Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 915 controls the lower body, overeating in the second half

"The master, you want to be right." Nodded by the Wen Dynasty.

The eyes of Weminghai recovered the coldness of the past: "Give me an increased progress, you must force Qin Wei to hand over evidence."



Cold home.

Blue Qian Yu still feels the most comfortable at home. When you are in the hospital, you can't sleep well, go home, sleep, sleep.

Open your eyes, see the hide of the night flames, near the eyes, he just face his face, quietly looked at her, just like appreciating a beautiful picture.

"When do you wake up?" Blue Qianyu shackles his sweet smile, he is around, even if nothing, the heart is warm.

"For a while, you have slept very well last night." The night flames held the beautiful cheeks of Blue Thousands, and the thumb gently was gently Mo, "My wife is beautiful!"

"Fat, still beautiful." Blue Qian Yu is a little ashamed.

"No fat, thin." The night flames gently ought to the blue, "the pregnant woman should really be fat, but you see you, there is a few pounds of meat."

"You are not enough to be full enough?" Blue Qian Yu looked at him.

"Oh, it will not." The night flame smiled, and the favor of her forehead. "I was too worried about it during this time, waiting for me to be sick, be sure to compensate for you."

"Well, that is what it should be." Blue Qian Yu nodded.

The night flames looked at her, but she held his face and passive as the initiative, kissed him ...

They have loved for many years, and there is a quite perfect tacit understanding for the intimate, every action, every breath can easily provociate the perception of the other party.

The night flames moved, and the hands were touched by her body.

But Blue Qianyu terminated the hot kiss in time, lightly on him: "Now it's okay, your body is still weak."

"Call ~~" Night flames are somewhat lost, "I used to feel very strong, and I was not enough for ten times a night. Now I am so weak."

"Don't be like this." Blue Qianyu lighters his ears, "I am now pregnant, I am not suitable for doing it, waiting for you to be sick, the child is also born, I will compensate you again."

"It is me to compensate you." The night flame is broken, "women also need it."

"Hey ..." Blue Qian Yu can't help, gently bite the lips of the night flames. "I will take you when I need it. You can rest assured, I will not be polite with you."

"Haha, don't be polite." Night flaming is very good, he likes her, with him, no heart, no lung, this is the performance of love.

Blue Qianyu has done him again, saying is thoughtfully: "I will help you to wash."

"Well." Night flames, hard to sit up, Blue Qian Yu carefully supported him to go to the bathroom, at this time, knocking on the door outside, the sound of cold ice came, "Qian Yu, wake up? "

"Wake up, mom, wait a moment." Blue Qian Yu sat on the bathroom to the bathroom, go to the bedroom, "Mom, what happened?"

Cold, if the ice is low, "Just now, I called me, and I have been a for a while, and Xia said that I went to her today and asked if you were looking for Xia."

"Xia in New York? How did Xiao Han say she abroad?" Blue Qian Yu was very surprised.

"May Xia didn't want Xiao Han to entangle her, so they lied to him." Cold Ruo Bing said, "Yuan Qing tells me, she went to Qin Jia to check, Xiya two days ago, Xiaa moved the tire gas, now I have to go to her. "

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