"How can you use your money? Or I will go." Blue Qian Yu is free to stay, "your money is alternate, etc., I will not ask you again."

"This cost is a lot, are you enough money?" Cold asked the ice, "When I met you, I met you to buy a gift, the balance was already less than."

"I also have a spare card." Blue Qian Yu's so-called spare card is Qiao Qing's savings, she didn't want to use Qiao Qing's money, but there is no way.

"Oh, if you are enough, my money stays a few days." Cold if there is not much thought.

"Well, the checkout is given to me." Blue Qian Yu said, "You also have a phone call to Grandpa, tell them, and the night flames will be discharged, let them put the home."

"The night flame is going to the hospital?" Cold if the ice is a little accident, "He does not move to Jiang Dr. Go? How did you discharge it so early?"

"I just thought about it, but the night flames said that I was not used to the hospital, and Dr. Jiang said no problem, I have had to compromise." Blue Qian Yu sighted, "I know his character, he doesn't like to live In the hospital, I will go back, and he is in my heart, and the body can be so faster. "

"That is also." Cold, I bord, "Ok, then I will call the old woman, you will check out."



Blue Qian Yu took the Qiao Qing card from the bag, thinking about the savings in the hard work of Qiao Qing, but now she has no way, and now she is tight, wait for the opportunity to give her another will.

Blue Qian Yu is found to check the bank card to check out, and the Yuanqing will not be willing to accept the cost of the package, insisted on only part of the fee.

However, Blue Qian Yu is very insisted, when she passed the card, she still paid the fees of the parlor. When she passed the card, she checked the balance, and more than two million dollars. If it is ordinary family, enough to do a lot of things. It can be more than two million US dollars for more than 2 million US dollars.

Thinking of these, the mood of Blue Qian Yu is very heavy.

Last night, the old woman hit her out with someone who borrowed money. Later, I got a headline. Migrant media put the night flames, said that he did not do it, let his wife go out to find a man to help him, and let the grandfather of the horses Go out to borrow money, there is more difficult to listen to those words ...

Blue Qian Yu does not want to happen again.

But this time half will, where is she going to find money? ? ?

I thought about it, a voice came from behind: "Qian Yu!"

"Qiao Qing!" Blue Qian Yu looks back, Qiao Qing is helping her packing bags, holding her splendid laugh, "Millennium read you every day, finally can be discharged."

"Qiao Qing, I am sorry, I just used the money on your card." Blue Qian Yu said, "I will return it later."

"Take it, I will use it, two sisters, say anything else?" Qiao Qing took her, took it out, ", this seems to be given to you last time Qin Jia. , Such a big box, how to get it. "

"Remove the packaging, put it in the bag." Blue Qian Yu said, "I went to the right to wash the hand, I have worked hard."

"Nothing, go."


Qiao Qing said by Blue Qian Yu, preparing to take it out of the bag, but found that there is still a small bag, she opened the bag, can't help but stunned, this is a one Tens of millions of dollars! ! ! !

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