Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 920 controls the lower body, overtime half 11

Yuan Qing frowned, and it is difficult to read Xiao Han and nod: "It is true, pregnant for three weeks."

Qin Xiya stunned, almost fell ...

Blue Qianyu hurriedly helped her: "Xia, don't be excited, even if she is really pregnant, it is not necessarily Xiao Han's child, they just started together, how can be so fast?"

"Just start?" Dai Yu smiled, "We got bed for the second time."

"Shut up, don't say it." Xiao Han was anxious.

"Second ..." Qin Xiya lifted the blurred eyes of tears, and she looked at Xiao Han. "The second time is in my house, she comes to visit me, I will go to see my aunt, let you entertain her, you Is that the hospitality?? "

"You really let me down." Blue Qianfei is very speechless to Xiao Han, "I still told me that day, say that you didn't touch her, in the critical time, you are doing this, you are like this?" "

Xiao Han did not speak low, and there was no saying that every sentence is now, all explanations are pale, not to mention, and he doesn't have any explanation. Dai Yu said is the fact.

Xiao Han's silence made Qin Xia completely dead, she closed her eyes, crying and shaking: "How can I fall in love with you, I am a blind eye .."

"Xia, you don't like this ..."

Blue Qian Yu is very sad, and it is sad for Qin Xia. At the same time, it is also a bottom, after so many things, she really thought he would change, but he not only did not change, also changed the category, the surface said good, It is also very bright, but behind everyone is doing that kind of thing.

Dai Yu cold eyes looked at Qin Xia, cold and said: "You don't understand him at all, do you know what he thinks in his heart? Do you know what he is eager? You don't know anything, just a taste The big lady is temper, which requires this to ask this ... "

"You said enough?" "Xiao Han roaring like thunder," If I don't drink too much, I don't have a relationship with you. Later, I am because of self-violence, so I don't want to work here. I have a lot of love, I will give it to me. "

"Yeah." Dai Yu smiled, "You don't drink much, because you know that Blue Qian Yu is on the bed with Louis, so it is awkward, borrowing wine, saying, your favorite person is not I am not Qin Xia, but a blue thousand feather ... "

"I call you to shut up !!!" Xiao Han slammed the neck of Dai Yu, and it seems to want to kill her.

Dai Yu's eyes were great, and the mouth made a low sorrow, the instinctively grabbed his hand, I want to push him open, but I can't push it.

Qin Xia felt a dizziness, the body softly fell ...

"Xia!" Blue Qian Yu quickly supported Qin Xia, the situation is so increasingly chaotic, she feels that the head is about to explode, not to mention Qin Xia.

Xiao Han saw Qinshiya coma, immediately collected his hand, turned to pose Qin Xia rushed into the ward: "Doctor, fast!"

Yuan Qing hurried inked in Qin Xia, blue Qian Yu is anxious to follow, the bodyguards are waiting outside the door, and no one is close to half.

Only the wolf is unbearable in the hallway, she fell on the ground, the breath of the big mouth, no one would pay attention to her, the past medical staff use a different gaze to lose her ...

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