"Qian Yu, Qian Yu ..." Qiao Qing hurriedly shouted.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Blue Qian Yu responded in the toilet.

"You come out and see." Qiao Qing said hastily.

Blue Qian Yu quickly organized it out: "What?"

"You see, there is a check in this." Qiao Qing handed the check to Blue Qian Yu, "100 million US dollars, my day, this quota is too big."

Blue Qianyu looks closely, horror, wide eyes: "This is Qin's check."

"Is Qinshiya released? The check is found in the tonic box." Qiao Qing said excited, "Qin Xica is really meant, knowing that you are lacking, not willing to collect her money, put the check in the supplement box, And the amount is so big, rich people are really different. "

"God, Xia is really hard, I don't know, she came to the hospital that day, I thought she came to complain." Blue Qian Yu is very embarrassed, "I have to give her a call."

"Well, she borrows so much money, I have to thank her." Qiao Qing nodded again, "With these money, we can spend the difficulties, and later the night flame is to do business, can also be used funds."

Blue Qian Yu quickly dialed Qinshiya's phone, but no one was answered. She played again, still no one answered, she was a little worried: "Xia didn't answer the phone, didn't you do?"

"No, how can the best end? Now more than 9 o'clock, pregnant women are easily sleepy, she may still sleep." Qiao Qing said.

"It's also, I gave her a text message." Blue Qianfei made a text message to Qin Xia, "Xia, I saw the check you gave, thank you very much, I want to talk to you, see SMS, please return phone."


At around 11:00, everyone packs up, ready to go home.

Yuan Qing sent people to prepare a medical car to send them back, Blue Qianyu with night flames.

The night flame is lying on the hospital bed, and the blue thousand Yu is still thinking about the check. At this time, Zhao Jun's mobile phone rang, he received the phone, and said that he said so soon? " thank you."

"What is going on?" Yue Qian Yu asked.

"Hey ..." Zhao Jun looked at the night flames, didn't know if it should be said.

"Is it not guaranteed?" Night flaming asked bluntly.

"Well." Zhao Jun nodded, handed the mobile phone to the night flame ear, and the night flames said, "Xiao Han, thank you!"

"I heard the voice of Qianyu. Why don't you look at her? You ask her for her former lover to help, she knows that she won't face it?" Asked Xiao Han.

"In front of her, I don't need to face, because she will always understand me." The night flames looked deeply with Blue Qianfeng.

Blue Qianyu nodded, yes, she didn't think this is something bad, and the night flamestro Xiao Han helps also to complete her wish.

"Okay, I lost it to you." Xiao Han felt very helpless, "I will help you arrange a special plane. Whunding?"

"Four days later." Night Flam said, "Louis Earl said that I am coming to me, I will go after he is coming."

"Is your brain broken? This kind of thing avoids, you are still waiting for him?" Xiao Han was incredible.

"Everything is a solution, if he is really entangled, avoiding can't open, it is better to say clearly."

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