Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 919 controls the next half, and lives in the second half of the birth

"Xiao Han, I ..."

"When did I say that I don't like Haya?" Xiao Han hatefully and Dai Yu, "I told you from the beginning, I just made a play for you, there is no feeling, you can't say it. Hold me and Xia, but now, you actually run the shame of Jia, a set, behind it is another set, your woman is really disgusting. "

"Xiao Han, not this ..." Dai Yu hurriedly climbed up and pulled Xiao Han, anxious explanation, "It is for them to bully me, I only say this kind of breath ..."

"Hey!" Xiao Han gave her a slap in the face, "I still want to lie to me now? Do you think I am a fool?"

Dai Yu no longer had a arrogant flame, covering red and swollen faces, excited crying: "Yes, I said that I said that? If you really love Qin Xia, how can you follow? I am going to bed? Even if I seduce you, you will not hook, and you will not love her at all because you don't love her at all. "

"You still say ..."

"She is right." Qin Xia interrupted Xiao Han's words, said sad, "If you really love me, you will not betray me."

"Xia ..."

"Everyone has the power to fight for happiness, I love you? I want to have anything wrong with you?" Dai Yu cried, "You can do a woman for business, why Women can't? If I also have the home of Qin Xiya, will you still do this? "

I heard the words of Dai Yu, the blue thousands of feathers were silent. Although she loved herself, she didn't even morality, she had to admit that these are the facts, Xiao Han, Louis Earl, even the previous Night flame They have all made a lot of excessive things for love, and Dai Yu and them are more than just nine cows.

She just didn't have the power and ability, so now she is so embarrassed. If she also has Qin Xia's home, at least she will be like the original Qin Wener.

Both said, in front of love, everyone is equal, but in fact, many people are not calm, their love will change because of different home, background, identity.

Just some people are lucky to get true love, some people will never ...

"You gave me, I don't want to see you again." Xiao Han is cool and ruthless.

"You call me?" Dai Yu sad crying, "Why don't you call me when you go to bed?"

Xiao Han didn't want to talk to her, rude grabbited her arm, I want to advance her on the elevator, but she suddenly said that everyone was shocked: "I am pregnant !!!"

Blue Qian Yu is shocked, and it looks at Dai Yu.

Qin Xia was shocked and stunned, and the earthquake in the wood chicken was in place, forgot the reaction.

"What do you say nonsense?" Xiao Han rushed to roar.

"I am pregnant, it is your child." Dai Yulai is Xiao Han's hand, almost begging, "You can't treat me so cruel, you have to be responsible for me."

"Neuropathy, do you think I am so good?" Xiao Han did not want her to care about her, forcibly pushing her away.

Dai Yuhe is refused to walk: "It's true, I just did check it in the Yuan doctor today, don't believe in the doctor."

Qin Xia looked back at the Yuan Qing stood in the corridor, forcing the excitement of exciting mood, trembling the voice asked: "Yuan doctor, is it true?"

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