If I lose, my heart I will finally be able to Unlock, after, I can slowly find the love that really belongs to me ... "

Say this, Louis Earl suddenly, "this gambling will soon divide the winning, up to a week, don't worry!"


"Don't bother you to rest, good night." Louis Earl did not hang up the phone, twist the karah, faintly said, "Before the gaming, you must be temporarily concealed for a few days, you can rest assured, wait After the end, I will abide by the commitment to let you leave, will give you a money. "

"Yes, thank you for the Louis Earl !!!" Kara is infertile.


Its daybreak.

Bacle's people found that the Kara is the person of the Louis, he immediately contacted the Louis Earl, but the Earl of Louis did not answer his phone.

Bacle decided to go to him personally. At this time, Danija gave him a call: "Bacle, I am at the airport, take a special plane after one hour, take a special plane, about Louis and night, you don't worry, wait I am back, explain it to you. "

"Okay, I am waiting for you." Backer respected Dennea's suggestion, although he knew that this is another relationship.


Qin Xia sat in the room for a whole night. When he was bright, Xiao Han finally came back, changed a new clothes, no other woman's fragrance, he didn't want to stimulate her.

When I got off the bus, he received a text message sent by Blue Qianfei, saying that Louis Earl had resolved, let him not take.

He didn't have a tube, canceled the original plan, because he knew the temper of Blue Thousands, once he contrast it with her, it will only be counterproductive.

I walked into the room, Xiao Han's mood was awkward, he drank a lot of wine last night, when Dai Yu seduce him, he pushed a few times, but he did not endure, he said that the man is the animal thinking. He thought he would change this problem, but he overested himself ...

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