Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 913 controls the lower body, overeating in the second half

"OK!!!" Xiao Han interrupts the warm sea, say coldly, "Don't talk to me again, I will flush your face."

"You really still remember the blue thousands." The brow of Wenhai is more tight, "I saw you and Qin Xia very good. Do you really have a feelings for her?"

"Of course not." Xiao Han said, "I am Aiya, I am another feeling for Qian Yu ..."

"What? Another feeling?" Wenhai could not understand.

"It is unclear with you." Xiao Han transferred the topic, "In short, the people I love now is Hiya, I also want to find her, I have not seen her outbound record?"

"Don't check, she did not leave New York at all." Wenhai immediately said.

"How do you know?" Xiao Han stunned, "Are you checked her?"

"Is this not worried about you? So I investigated it." Wenhai bitterly said, "Xia is still in Qinjia, she just didn't want to see you again, so I lively with Qin Xiang, since you love her, Think about the way to save her heart. "

"You usually be cold and ruthless, I didn't expect to be good to Xia." Xiao Han was surprised.

"Qin Xia's character is like your mother." Wen Haishi sighs a sigh of relief, "I have a sense of love for friends, and I can have a firm, for my beloved, I can pay all, unfortunately ... your mother loves the wrong person, so will Bringing tragedy, if she loves people are me, our family will be very happy. "

Xiao Han was silent, although the sin of Wemewood was deep, but he had to admit that he was very infatuated in terms of feelings.

Wenru for more than 20 years, Wemewood has been single for more than 20 years, never found another woman, this life, to be old, he is still immersed in the past memories.

And Xiao Han is in this regard, it is obviously not as good as him.

Maybe a small family grew up, Xiao Han's personality was more affected by Xiao Jinpeng, and there is no responsibility of love, I am in my own, pursue a sense of indulgence.

Therefore, he will be so light in this regard in the relationship between men and women, hurt a lot of women, even when she loves the blue thousand feathers, he still can't help but derail, and I am getting with Shen Xin. Now I am married to Qin Jia. He was seduce by her good friend.

Looking back, Xiao Han is thinking about himself, Hiya is right, if he can't help himself, how can I give her a happiness? ?

"You think about what I said." Wenhai patted Xiao Han's shoulder, "Have a good time with Xia, the man's desire, appropriate control, and control the time when you want to find a woman, you will do it. It is necessary to marry. "

"I know." Xiao Han Yang looked over, rarely gave a good face in Wemai, "I have to go out, you go back."

"Yes, go out to find Xia chasing, I am still waiting to hold the grandson." Wenhai is out of date.

"You have more descent." Xiao Han is a bit, "" The bad things do, will retribute on the descendants of the future ... "

" !!!" Wenhai reaction is very large, take a slap in the back of Xiao Han, "Crow mouth, what kind of fart? I am doing my bad things I will bear it, and I will punish the old man to punish. I will not be implicated in me. "

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