"came back!"

I unexpectedly, Qin Xia is very calm, not crying, no temper, there is no query and inquiries, it is so quiet, look deep deeply Xiao Han.

Xiao Han opened his face, did not dare to look at her eyes, bite her lips, he whispered: "Xia, let's talk."

"Good." Qin Xica nodded quickly, "I will wait for you."

Xiao Han looked at her, her appeared was very embarrassed, her face was pale, her eyes were filled with blood, and the dark circles were scared, and there was a lightweight, let him be very embarrassed.

"You didn't sleep last night last night?" He asked softly.

"What do you say?" Qin Xia hooked the lips and smiled very cold.

"Sorry ..." Xiao Han low, "I will put water, take a shower first, eat something, take a break, let's talk again."

"No." Qin Xia's voice was weak, "didn't make it clear, I blocked in my heart, I didn't want to do anything."

"Xia ..."

"Say, who?" Qin Xia looked at him calmly, "Reassured, I will not go to the woman's trouble, you know, I am very weak, there is no courage to slap your marriage like other powerful women, Since you have any other woman around you, I can quit. "

"Xia ..." Xiao Hanxious, "I just lost last night, I, I have been forbidden for too long, plus a lot of wine, some are not awake, so talented ..."

"You don't have to explain with me." Qin Xia thoughtfully shook his head, "these processes are not important, it is important that you betray me."

"I didn't betray you in my heart, people I love or you." Xiao Han squatted in front of Qin Xia, holding her hand tightly, "Xia, the body is not terrible, is the scary thing is that the spirit is not? I am with that The woman is just a drama on the venu, in my heart, she is nothing, only you are my only wife, no one can replace. "

"Why can you say this calm?" Qin Xia looked at him like a stranger -

"Xiao Han, starting time when I know you, I know that you are not a loyal man, you never have to protect your love.

Even those years, you love thousands of feathers, but still taking other women, then there are so many things, you have changed a lot, I thought that you will change in this regard, I am wrong, wrong .

Jiangshan is easy to change, it is difficult to move. If you can't control your own half-length, then you can't affect your next half, how can I pay yourself with your child to you? "

"Xia ..."

"I know that you are very hard." Qin Xia interrupted Xiao Han's words, tired sighs -

"In that kind of thing, I am more conservative, and I pay special attention to the child. After pregnancy, I rarely have a round room, you have long been irritated, and it is stupid.

If you are in the other time, maybe I really understand you, after all, I love you so much, love is humble.

But you are actually in our newly married night, you will not return all night, you really make me sad.

Do you know why I am not crying now? Because I have already drove my tears last night, do you know why I am so calm now? Because my heart has hurts numb ... "

"Xia, give me a chance, I will not make this mistake in the future, it will never be." Xiao Hanxiao vowed to ensure that "I forgive me, good??"

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