Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 900, trouble and total, life and death, 42

"These I have clear." There is nothing concerns in the eyes of the Night flame, but it is very calm. "I will always think of the solution to solve the problem, just, they don't want to stay here, urgently want to return to Hong Kong, then go back. Just satisfying them a little wish. "

"Well." Xiao Han nodded, "I understand, wait for me to do this."

"Thank you." Night flames sincerely.

"For, you just said, I owe you." Xiao Han smiled bitter, "In fact, even if you don't open, I will do it, not help you, help Qian Yu."

"Don't think about my wife." Night flaming is quite serious warning, "I cherish Xiai, she is a good woman."

"Haha ..." Xiao Han smiled, "I know, let's go first. There is a message to inform you."



Zhao Jun sent Xiao Han, looking back, seeing the eyes of the night flame, it seems to be thinking, I can't persuade: "The owner, your condition has just recovered, don't give yourself too much pressure, now the situation Although some troubles, everything will always be better. "

Night flames seem to have not heard it, continue to think.

Zhao Jun saw that he didn't hear his own words, helplessly sighed, no longer say, ready to leave.

The night flame suddenly asked: "Zhao Jun, Xiao Han and Xia's wedding, have you gone?"

"Go." Zhao Jun took a head, "I am going with my wife and Shen Mrs."

"Did you see Qin Wei?" Asked the night flame.

Zhao Jun squatted and shook his head: "No, Qin Wei has disappeared for a long time, how can we see her?"

Night flames are silent, continue to think about problems.

"Master, what are you thinking?" Zhao Jun asked curiously.

"Is it particularly quiet recently?" Night Yan asked again, "Nothing action?"

"Yes." Zhao Jun nodded, "said weird, this time the warm sea is really quiet, it seems that we have no longer squatting our night home."

"Maybe he doesn't give up the revenge, just what is done." Night flames muttered, "Qian Yu told me before, Han Xiu City said to her before, he put the sin of Wenhai in Qin Wei There, Qin Xia married, Qin Wei should come back to participate in the wedding ... "

"The owner you said, Wenhai grabbed Qin Wei?" Zhao Jun suddenly realized.

"I just guess, it is still uncertain." The night flame said low, "Wenhai can be like the night, because I am ill, now I am awake, I can't sit still, I can't sit still, I have to fight back, Can no longer hurt my family. "

"But we have n'thing to do now, how do you follow Wenhai?" Zhao Jun was worried.

"We still have a life, there is a mind, this is the most precious two things, with these two things, enough to deal with Wenhai." Night flames looked at him, "Take the mobile phone, I want to call Qin Xiang "

"Yes." Zhao Jun immediately handed his mobile phone to the night flame.

The night flames have dial the call of Qin Xiang, very fast, Qin Xiang will answer: "Zhao Jun?"

"Qin uncle, is me!" Night flames and Qin Xiang have had a festival, but after things make clear, Qin Xiang forgive him.

"Night flaming ??" Qin Xiang is very unexpected, "Can you call it so fast?"

"I can not only call, but also do a lot." Night flaming said that "Qin Uncle, I want to talk to you, we will see it."

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