Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 914 controls the lower body, overtime, 5

Xiao Han saw the emulsling of the warm sea, and his heart would not exempt some feelings. The tone of speaking is slightly milded -

"Since you know if there is a report, why do you have to do so bad things? In time, we have enough, even if you take the night's people, the mother will not resurrect."

"Then I will not let the night family have a good day." Wenhai is a warmth, and the emotions become very paranoid, "they killed your mother, hurt me in pain, I saw it." They have been happiness, I have dope in your mother's grave, let them pay the price. "

Xiao Han brows wrinkle: "Mom's death is related to the night home, we still don't say, even if it is really related, it is also the problem of loyalty, the night flame is wrong?"

"The father's debts are repaid, the night is burned, and the night flames must be repaid for him." Wenhai out of mouth.

"That is why you said, you do so much things now, do I have to pay sins for you?" Xiao Han sharp rebuttated.

"How is it possible?" Wenhai excited anger, "Night burned, the night flames should be bonded for him. I am still alive, even if there is any sin, I will bear it, don't need you to pay for me."

"If the night is still alive, will you let go of the night flaming?" Xiao Han asked.

Wenhai was, he had to admit that Xiao Han said that he asked him, it did, with his temper personality, even if he was still alive, he would not let go of the night flame, he wants to let the night are unpacking Sun, Yong Shi will not be peaceful.

"You will not." Xiao Han has gone from his reaction, "So, according to your logic, I will be punished in the future."

"Xiao Han ..."

"I know that I can't advise you." Xiao Han smiled with a smile -

"No matter what I said, you can't change the original intention, what you want to do, do it, will not give up because I have a few words.

But you can rest assured, I have been prepared, in the future, even if I encounter any disaster, it is what I should, because I am paying attention to my father, I can't resent others.

But I will do my best, I can't let this sin continue to my son ... "

Said, Xiao Han turned and left, the head did not return, "I remember to help me lock the door when I walk!"

Wenhai looked at the back of him, and the heart was like a five-sea tumbling. It was not a taste. The ear was repeatedly echoed to Xiao Han. The matter conflicts with him, but there is no positive to work with him.

But today, this doctor, but pierced into the warm sea.

Wemewood is not afraid, don't fear anything, but also is bold than anyone, and for the purpose of the purpose, his plan can always be successfully completed.

But now, he is a little uneasy, will there be such a retribution? Old Master wants him to commit him on Xiao Han? ? ?

If so, the warmth of Jiquan will hate him, after he die, what is the face to see her? ? ?

"Master, you don't think about the lady, the night is killed, you are just in the teeth, it is not a sin, the young master will not be implicated." Wen Dynasty carefully advised.

"Yes." Wenhai is like a dream, "I just take the way, I still have to do it, I don't do anything wrong, I don't have a mistake, I should not punish me."

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