Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 899, trouble, life and death, 41

"Xia also loves you wholeheartedly, keeping you in your crisis!" The night flames looked at her deeply. "Don't you love her?"

Xiao Han slightly, immediately said: "How is it? I love her."

"Then why do you envy me?" The night flame said faintly, "Being a person must know enough."

"Well, tell me these rigons." Xiao Han was a eye, "said, what are you coming to me?"

"I want to ask you to help." The night flames said straightforward.

"Oh, you also have this day." Xiao Han was excited, "" I have been tall high, now I am coming to me !! "

"I am not asking you, this is what you owe me, you have to give it to me." The night flame treatment looks at him, "You don't forget, if you are not me, your company can't develop."

"Hey, I really don't understand. You are now in this look, I still dare to get high in front of me?" Xiao Han raised her eyebrows, "Do you not afraid that I will fight with them?"

"You won't." Night flames said, "Although you are not very good, in this regard, it is still a principle."

"Are you boasting, or damaged me?" Xiao Han looked at him.

"Of course it is the former." The night flames smiled slightly, "Don't say nonsense, this thing is going to do."

"Let's talk, want me to do anything for you?" Xiao Han asked.

"It is guaranteed for the night home, let us return to Hong Kong." Night flames said.

"Lei Zhen Ting is not all for you to make these procedures? How can I not give you a guarantee for you?" Xiao Han asked, "What is wrong with this?"

Night flames have no lighter -

"I don't know what is wrong. I just woke up. I can't wait to return to Hong Kong. I also let my mother contact Lei Shu, but I have been dragging it now. Although they are I didn't have anything in front of me, but I still saw it from their look, and Shushu, Shushu, should be something, and now he can't help us, I have to find another person. "

"No wonder you are not moving now." Xiao Han frowned, "I thought that your physical condition is not very stable, thousands of Yu wants to wait for you to return to Hong Kong."

"This matter can only be pleased, only you have come, Wemeworry doesn't be difficult." Night flames said, "I don't care if I don't want my grandfather, but I don't want to let Grandfather and Qian Yu are wronged. Qian Yu is absentful, I heard that there was a quiet outside, I was afraid of Louis, I saw her look, I was very uncomfortable. "

"The Louis Bojue is really a soul." Xiao Han thought that you can breathe, "I always wrapped thousands of feathers. If you don't stop me, I will find him to give him ..."

"You don't want to be chaotic." The night flames seriously warned, "he is the British royal family, you can't. If you move him, everyone must be implicated."

"I know, so I will get a hand." Xiao Han helpless sigh, "What do you plan now? Do you let him continue to entangle Qianyu?? If Lei Zhen Ting really out, you have not used it back to Hong Kong. Earl of Louis wants to entangle thousand feathers, you still can't do anything, there is ... Wenhai, if he wants to deal with you, you will return to China, he can also deal with it. "

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