Le Le returned a phone call to the cold, said that it could not find any news, but he also felt that his father maybe, he has decided to return to Hong Kong directly with Williapi.

Cold if the ice is lighter: "Go back to Hong Kong, I will call me immediately after the situation, I will wait for you."

"Know, mom, rest assured."


Because Thunder Ting has gone, the American ICA Government is not willing to let people, and the people of the night cannot leave the United States.

The heart of Blue Thousand is again tightened again. If the cold, if the cold explains the situation, the old man is understanding, let her not give Lei Zhen Ting too much pressure, but also laugh, I have been in the United States for decades, I am used to it. Leave it.

Bo Wei also said that now the young master has begun to recover, soon it will be fine, no one dares to deal with them ...

Although everyone is very easy and casual, cold, if you know that they are concerned, if you can't leave the United States, the night home will never have any days, don't say Wemner and Louis, the only media reporters can toss people. .


Time is very fast, and it has passed for three days.

This time, the night flames were very combined with treatment. All in accordance with Jiang Dr. said to the descendants, plus the special medicine left by French doctor, his condition is so fast, moved from the pathogenic space to VIP ward.

This morning, Xiao Han came to the hospital to visit the night flame. Blue Qian Yu met him at the door, and his eyes were filled with blood, and she looked softly. She asked softly: "How is your and Hiya?"

"Very good." Xiao Han Yang looked over the lips. In fact, he has already moved the Qin family. After three days, I didn't see Qinshiya. Qin Xia reminded him to divorce. He refused to drag it.

"That ... woman, you are still there?" Question of Blue Qian Yu Trial. "

"No." Xiao Han replied very quickly, "I haven't contacted it early."

"You don't have to explain with me, I don't believe you don't have important, the key is Hiya." Blue Qianyu smiled slightly, "Don't wait until you lose it and then think of cherish, until it is too late."

"I know." Xiao Han's low head, in fact, now he has been too late, Qin Xia has made a lawyer to send him a lawyer. This time she is really, he doesn't know, she will also So there is a bone.

"Well, you go in, the night flaming is waiting for you." Blue Qian Yu owed the body, just she heard Zhao Jun and night flaming, it seems to be a night flame to call Xiao Han.

"Well." Xiao Han went into the ward, Zhao Jun came to the door and guarded at the door.

Blue Qian Yu sees them like this, can't think about it, what is important? Why do you get such a secret secret?


"You have a lot more than I imagined." Xiao Han looked at night flames.

"The most important thing is the psychology and spirit, the psychology is full of hope, and the spirit has been supported." Night flame is also chasing him, "your body is very healthy, but the psychology and spirit seem to be very good."

"Hey, a disease is sick, become a philosopher?" Xiao Han laughed.

"You want to be a philosopher, you can see a disease." The night flames laughed.

"Hey ..." Xiao Han sat down on the chair of the bed, "Although you are suffering so much grinding, how do I think it is still very envious? Your favorite woman, love you wholeheartedly, in your distress Whoever keeps you, how happy! "

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